Chapter 604 Shadow Clone recites calligraphy! (Please subscribe!)

“It hurts, it hurts!” Zhizhen covered his head, his face was lumped into a ball, obviously he was hit hard.

Countless things fell on him, Zhizhen hurriedly protected his head, and in a short time, he was buried underneath.

When there was no movement, Zhizhen got up from the buried pile and took a closer look. It was nothing else but a cabinet full of book scrolls.

Zhizhen was instantly stunned, and looked up, where he was still sitting on the platform at the moment, clearly he had reached the corner of the room.

Combining the pain in his head just now, and the scrolls scattered all over the floor, Zhizhen suddenly understood.

“I teleported just now?” Zhizhen looked dazed. In the situation just now, it was clear that he was teleported, and then his head hit the cabinet.

Zhizhen rubbed his head and was very surprised. What’s the matter? He had already failed just now, so he could still be teleported?

But why is it transmitted? And still uncontrollable transmission? With Yizhizhen’s knowledge, he really didn’t understand how he did it just now.

And in this situation, Fourth Generation doesn’t seem to write about it either.

As he was thinking, Anbu’s voice came from outside: “Master Zhizhen, what happened?”

Obviously, the sound of Zhizhen just hitting the cabinet aroused the idea of ​​the guards Anbu between the seals.

“It’s okay.” Zhizhen quickly replied, “I was just trying to perform the procedure just now, and I made a mistake.”

The door did not open, and Anbu did not enter, but said outside: “So, the items in the seals are a bit old, please be careful not to do some powerful ninjutsu practice, so as not to damage the room.”

Zhizhen replied again and again, saying, “Sorry, I didn’t pay attention this time, I know.”

After all, there was no sound outside.

Seeing this, Zhizhen knew that the people outside had already left. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and picked up the scrolls all over the floor and put them back in place.

Immediately he walked back to the table and quickly picked up the book of seal and looked at Flying Thunder God again.

“Sure enough, Fourth Generation didn’t write about this situation.” Zhizhen frowned, and Fourth Generation didn’t seem to have encountered his situation.

The situation he wrote is that if this power is not controlled, then the technique will directly disappear, the operator will not be affected, and it will directly fail.

But even though Zhizhen’s situation failed, his technique flashed in an instant, and then he teleported him a short distance and uncontrollably.

Why is this happening? Is it true that the heavens are in charge of the people, who must first make people nervous? Is there any peculiar power I can’t achieve?

However, Zhizhen didn’t know. He was completely thinking too much. The reason why he was like that just now was not because of him, but because of the giant rock worm and the light worm.

As mentioned earlier, although the Chakras of the Light Worm and the Giant Rock Worm are small, they have an influence on the Chakra of Zhizhen.

The Chakra of Yuguang Worm gave Zhizhen extraordinary vitality, and the Chakra of Giant Rock Worm made Zhizhen awaken with the earth attributes.

When Zhizhen developed the mark, his Chakra did lose control, but the Chakra of Yuguang Worm surged at that moment, making the Zhizhen mark take shape for a moment.

This is also the main reason why the Zhizhen mark is green. (Let’s just say, Zhizhen’s representative color is green. Funny.)

But Zhizhen didn’t notice this. When his Chakra was surging, the Chakra of Healer was also mixed together, so he didn’t feel it at all.

He just guessed that the reason for this is because his technique is different from that of Second Generation and Fourth Generation.

Under normal circumstances, the Flying Thunder God of Second Generation and Fourth Generation are directly teleported to the marked place, but his technique disappears after flashing, and then he is teleported away.

This kind of operation gave Zhizhen the feeling of practicing a fake Flying Thunder God.

It’s not right!

Zhizhen secretly touched his chin and thought for a long time, but he didn’t expect Yuguang Chong to be on his body. He wanted to try again, but after just that, and Anbu’s question, Zhizhen was inconvenient to try again.

Anbu on the outside was right. The stuff inside between the seals was a few years old, and he couldn’t afford to crash any of them.

In order to avoid this kind of accident, Zhizhen didn’t plan to try the practice of Flying Thunder God again, and planned to go outside and let go of practice.

But Zhizhen didn’t panic and left. In addition to Flying Thunder God and Darkness, he had to do other things, and that was to memorize the Second Generation Water Style scroll and the Third Generation Earth Style scroll.

Yes, you read it right, memorize it!

It was rare to come in once, Zhizhen felt that it was a bit of a loss just to find two skills.

Some people may say that you are crazy, just recite the big moves above A level, and recite some C level D ninjutsu to do something.

However, Zhizhen had his plans.

The reason why I have to memorize the two scrolls is because Water Style and Earth Style Zhizhen have not yet mastered them, and even the C-level ninjutsu is memorized so that he can start from a low level.

No one can walk and learn S-level ninjutsu.

Can’t even climb, just want to run?

As for Fire Style, Zhizhen already has the fire dragon fire bullet, and he is starting. After the blessing of natural energy, the Shenlong fire bullet can be counted as one of his big moves.

As for Earth Style, Zhizhen wanted a big Earth Style big move, but also wanted to see if his soil attribute Chakra could be combined with the giant rock worm to develop a more powerful insect control technique.

As for Water Style, Shima’s more than half of the reason is for Uemon.

He hadn’t noticed himself yet, so he was willing to work hard for Uemon to memorize the entire Water Style scroll for her.

Of course, in Shizhen’s view, this is what he should do, and it should be the gift that Taiemon has been protecting her for all these years.

Speaking of it, it seems that Zhizhen has never thanked Uemon, so please repay her with this thing this time!

Thinking of this, Zhizhen laughed.

The same is true for Zaemon. Shima learned the dark art of illusion and wanted to let Zaemon learn together.

As for the basics of illusion, Shizhen intends to let Zaemon to guide him, so he doesn’t bother to find knowledge of illusion.

For him, what he needs is to learn powerful illusions, not to become a master of illusions.

As Zhizhen thought, he calculated whether he had made any mistakes or omissions. After thinking about it carefully, there was nothing left, Zhizhen was ready to endorse.

Nothing, I am a student of the Great Heavenly Dynasty, no one can not endorse.

I think that in order to meet the exam, not to mention the book, even the classical Chinese dictionary was memorized. Of course, Zhizhen didn’t finish memorizing it.

However, he also memorized a lot and exercised Zhizhen’s memory.

The Water Style scroll, the Earth Style scroll, and the articles of Flying Thunder God and The Dark Line, together are no better than a dictionary.

Zhizhen had the confidence to win. He also thought of a method that was not a solution, and that was to learn multiple Shadow Clones.

Shadow Clone is easy to learn, Naruto can learn it for two hours, and Zhizhen can master it even after reading it.

He directly separated three clones, plus the main body, for a total of four.

The four sunglasses were gathered together, and Zhizhen clapped his hands: “Okay, OK, everyone knows what to do? I will carry one by myself, and check it out at that time!”

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