Chapter 501 Torn! (Please subscribe!)

And the people at the root heard Zhizhen’s words, and they were immediately stunned.

What does it mean?

Aburame Shima, this guy is going to openly fight against Lord Danzo! ?

Where does his courage come from! ?

Fighting with Orochimaru, is it really crazy?

“What do you mean!?” The root person was taken aback for a moment, and then asked quickly.

Zhizhen said lightly after hearing the words: “It means literally.”

His tone was calm, and he couldn’t see any aggressive emotions at all.

“What you mean, I can understand that you are Konoha’s ninja, but you are going to be an enemy of Danzo-sama, right?” Gen’s person asked coldly.

At this moment, they were also serious, without any ambiguity.

“Enemy? It’s not that serious. After all, Lord Danzo is Lord Danzo.” Zhizhen denied with a smile, “This time, it’s just because you disgust me.”

nausea? Although Zhizhen denies that he is an enemy of Danzo, this is not disgusting. Who is Danzo?

Who can’t hear what he meant to be against Danzo in his words.

The members of Gen suddenly became angry when he heard this, staring at Zhizhen for a while, and said: “What you mean, I will pass it on to Master Danzo clearly.”

Completely and completely, the eight words clearly bite extremely hard, and the threat is beyond words.

“That’s the best.” Zhizhen didn’t fear the threats of Gen members, and said: “Go back and tell Danzo that Fu is now under my protection. He wants someone to ask him to come to me personally.”

Kakashi frowned when he said this, but he didn’t stop it.

He had already seen that Zhizhen wanted to go to the stage to fight Danzo.

Up to now, Danzo will have to deal with it, no matter whether there is such a thing as today or not.

This is something that Third Generation personally set after knowing that Danzo knew about Orochimaru’s plan.

For a long time, the Third Generation faction and the Danzo faction can be described as distinct.

Even so, on the face of it, no one on the Third Generation side is openly opposed to Danzo.

Any problems are handled privately by Third Generation, and rarely against Danzo publicly.

The boss doesn’t act, Kakashi, Nara Luji and others will naturally not take the initiative to trouble Danzo.

Now Zhizhen broke this situation and blatantly targeted Danzo.

There is no problem in doing this, but the timing is too delicate.

However, although I don’t know why Shizhen chose this time to act, Kakashi knows Shizhen, he knows Shizhen must have his own reasons, and it is by no means reckless to act.

Zhizhen naturally did not act recklessly. He also knew the current state of affairs. His actions just now were the answers he came up with after thinking.

And taking the roots also said, Danzo has a murderous intention to him at all. I was thinking of killing someone with a knife, and using Orochimaru’s knife to kill him.

Therefore, Zhizhen didn’t bother to talk to Danzo, so he simply pointed out that he was happy.

One more thing, even if Danzo does come to him, Zhizhen is not afraid.

Now he is not afraid to fight Danzo. Although he is not sure of being unsuccessful, he is really worthwhile.

What about Sharingan with full hands, what about Distinguished Heavenly Gods?

Even if he was hit, the big deal was that Summoning had a sword and the guard of Juyegu, plus Sage Mode, Danzo would not be hacked to death, he would lose.

Gen people were really surprised when they heard Zhizhen’s words. They didn’t expect Zhizhen to be so tough.

Far tougher than Danzo imagined!

But they didn’t say much. The leader just took a deep look at Zhizhen and said: “Aburame Zhizhen, you will pay for your arrogant talk.”

“Teach anytime.” Zhizhen’s group was calm and extremely calm.

“Hmph!” With a cold snort, the people at the root were not talking too much. The leading member waved his hand, and more than twenty people retreated immediately.

As soon as the people at the root left, Asuma frowned and said, “Jizhen, why are you doing this? It’s so reckless!”

Zhizhen looked back and saw Asuma look worried, and smiled suddenly: “Senior Asuma, don’t worry, I have my reasons for doing this.”

Asuma frowned, Kakashi turned his head and asked, “Have an idea?”

“Yeah.” Zhizhen was also unambiguous, and nodded decisively: “I’m not messing around.”

Seeing Zhizhen’s admission, Kakashi also relieved his heart and said, “Speak clearly in a while.”

“Naturally it should be.” Zhizhen replied, looked at Asuma, and said, “I will report this to Master Hokage, senior, you don’t need to worry.”

Asuma looked at Zhizhen after hearing this, then looked at Kakashi, touched his beard, his eyes flashed: “I always think you have something to hide from me, what are you doing with the old man?”

Kakashi spread his hands: “Well, it’s not a bad thing anyway.”

Kakashi didn’t deny it, and Asuma didn’t ask much. As a mature ninja, he knew that Kakashi didn’t deliberately hide it from him, but Third Generation didn’t tell him.

Since I didn’t tell him, it shows that Third Generation has its own reasons.

“Forget it.” Asuma looked at Zhizhen, and said: “Anyway, Zhizhen, don’t try to behave if there is anything, it’s not going to work, remember to ask us for help, you know?”

“Yes, senior.” Zhizhen immediately responded.

“That, thank you, sunglasses examiner.”

When Shizhen was talking with Kakashi and Asuma, Fu’s voice rang.

Zhizhen looked back and saw Fu looking at him seriously.

Zhizhen smiled and said, “You’re welcome, Fu. Don’t worry, with me, you won’t suffer any harm in Konoha.”

Fu nodded and took a deep look at Zhizhen. It was the first time that he had encountered an “outsider” who defended him like this.

Zhizhen’s various actions and words left a deep impression on Fu.

Lin Heming was also grateful for Zhizhen’s maintenance, and he immediately bent over ninety degrees to Zhizhen: “Examiner, thank you.”

Zhizhen stretched out his hand and raised it falsely, saying: “This is my responsibility, I can’t control other places, but since you are in Konoha, I have the responsibility to protect your integrity, you don’t have to worry about it.”

Lin Heming took a grateful look at Zhizhen when he heard the words. Ming thought about it, and said, “Examiner, you are dealing with high-level officials for our sake, and we will remember it in our hearts.”

“Haha, it’s not for you, no matter whether you are there or not, I’ll have sex with him.” Zhizhen said truthfully.

Lin Dao: “Even so, you have protected us after all.”

The two looked at each other, and they both understood the meaning in each other’s eyes.

Lin Dao: “Your opponent is very troublesome? My lord, if you have any needs, please let us know and we will help you.”

After hearing this, Fu gave Lin Heming a surprised look. She didn’t expect Lin Heming to say such a thing.

But she didn’t have any objection, because of her character, she wished to bother to come to the door.

Zhizhen took a look at the two of them. He wanted to refuse and wanted to face Danzo. What can you two do?

But then I thought about it, since Lin Heming said such a thing, it was after careful consideration to get the answer.

Zhizhen couldn’t refuse this kindness, so Zhizhen smiled and expressed his gratitude: “Thank you, I will.”

Seeing Zhizhen’s promise, the two smiled immediately and nodded heavily.

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