Chapter 636 The atmosphere is harmonious (please subscribe!)

The “gift” in Zhizhen’s mouth is naturally Juyegu.

This was something that Zhizhen had planned for a long time. After Tenten’s exam was over, he would take her to the Giant Leaf Valley and sign a contract with Summoning Beast.

And the object of the contract is naturally the Swordbee clan. As mentioned earlier, the power of the Swordbee clan is very compatible with Tenten.

It can not only fight hand-to-hand, but also use ninjutsu, and the most important thing is to be able to fly, which makes up for Tenten’s lack of ninjutsu and Tenten’s lack of mobility.

Therefore, Zhizhen feels that the Knife Bee clan and Tenten are very compatible.

“Senior, what are you going to give me?” Tenten asked, very curious.

“Don’t tell me, I will give you a surprise at that time.” Zhizhen laughed, suffocating Tenten’s appetite.

Tenten looked at Zhijin like a coquettish. He was both curious and dissatisfied, but after Zhizhen said so, Tenten didn’t ask too much, and said directly, “Well, I’ll look forward to it.”

“I will never disappoint you.” Zhizhen answered with a smile.

But when it comes to this, Zhizhen also thinks of Shino.

He thought that he should bring Shino with him when he went to Juyegu.

Having been in this world for so long, he has always been under the care of Zhiwei and Qianzi, and he has never done anything for the family.

As an older brother, he didn’t seem to give Shino any substantive help.

This is not a big deal. In other words, Shino is not as cared by Naruto as Naruto.

This time, it happened to be an opportunity to bring Shino with him and do his best to be a brother.

Seeing the two flirting here, Uemon suddenly became unhappy.

Although she had a retreat in her heart, it didn’t mean that she liked watching Zhizhen interact with the Tenten couple.

Just thinking about how to interrupt and switch the topic off, Yilin appeared in time.

Like Uemon, Toho walked out with her luggage. She didn’t have many things, that is, the clothes that Zhizhen bought for her that day.

Seeing Asanobu came out, Uemon took the lead to speak, attracting everyone’s attention: “Oh, Asanobu.”

When everyone heard the words, they looked up, and when Yilin saw that everyone was there, she suddenly became nervous. She said, “Well, these are my luggage, there are a lot of them.”

“Not much, not much.” Yakumo greeted him with a smile, and took the initiative to share the burden for Xenophos and picked up two packs.

Seeing this, Yilin quickly refused. She was a little embarrassed. How could Yakumo make her refuse. This is a good time to earn performance. Didn’t you see the smile on Senior Zhizhen’s face?

So Yakumo smiled and said, “It’s great, Yilin, I’m glad you can come over.”

Yilin was a little overwhelmed by Yakumo’s enthusiasm. She blushed and said, “Why, I’m bothering you.”

After speaking, Tenten and Uemon also stepped forward to help. There were so many things that had been shared in this way, so there was not much.

“Don’t say these things, Yilin, we will be good sisters in the future.” Tenten said with a smile, expressing his enthusiasm.

Uemon was a lot more straightforward, and said, “Let’s go, let’s go and help Shirin clean up the room.”

After that, Uemon turned around and left, Yakumo said, “Then, Senior, Zaemon, would you come and visit? We are also preparing to make dinner to celebrate our housewarming.”

“Okay.” This time, Shizhen didn’t refuse, he agreed, and Zaemon had no objection, and thanked Yakumo, “Then, I’m not welcome.”

Uemon also said, “You are welcome, brother. You usually cook for me, this time I will cook it.”

After hearing this, Zaemon nodded with a smile, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

Zhizhen smiled and said, “Well, you go first, I will go down and pay the compensation to the boss and then come up.”

Everyone naturally knows what’s going on, Tenten smiled sullily, and said, “Senior, or I…”

Zhizhen smiled and shook his head, and said, “No, it’s my responsibility. Just cook.”

“Responsibility?” Does it mean that senior is already responsible for me?

Hearing this, Tenten was delighted and nodded obediently, and said, “Okay, senior, I can already make very delicious dishes!”

Although this is not the case.

“Then I’ll wait and see.” Zhizhen smiled and said, he went back into the room and took the money.

Everyone didn’t ignore Zhizhen when they saw it, and took Yilin over first, and Yakumo said, “Let’s go, Yilin, the room is ready for you. You will definitely be satisfied.”

“Thanks…thank you.” What else can Yilin say.

After that, several people turned and walked to the opposite door. Before leaving, Yilin glanced back at Zhizhen’s room, a trace of reluctance flashed in his eyes, but then he showed seriousness.

“This is my own decision, I must satisfy my brother!” Yanlin puffed himself up, and then quickly followed.

Zaemon followed closely behind.

After that, Zhizhen took out 200,000 cash and went out. As soon as he went out, he heard the chattering from the other door. He smiled slightly and said nothing. He walked downstairs quickly and ran to the shop that he had destroyed. .

He approached and saw that this afternoon, the boss and employees had almost cleaned up. Except for the shop, which was still very shabby, almost everything else was cleaned up.

“Boss!” Zhizhen yelled, and the boss walked out of the back room directly. When he saw Zhizhen, his face sank and said, “You still remember to come. I thought you were going to run away with the money.”

“The boss laughed.” Zhizhen responded with a smile, took out the banknote from his arms and handed it respectfully to the boss, saying: “Boss, I’m really sorry, this is compensation, please accept it.”

The boss was not polite when he saw it, so he accepted it and counted it.

“It is indeed two hundred thousand.” The boss’s face looked good.

“Then, there is nothing to do, I will go back first.” Zhizhen saw this without delay, and directly prepared to leave.

Unexpectedly, the boss stopped him and said, “Wait!”

Zhizhen looked up, and the boss drew out 50,000 yuan and gave it back to Zhizhen, saying, “Take it back, you don’t need that much.”

When Zhizhen saw this, he smiled and shook his head: “No need, boss, all the money is compensation.”

The boss glared at Zhizhen in dissatisfaction, and said, “I’m an honest man in Fukuyama’s business, and I will never take advantage of you. It’s as much as the loss!”

“This?” Zhizhen was stunned. It was the first time he met someone with money. This Fukuyama boss was not bad, but Zhizhen said: “Except for goods, you didn’t make a business this afternoon, and the loss must be counted. Yes, you don’t have to be polite, boss.”

The boss of Fukuyama heard the words without saying anything, and directly squeezed fifty thousand taels into Zhizhen’s hands, and said, “Stop talking gossip, take it back!”

“This!” Zhizhen wanted to say something more, but seeing the Fukuyama boss’s expression on his face, he stopped saying, “Mr. Fukuyama is really real.”

“That’s not it.” Seeing Zhizhen take it back, Fukuyama laughed and said: “Well, this matter is over, I accept your compensation!”

With that said, Fukuyama took Zhizhen’s compensation into his arms, and Zhizhen smiled when he saw this, “Okay, then I’ll leave first, and I’ll come back next time.”

“Well, but when I leave, the old man, I still have to warn you a few words.” Fukuyama said sternly.

“Please speak.” Zhizhen said patiently. The other party is over sixty years old, so he should listen to a few words.

Fukuyama was very satisfied with Zhizhen’s attitude. He moisturized his throat and said, “You may think I am wordy, but young man, as someone who comes by, I still have to tell you that your body is important and you really need to…”


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