“Dealer, let’s open.”

“The points this time are, 666, leopard.”

The dealer opened the dice cup, and the dice inside were revealed, and it was 666 points, leopard.

There was an uproar among the gamblers around.

Happens to have strength? Tsunade was also a little incredulous.

“How about it, Master Tsunade, are you going to worship me as a teacher?”

Nohara Hidden Song leaked a bright smile and said to Tsunade.

For the bloodline of the Senju clan on Tsunade, Nohara Yinka also has great expectations.

“Okay, okay, I’m going to worship you as a gambling master.”

Tsunade didn’t care either, and was slightly interested in Nohara’s gambling.

Nohara can guess the number of dice, and must have a little ability.

“Master Tsunade, I have a master-apprentice agreement here, can you sign it.”

Nohara Yingge smiled and let Xiao Yi give himself a master-apprentice agreement.

The master-apprentice agreement appeared in Nohara Oku’s hand, and Nohara Okuge handed it to Tsunade.

Tsunade’s eyes lit up, and it seemed that he had found the key to Nohara Hideka’s apprenticeship.

Is this master-apprentice agreement something similar to a psychic scroll?

Psychic scrolls are things that ninjas sign a contract with psychic beasts, and only ninjas can summon psychic beasts if they leave traces of blood on the psychic scrolls.

Tsunade thought it was something similar to the psychic scroll effect.

She quietly folded the master-apprentice agreement and stuffed it into her pocket.

She is at ease with Nohara Yinke, she believes that Nohara Yinke will not have the intention of hurting herself, but she is not sure whether Nohara Yinke has been seduced by others.

After all, Nohara Hidden Song is still young, not old, and not deeply involved in the world.

She didn’t know that Nohara Hidden Song would be even older than Tsunade if her past and present lives were combined.

“At this time, now in the casino, we will first earn back the previous book, let me see your gambling strength, the strength is enough, I will sign again.”

“Then it’s settled.”

Nohara Hidden Song quickly agreed, with the cheating of high-tech beautiful eyes, Nohara Hidden Song wanted to earn back the money lost by Tsunade, easily.

And Nohara Hidege also knows Tsunade’s character and knows that Tsunade is not at ease with this master-apprentice agreement.

But Nohara did not have the slightest fear.

The things produced by the system, in appearance, are ordinary letter paper, without the slightest special place, let alone seals, enchantments and the like.

No matter how Tsunade looked at it, he would only think that this master-apprentice agreement was just ordinary blank slate.

“321, 6 points small.”

“615, 12 points big.”

“333, leopard.”

Game by game was unveiled, and the dealer was already sweating.

In a short period of time, Nohara not only won back the previous money, but also doubled it several times.

Looking at the trembling banker, Nohara Yingge had some unbearable winning.

“Master Tsunade, are we still coming? It feels like gambling again, and this casino is going to go out of business. ”

Nohara Hidden Song looked at Tsunade, who was still eager to try, coughed twice, and said.

Tsunade looked at the full amount of money on the table, packed the money, and said reluctantly.

“Okay, let’s go.”

The gambling house owner was grateful, and finally sent the plague god of Nohara Hidden Song away.

“All members remember, the next time you meet this person, just close the door! Closed for business anymore. ”

The gambling house owner calculated today’s loss and convulsed with distress.

He also thought about sending someone to follow behind to snatch the money back, but after the leading wandering ninja said a few words to the boss, the boss directly dismissed the idea.

The wandering ninja used to work in an underground gold exchange house, recognized Tsunade’s identity, and after knowing that the boss wanted to kidnap Tsunade, he couldn’t help but want to beat the boss violently.

Dare to snatch money from the hands of Konoha Princess Tsunade, is it to find death?

Back at the hotel, Mikoto Uchiha and Uzumaki Shinna had not yet returned, and Tsunade generously opened the master-apprentice agreement and observed Nohara’s reaction.

Nohara Yingge did not have any other reactions, and was very calm.

Did I guess wrong?

Tsunade thought that she also felt a little guilty in her heart, after all, she made this kind of action, and she didn’t quite believe in the performance of Nohara Hidden Song.

Although she believes in Nohara Hidden Song in her heart, she is also worried that Nohara Hidden Song will misunderstand.

But fortunately, Nohara Hidden Song doesn’t seem to be angry, which proves that Nohara Hidden Song also believes in himself.

Tsunade inexplicably felt a hint of self-remorse.

Nohara Hidege didn’t blame Tsunade’s distrust, after all, this is the world of ninjas, if Tsunade didn’t even have this kind of vigilance, there would have been no dregs left by the pit, and Nohara Hidege would also suspect that he had encountered a fake Tsunade.

Tsunade opened the master-apprentice agreement, which contained two scripts, the Chinese and the text of the Hokage world, which was simple and clear, it was a written agreement to establish a master-apprentice relationship.

Tsunade checked back and forth, but found no flaws.

“Do I need to sign with blood? Or is it enough to use an ordinary pen. ”

Tsunade asked, picking up the pen.

“If you use a pen, if you use blood, if there is any technique that uses blood to localize, it will not be good.”

Nohara Yingge appropriately expressed his dissatisfaction.

Tsunade blushed, picked up the pen, and signed his name.

“Yinge, I also care, I’m afraid you will be deceived.”

As the words came out, Tsunade also noticed that there was something wrong with his way of speaking.

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