“Hello, my name is Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, nice to meet you, Nohara Hidden Song.”

Uzumaki Shinna blushed, held Nohara Hideka’s hand, and said.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai blushed not entirely because of shyness, but more because of nervousness and excitement.

Nohara Hidden Song directly took Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai’s hand and returned to his seat, allowing Uzumaki Jiu Shinai to sit next to him.

The seat next to Nohara Hideka, on one side is Uchiha Mikoto sitting, on the other side, no one has dared to sit, and now it is sitting by Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, which is also very good.

Originally, watching the noisy class, the teacher wanted to make the class quieter, but Nohara Yinge’s series of actions directly silenced the entire class.

“Ahem, the new classmates know each other, then the class will begin.”

The teacher coughed twice and went straight to class.

Inside the Hokage’s office, Sarutobi Hinata has been paying attention to the situation of Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.

Uzumaki Jiu Shinai is the most talented of the 5 people of the Uzumaki clan who came this time, and if nothing else, she will be the next Nine-Tails Pillar Force, and there is no room for mistakes.

Seeing Nohara Hidden Song helping Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai, Sarutobi Hinata moved his heart with caution.

Ape Flying Sun Chopper originally wanted Uzumaki Jiu Xinnai to be with Bo Feng Shuimen, because Bo Feng Shuimen had already determined that he was also going to accept apprentices.

But now it seems that Nohara Hidden Song is also very good, and after 1 year of getting along and observing, Tsunade has also had the idea of taking Nohara Hidden Song as an apprentice.

“Let it be, without us doing it, it is estimated that Nohara Hidden Song can do it, right?”

Sarutobi Hinata looked at Nohara Hidden Song in the crystal ball, thought of Nohara Hidden Song’s powerful ‘Bubble Girl’ ability, and stopped the telescopic art (that ninjutsu is called that).

Hokage’s daily work was very busy, and this time observing Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai’s enrollment was already a little time out of his busy schedule.

“It’s nerve-wracking.”

Ape Fei Ri took his pipe and took out a scroll out.

It is written that the Uzumaki clan was besieged in the country of the whirlpool, the entire army was destroyed, and not a single survivor survived.

The time in class is boring, and for Nohara Yinka, the current cultural class has no meaning, so Nohara Yinke also closes his eyes, silently extracts Chakra, purifies Chakra, and cultivates.

Instead, the whirlpool Jiu Xinnai on the side listened with relish.

The teaching level in the Uzumaki clan of the Uzumaki Clan in the country of Whirlpool is not as good as Konoha’s.

“Mikoto, go home, I won’t practice today.”

After school, Nohara said to Mikoto Uchiha.

“Well, let’s go home then.”

Uchiha Mikoto smiled sweetly, obediently pulled Nohara Yinka’s arm, and said.

Hey? Why does Mikoto today seem to be more well-behaved and gentle than ever?

Nohara Yingge looked at Uchiha Mikoto curiously, and did not think so much.

“Yinge-san, where is your home?”

Uzumaki Shinna asked nervously to Nohara Hidden Song.

Today, she met a friend of Nohara Hidege, and if she was along the way, she wanted to go home with Nohara Hidege.

“We live on the other side of the clan of the Thousand Hands Clan, and we should be on a different path than you.”

Uchiha Mikoto replied with a smile, but the words were full of gunpowder.

Nohara Hidden Song can clearly feel Uchiha Mikoto’s hand holding his arm, tightened, so that Nohara Hidden Song can feel Uchiha Mikoto’s slightly undulating fierce mouth, the shape of the small mountain bag.

Mikoto Uchiha, is this jealous?

I remember that in the original work, Uzumaki Shinna and Mikoto Uchiha seem to be best friends, and they won’t change because of themselves now, right?

Vortex Shinna heard Uchiha Mikoto’s words and was overjoyed.

“Yes, do you live on the side of the Senju clan’s clan land, what a coincidence, me too, I live in grandma Whirlpool Mito, and I am also in the Senju clan’s clan land, let’s go home together.”

Uzumaki Shinna didn’t hear the smell of gunpowder in Uchiha Mikoto’s words at all, and said happily.

“This sister, what’s your name, my name is Uzumaki Jiu Shinnai.”

Uzumaki Shinna showed a bright smile and extended her hand to Mikoto Uchiha.

Seeing Uzumaki Shinnai so enthusiastic, Uchiha Mikoto was also a little embarrassed.

Am I being too careful with my eyes? However, Nohara Yingge’s gaze looking at Uzumaki Jiu Shinai was glowing, and he had to guard against it.

Uchiha Mikoto clearly saw the look in Nohara Hidege’s eyes when he saw Uzumaki Shinnai, and that look was like looking at himself at the beginning.

Mikoto Uchiha felt that if she didn’t guard against herself, she might have to have another sister.

If Nohara knew what Uchiha Mikoto was thinking, he would probably vomit blood.

My eyes really just saw a good apprentice I dreamed of, and I really didn’t have any other ideas!

What can you think at such a young age?!

If you have ideas, you should also talk about it when you grow up!

“Hello Kushinna, my name is Mikoto Uchiha, you can call me Mikoto.”

Uchiha Mikoto also stretched out her hand and shook it with Uzumaki Shinnai in a friendly way.

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