Chapter 537 Finale! (Please subscribe!)

Shizhen did not delay time, and directly announced loudly: “Seventh game, Kirigakure Asakusa, Iwagakure Kujo Hirayasu vs. Konoha Village Rock Lee, Sandyin Village Gaara!”

As soon as the words came out, everyone immediately concentrated, and both Jōnin and Genin looked in the same direction, that is, Gaara.

The son of Fourth Kazekage is finally going to play.

If you say who gets the most attention in this game, it is undoubtedly Gaara.

Although Wusuo Lihua and Tufangyansi are the same seeded players as him, Gaara’s identity is undoubtedly more interesting.

“The gourd baby is finally going to play.” Wusuo Lihua looked at Gaara carefully, frowning slightly.

The breath on this guy is really uncomfortable.

And the gourd behind him, how annoying it looks!

Fu was full of interest: “I can finally see his power.”

Lin and Ming suddenly became nervous when they heard this. Because of Fu’s relationship, they already knew that Gaara was Jinchūriki.

The name Jinchūriki is really a deterrent for ordinary people like them.

Gaara didn’t say a word, her whole body turned into sand, and the next moment she fell to the ground.

Suddenly a small amount of flying sand appeared out of thin air in the dilapidated venue, and Gaara’s figure appeared in the sand.

He embraced his hands, picked it up coldly, and said, “Get down quickly.”

Asakusa chuckled, without any fear on his face, moved his shoulders, and said, “Then I will go.”

“Come on, Asakusa-kun.” Toriyu immediately cheered for his partner.

Attendant Asakusa smiled and patted Touyu on the shoulder, and said, “Be careful, that guy is not an ordinary person.”

Without cutting a word, he has lived on the edge of the knife all the year round, and at a glance he can see that Gaara kills like a chicken.

“Yes, sir.” Asakusa Shigen replied indifferently, turned over and stepped down, and landed not far from Gaara.

Seeing his teammate step down, Kujo Hirayasu was ready to go down without delay.

“Be careful, Hirayasu.” Tsujido narrowed his eyes and made the same exhortation not to cut again.

“Yes, Mr. Tsujido.” Kujo Hirayasu nodded and agreed.

“Fight hard, Pingkang.” Many parties cheered for their partners.

Pingkang looked up and everyone gave him a look of encouragement, including the Tufangyan Temple.

Suddenly, Pingkang felt encouraged, and immediately made up his mind that he must play a beautiful finale.

Thinking about it, Pingyao stepped down and came to Asakusa.

“Hello, Kujo Pingkang.” Pingkang said lightly and introduced himself.

Asakusa responded with a smile: “Asakusa, please show me a lot.”

After making a simple acquaintance, the two looked at Gaara together, Gaara looked at them coldly, without any emotion on his face.

On Konoha’s side, Xiao Li kicked out excitedly: “Yo Xi, it’s finally my turn to be the finale!”

“Haha, Lee, do well, I’m looking forward to it!” Guy gave a thumbs up.

“Of course, Mr. Guy, I will win the victory beautifully!” Xiao Li was confident.

“This is my disciple!” Guy praised, but he also gave advice: “But don’t underestimate the opponent. The opponent is the alternate of the Ninja Seven. That Iwagakure also entered the semifinals, at least some. strength.”

“Yes, Mr. Guy!” Xiao Li took it down seriously.

Guy nodded and said, “Of course there is also your teammate in this session, that Fourth Kazekage kid, Gaara.”

Having said that, Guy cautiously said: “Moreover, I found an important thing, maybe no one has noticed, Li, the gourd behind Gaara is suspicious! Maybe he might be carrying something like Zhizhen.”

“That’s it!” Xiao Li suddenly realized that he quickly took out his notebook and wrote it down.

Guy immediately slapped him and said, “What to remember, do you still look through your notebook between exams?”

With a face of being taught, Xiao Li still wrote down what Guy said.

Kakashi, Naruto, they were speechless when they watched Guy and Xiao Li’s tricks, maybe no one noticed Gaara’s gourd?

It’s an international joke, whoever sees Gaara will pay attention to his gourd!

Everyone murmured silently, little Sakura looked at the stupid little Li, and proactively said: “Come on, Xiao Li, I believe you will win.”

Tenten also said, “Lee, come on, surprise everyone!”

Listening to Xiao Sakura and Tenten cheering, Xiao Li suddenly became excited and said, “Yes, I will cheer!”

“Hey, watermelon head, if I lose, I will laugh at you!” Naruto also cheered for Xiao Li.

Hearing this, Xiao Li smiled lightly, revealing a confident look: “Don’t worry, Naruto-kun. I’m still waiting to compete with you and Sasuke-kun in the final!”

“Huh.” Sasuke smiled proudly, and said: “Spend through this first, let’s talk about it!”

After the life and death in the death forest, everyone’s relationship has improved, and there is no such consideration between words.

Li gave a thumbs up, immediately turned over and stepped off the stage, making a handsome posture, then his feet slipped, and he immediately sat on the ground.


Many Genins suddenly laughed when they saw this, and suddenly looked down upon Xiao Li in their hearts.

Coupled with Xiao Li’s shameful look, everyone looks down on him a little bit.

Xiao Li didn’t care, patted his butt and got up: “My feet slipped.”

With that, Xiao Li jumped down to Gaara’s side.

“Konoha’s, as expected, they are all weird guys. Even this kind of stuff can be played.” Temari immediately said sarcastically: “I hope he doesn’t drag Gaara back.”

“It doesn’t matter if you drag your legs back.” Kankuro said: “With Gaara’s ability, it doesn’t matter if the opponent is disabled.”

“That’s true.” Temari chuckled lightly.

This was spoken loudly, and many people in the audience heard it, and the eyes that looked at Kankuro and Temari suddenly became uncomfortable.

So arrogant? Everyone snorted coldly, and they wanted to see what this guy was capable of.

“It’s really trusted, Gaara-kun, he deserves to be the son of Fourth Kazekage.” Xiao Li didn’t feel anything, but praised him.

Gaara glanced at Xiao Li coldly, said nothing, and said in his heart: “Let’s kill this guy together in a while.”

Xiao Li didn’t care, and didn’t know that Gaara had already thought about him.

As it was the last one, Zhizhen also stepped forward from a distance.

Seeing Zhizhen coming, Xiao Li immediately said hello: “Senior Zhizhen!”

Zhizhen nodded with a smile, glanced around the four people on the field, and said: “This is the last one. I hope you can play a wonderful game without regrets and leave good results.”

For Zhizhen, Asakusa and Kujo Hirayasu are both respectful. After all, Zhizhen is indeed strong enough in their eyes, not much more than their teachers.

Asakusa nodded immediately: “Thank you, for your kind words.”

“Yes, examiner.” Kujo Hirayasu also said.

Xiao Li directly gave a thumbs up: “Senior, I will definitely win.”

Zhizhen nodded and looked at Gaara, Gaara also looked at him, with a rare smile on his face.

Of course, this smile is full of murderous intent.

Zhizhen raised his eyebrows, how he couldn’t feel Gaara’s fighting spirit towards him, he smiled helplessly, and said, “You too, Gaara.”

Gaara was stunned when he heard the words, and his smile faded. He heard something from Zhizhen’s simple words that he hadn’t felt for a long time. It was caring.

Of course, this is not a concern among friends, but a kind of concern from seniors to younger generations.

Gaara was surprised for a moment, but converged, and gave Zhizhen a cold look without saying a word.

However, although indifferent, the killing intent was instantly weakened a lot.

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