Chapter 555 Add fuel to the fire! (Please subscribe!)

What kind of situation is this again! ? Everyone was stunned again.

Feeling the surging Chakra from Gaara’s body, everyone was shocked again, what a monster this is!

Kakashi picked up the forehead protector again and watched Gaara with Sharingan, his face couldn’t stop shocked: “This kind of Chakra, could it be…”

With the blessing of Sharingan’s power, Kakashi clearly sees things that most people can’t see.

“Tailed beast…” Kakashi’s eyelids jumped wildly, and during an exam, three Jinchūriki gathered, how is this possible! ?

But Kakashi didn’t say anything, but was just ready to shoot anytime and anywhere.

He looked at Naruto for the first time and saw that although Naruto’s eyes were full of shock, there was no sign of Nine Tails Chakra leaking.

The heart hung high, so it was slightly lowered, and his attention was focused on Gaara’s body.

Naruto and Fu, their eyes widened, and Gaara used his power for a moment, and they felt a restlessness in their bodies.

Especially Naruto, the feeling is particularly strong, as if something is gushing out of his body.

Obviously, the influence of Gaara’s power manifestation is far greater than that of Fu’s influence on Naruto.

The former was full of shock, while the latter’s beautiful eyes flashed, and his eyes lit up: “Xiao Ming, which tail beast is this!?”

“Humph.” Chōmei snorted coldly, disdainfully said: “It’s just a stinky civet cat.”

“???” Fu didn’t understand, but she heard that Chōmei and One Tail had a bad relationship, and became more curious in her heart. It turns out that there are civet cats in the tail beast.

I don’t know if it’s cute or not.

As for Lin Heming, the two of them are naturally extremely nervous.

This Jinchūriki, are you crazy? ?

The two immediately protected Fu, for fear that Gaara would attack Fu in anger.

Of course, they were not afraid of Fu losing, but under the lead of Gaara, Fu also ran away.

Zhizhen leaped forward and took a step forward. He immediately regained his energy, and his heart was shocked.

Gaara let One Tail possess! ? This… This is going to cause trouble!

Japan, this is the last exam, why so much shit!

Isn’t it okay for An Ansheng to finish playing? He has to come out all the moths.

Zhizhen quickly thought about the countermeasures, thinking that he might have to take action when necessary.

Xiao Li Hepingkang was shocked by Gaara’s changes. The former looked concerned and asked in surprise: “Gaara-kun! What are you doing?”

“Go away!” Gaara sneered coldly, her voice full of murderous intent.

Before he finished speaking, Gaara immediately grabbed Xiao Li with a paw, and Xiao Li quickly avoided, with surprise on his face.

Everyone was also surprised, what’s this? Another neurosis! ?

Gaara ignored Xiao Li when she heard the words, but stared at Asakusa in the distance, looking like she wanted to eat Asakusa.

Feeling Gaara’s evil, Asakusa seemed to get excited and laughed again.

However, Asakusa’s laughter seemed to irritate Gaara. Gaara immediately screamed, screamed, and rushed to the location of Asakusa, hitting the ground with a heavy paw, and the smoke was everywhere, full of power!

Asakusa chuckled and avoided, slashing at Gaara with a long knife in his hand.

Gaara blocked his arm and Asakusa’s knife sank in the sand.

Immediately, Gaara waved hard and immediately pushed Asakusa back, and then Gaara attacked again.

The two fought together.

Everyone was secretly shocked, Gaara’s power seemed to have been greatly increased, as can be seen from the just hit.

But this kid’s murderous aura is too heavy.

Gaara’s power of the tail beast is different from that of Fu, probably because it only has a tail, and the tail beast’s coat is not good-looking, so it has been replaced with this kind of relying appearance.

Except for Kakashi, the other Jōnin didn’t realize that this was the power of the tail beast for a while, only when Gaara also used some evil demon secret technique.

Asakusa did the same. With the appearance of his mask, his power became stronger. It seems that this technique will grow over time?

Everyone couldn’t help but guess.

Seeing Gaara’s crazy appearance, Kankuro and Temari suddenly showed a worried look, and immediately yelled at the Kirigakure man: “Hey, Kirigakure’s, what is going on!?”

“It’s probably because of Asakusa’s attack. During the activation of this technique, it seems that Asakusa’s attack will carry a kind of evil negative emotions and affect the enemy.” Wusuo Lihua’s face was also a little ugly.

She had already seen that Gaara really wanted to kill.

Kankuro was so angry when he heard the words, his eyes widened, he couldn’t say a word, only a word in his mind.

MMP, Kirigakure is harmful!

Negative emotions, the neurotic attack actually has such an effect, it is no exaggeration to say that this is purely adding fuel to the fire.

It’s not an exaggeration to say that Gaara still has less negative emotions? It’s rare to see that it’s better now, and I stabilized myself in this exam.

However, this bastard actually shook Gaara’s killing intent!

How can this be done?

Kankuro looked at Temari, and the two looked at each other before looking at Baki.

A drop of cold sweat dripped from Baki’s forehead, and he looked at Gaara who was chasing Asakusa and said, “It must be stopped before things get worse.”

Kankuro and Temari nodded, this is the right choice.

After all, Baki is ready to do it.

However, as soon as he took a step, Gaara noticed it, and he immediately sneered: “Don’t get in the way, or you will be killed!”

As soon as these words came out, the Baki trio were shocked. Gaara is determined to kill the neurosis!

But frightened by Gaara’s threats, the Baki trio didn’t dare to act rashly.

Kankuro and Temari don’t need to mention, they are naturally afraid that Gaara will kill them.

Baki is naturally not afraid, but he is afraid that his forcible action will make Gaara even more angry.

For a while, Baki didn’t dare to move rashly, and could only look at Zhizhen as if he asked for help.

Seeing Gaara and Asakusa fighting more and more frantically, Zhizhen was ready to shoot without hesitation.

However, before Zhizhen had time to act, Xiao Li moved first.

Xiao Li and Pingkang stood in the distance watching the battle between the two. Pingkang looked confused, as if who I am and what should I do.

Pingyao hesitated, he didn’t know if he should step forward to prevent Gaara and Asakusa from fighting.

If he didn’t go up, it seemed unreasonable. As a combatant on the field, he didn’t seem to have watched the situation worsen.

But going up, what should I do if my hands are discounted?

Just as he hesitated, Xiao Li acted without hesitation.

He dashed to the middle of Gaara and Asakusa, blocking Gaara’s claws with the cross arm of his right hand, and pressing Asakusa’s wrist with his left hand.

When everyone saw this, they secretly praised this young man with thick eyebrows.

With one move, Asakusa and Gaara can be blocked in such a state.

Xiao Li Zhengshi: “Asakusa -kun, Gaara -kun, calm down!”

“Hehehe.” Asakusa continued to smile like a neurotic.

Compared to him, Gaara is much more direct, and immediately shouted: “Go to death!”

He grabbed Xiao Li’s arm, pulled it hard, and threw it back. Xiao Li was immediately thrown out with a strong force!

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