“After the demise of the Vortex Country, Konoha lost its allies, and both the Sand Ninja Village and the Iwa Shinobu Village looked at Konoha.”

“In the recent period, a large number of ninjas have been sent to the border of the Land of Rain.”

“Once the Land of Rain acquiesces, Iwa Shinobu and Sand Shinobu will be able to break through the borders of the Land of Rain and launch an attack on Konoha.”

“Coupled with the Yunnin Village, which is already in military reserve, Konoha is likely to suffer from enemies in the belly.”

“The leader of the Land of Rain, Hanzo Sanchiyu, has always been not very interested in Konoha, and in order to prevent him from colluding with Shinobu and Iwa Shinobu to join forces against Konoha, we Konoha decided to strike first, defeat the Land of Rain, and ensure stability in our rear.”

Sarutobi smoked his pipe and said word by word.

“Tsunade, you are an important combat force of our Konoha, and you need to follow Orochimaru and Jiraiya to form a vanguard force and go to the Land of Rain first, do you agree?”

Sarutobi asked.

“Give me the task.”

Tsunade said with a solemn face.

As a member of Konoha, Tsunade now loves the Konoha created by his grandfather.

Hearing the words of Sarutobi Hinata, Tsunade was obliged.

“Three generations of old men, what about us?”

Nohara Hidden Song saw that the ape flying sun chop did not mention them and asked.

Hearing Nohara’s words, the corners of Ape Flying Sun’s mouth twitched.

Nohara Yingge’s address to himself reminded him of his apprentice Jiraiya, and he was also so rude.

But he didn’t care, but was a little happy.

Nohara Hidden Song will call himself that, which is also a manifestation of intimacy, and Sarutobi Hinata thinks so.

“Hidden Song, Kushinna, Mikoto, you are the future pillars of Konoha, the war is still too early for you now, I will arrange a new mentor to train you.”

Sarutobi said apologetically.

Indeed, Nohara Hidden Song’s grade is too young, and if they go to the battlefield now, it will make Sarutobi very uneasy.

After all, it was all his own apprentices, and Konoha’s future, how could he send them to the battlefield at this time?

Just like Bofeng Shuimen, during this period, there is no sign of being on the battlefield at all.

“Three generations of old men, in fact, although we can’t go to the main battlefield, but we can do logistics, now we go to the battlefield, we can accumulate experience, and then grow rapidly, and Master Tsunade knows that our strength is not weak, we can help.”

Nohara Hidden Song suggested directly.

Sarutobi Hinata heard Nohara Hidege’s respectful address to Tsunade, and then compared the name to himself, and the corners of his mouth twitched again.

However, Nohara Hidden Song’s words also made Ape Flying Sun Slash move a little, after all, what Nohara Hidden Song said was also reasonable.

After all, the logistics unit is very safe, will not face the war head-on, do a little miscellaneous work, see the war, and have the experience of the war, it is also a good thing.

Moreover, in the logistics unit, Sarutobi Hinata also arranged strong masters, which should be able to ensure the safety of Nohara Hideka.

With this thought, Ape Flying Sun Chopper finally agreed.

Leaving the Hokage’s office, Tsunade returned home and packed his luggage.

The vanguard troops will return tomorrow, that is, Tsunade will go back tomorrow, and Nohara has a little reluctance in his heart.

Although it is not a parting of life and death, there is also a period of time when I can’t see it.

The next day, Tsunade got up early and was ready to go, and Nohara followed him.

“Yingge, what are you doing? Aren’t you going to follow the logistics team for a few days on departure? ”

Tsunade asked curiously.

“I can’t bear you to leave, send you one.”

Nohara said with a smile.

Nohara’s words made Tsunade’s heart sweeten.

Tsunade walked up to Nohara and gave Nohara a hug.

“Stinky boy, when we win the war and come back, I will give you a chance.”

Tsunade, who had been thinking for a long time, had already let go of his heart, did not suppress himself, kissed Nohara Yinke’s face, and said.

Nohara Yingge felt the warmth on his face, and his smile became even brighter.

“The war will end soon, and when the time comes, if only you didn’t refuse me.”

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