The bright and warm sunlight is generously hitting Samantha's whole being, while the birds outside her mansion loudly chirp; as if excitedly reminding every human that a new pleasant day has begun.

This same scene of a beauty sleeping while basking below the sunlight would have been a good start for a novel, but for Samantha who has a puffy eye and terrible headache. The light emitted by the sun is just an eyesore and the chirping of the bird is just plain annoying. It also doesn't help that probably because she slept in the hard and cold floor while the window was gloriously open for all the night wind to enter, it resulted in her back aching and a stuffy nose which indicates the early stage of a chill.

But despite the uncomfortable feeling and desire to continue sleeping, Samantha forces herself to get up and get ready for work. She couldn't afford to be late or else she might lose her high-paying job and would be forced to sell her limited-edition books, which is her worst nightmare. So, no matter what, Samantha struggles to get to work on time.

Work, work, work…

She tried to stand up fast that caused a bout of dizziness to attack her almost immediately, then, that is when some unwanted flashbacks play in her mind.

Right then and there, Samantha suddenly remembered. She was run over by a truck and didn't make it onto the hospital. She has already said her final words and has breathed her last air. Then… what is happening?

Alarmed, she opens her eyes wide and took a deep breath as she tries to take in her new surroundings; Which is, the floor around her is filled with broken pieces of what used to look like an expensive porcelain vase. The vanity table near the door has the mirror broken and the luxurious beauty products that she can only dream about is spilled and mixed into the shards of the glass bottles. All in all, the room where she's residing is filled with mess. A huge mess.

Also, there's a pain in the sole of her feet and her right hand has a huge cut that is filled with blood that dried up.

Seeing the different surroundings and her body that is not hers, Samantha got scared and let out a loud shrill.

Coincidently, Jonathan also just got home from Yasmin's apartment when he heard Samantha's shout. He had been waiting for hours outside of his lover's door, trying to woo her back. Explaining that he only married Samantha because he was forced to and that in his heart, Yasmin is the only one. They got their misunderstanding fixed when the rain poured and Yasmin couldn't let Jonathan stay outside anymore. She knows how he feels so she forgives him almost immediately.

Jonathan only returned in Samantha's mansion to take his stuff to be with Yasmin; unbeknownst to him that what would greet him when he comes home is one of Samantha's temper tantrum.

He lazily took off his tuxedo and slowly walks up the stairs to the master's bedroom. Outside the door, there's a maid who was trembling but instantly brightened up when she saw him.

"Sir, Miss has been inside this room since last night and we kept hearing sounds of glasses breaking. Please help miss." The young maid immediately reported and pleaded to Jonathan. He raised his brows and simply crosses his arms. His eyes are looking at the room's entrance coldly.

"Open the door." Jonathan ordered. The young maid with the readied spare key in her hands immediately unlocked the closed door and revealed the room that looked like it was ruined by a tsunami.

There are glass and vase shards everywhere, the curtains are in a complete wreck and the whole place looks like it was ransacked by robbers. But the most eye-catching is the young woman standing in the middle of the messy room.

She's wearing a luxurious white wedding gown, with her long messy hair cascading down her back, and her watery eyes staring at her pale hands that are tainted by blood. She looks like a goddess forsaken by the world.

Then, her attention is swayed by the sound of people gasping. She slowly turns her eyes in their direction and her time immediately stops when she noticed one young man staring at her with chills in his eyes.

Suddenly, memories that weren't hers starts to flood in her mind; Causing her to immediately feel dizzy. Her head feels like somebody is shoving endless information that she wasn't familiar with, and her heart is feeling emotions that she wasn't supposed to feel.

Happiness? Sadness? Anger? Longing?

She wasn't sure. The only thing that she knows is that the name that keeps echoing in her sub-conscious is someone of importance…

"J…Jonathan?" Samantha called out before the whole world around her once again turn black.

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