Hold My Hand, Don't Let Me Go

21 First step in moving on

Below a huge willow tree sat two teenagers, sweetly leaning unto one another. The girl with her head on the boy's shoulder and the boy, twirling his fingers around the girl's long hair.

There was no words being exchange between them, but no one can deny the happiness and contentment plastered in their face.

This was the memory that Samantha would always remember whenever she was having a hard time in Broadway. She would stare at her hair for hours and would imagine Jonathan sitting beside her, gently caressing her hair to make her fall asleep. It was like a little therapy for her wavering mental health.

That is why, no matter what happens, Samantha never thought of cutting her hair short. Even though she would sometimes get a role where the main character has to have a short hair. Samantha would always fight back just so her hair can be sparred.

It was her little silly reminder.

That Jonathan is waiting... That she would be with him soon...

But now, everything has changed. The Samantha who carried such deep sentiment with every strands of her long luscious hair is gone. The same eyes but different vibe stares back at her in the mirror.

"Miss Zhou, are you really sure?" A woman in her late 30's once again asks in dismay as she combs Samantha's hair with great care.

"Yes... Please cut it short" she declares.

The stylist then, with heavy heart begins to cut some chunks of her hair. She has never seen a hair as pretty as Samantha's and she feels really bad for cutting it. Ami feels like it's such a lost that she even tried to pursue her client to try to change her mind, but Samantha didn't budge. Every time she cuts a strand, Ami's heart feels like breaking.

So, to lighten her heavy heart, she decided to chat with the pretty client.

"You're hair is really pretty." Ami said, trying to strike a conversation.

"Thank you." Samantha replied with a smile, that made Ami sigh in admiration. She can't help but be curious at why such a pretty lady would want her hair cut short.

"I'm sorry for being nosy, but I just can't help but wonder why you would want to cut your hair this much? If it was up to me, I would just keep it this long." Ami said, still only cutting short chunks of hair in case her client changes her mind.

Samantha stares at her face with long hair once again.

Yes, it really is such a waste, even she feels likes so. However, the woman staring right back at her still feels like the old Samantha.

The girl who can do anything just to have her love back.

In a way, Samantha's long hair is like a reminder of how much she longs to be with Jonathan, for them to be like the way they were before, but she knows well how impossible the old Samantha's dream was. For starters, she isn't the protagonist. She is the antagonist in Yasmin and Jonathan's love story so no matter what, antagonist would always lose.

There no use in holding on to old desire.

"I need to change. The past should just be left in the past." Samantha answered to the stylist.

First step in moving on is to cut the thing that reminds you of him the most.

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