
The injured Iroh became mad, as if he had turned into a beast.

His right hand turned into a giant claw composed of sand, grabbed the Chidori sharp gun, and suddenly squeezed, and the Chidori sharp gun suddenly shattered.

“Tailed beasts rely on them.”

Sasuke immediately recognized this state, which was the strongest state in Airo’s awake state, and after that, the full-fledged Morizuru descended.

Sasuke naturally wouldn’t let Ichigo Morizuru descend, and in that case, he didn’t have the slightest chance of victory.

The combat power of the tailed beast is at least shadow level, and it is definitely not something he can compete with now, so he must not let the other party summon the one-tailed crane.

“Magic. The Art of Shackling. ”

In a very short time, he sorted out the current situation, and the three gookata of the chakra eye in Sasuke’s eyes quickly rotated and launched the illusion magic. The Art of Shackling.

If I Airo falls into a coma, Shouzuru will come.

Magic though. The Magic of the Pillage is a technique that keeps the Medium Sorcerer awake and does not make Airo lose consciousness, so he used this illusion.

Poof, poof, poof!

One huge metal wedge after another in the spiritual space plunged into my Ailuo’s body.

I can’t move Ailuo, so naturally there is no way to wake up Shouhe with the art of fake sleep.


I love Luo howling like a beast, trying to break free from the magic. The Art of Shackling.

It’s a pity, magic. The Magic of Shackles was an illusion technique that even the Great Snake Pill had suffered losses, and naturally it was not something he could break free of.

If a crane in his body helps, it can help it lift.

Unfortunately, his relationship with Shouzuru today is simply not at the level of Kirabi and Yaoi, and Shouhe naturally will not help him dissolve.

This is enough to see from Naruto, although he has the Nine Tails in his body, he has suffered from illusion many times.

At this moment, in Sasuke’s head, the voice of the destiny system sounded.


Defeat Iroh and gain Ninjutsu Specialization and Physical Skills Specialization.

The fate system has determined that he defeated My Ai Luo, which means that this battle between him and I Ai Luo is indeed his victory.


The reward arrived, and all kinds of ninjutsu and physical skills were poured into Sasuke’s brain.

Sasuke’s attainment in ninjutsu and physical arts reached the level of upper ninja in a very short time.

In addition, the strength of the body has also reached the level of upper ninja.

The physical skills of the upper ninja level are not only the improvement of combat skills, but also the improvement of physical strength, after all, the body is the foundation of physical skills.

“Ninjutsu, physical arts, and illusion have all reached the upper ninja level, then my current strength…”

Sasuke let out a soft breath, a gleam in his eyes.

Ninjutsu, physical arts, and illusion techniques seem to have only reached the upper ninja level, but the improvement to him is absolutely huge.

The upper ninja level of ninjutsu, physical arts, and illusion is the upper ninja level when it does not rely on the increase of the writing wheel eye, and if the increase of the wheel eye is written with three hooks of jade, then his strength will leap to the elite upper ninja level.

This is the reason why the Uchiha clan is rich in elite Shinobi.

As long as you have the foundation of the upper ninja level, you can reach the elite upper ninja level through the increase of the chakra eye.

The same is true of him today.

“The Art of Nirvana.”

In the audience, seeing that I Airo had actually become a tailed beast, and was afraid that the Konoha ninja would recognize my Ailuo’s true identity, Yakushi immediately launched a large-scale illusion.

Feather feather fell from the sky, and the spectators who were watching the battle with great interest passed out.

“The pocket has already started to move, do it.”

Seeing the change in the audience stage, the elite of Sand Hidden Village immediately gave an order.

Suddenly, one by one, the disguised ninjas of Sand Hidden Village and the ninjas of Oto-Ninja Village tore off their disguises and took action.

And he appeared next to my Aira in the battlefield with Temari and Kankuro, and Temari and Kankuro immediately lifted the illusion for I-Aira.

“Can I still use that technique?”

Markey asked.

“My Ai Luo is very seriously injured, and his mental state is very unstable, so he can’t use that technique for the time being.”

Temari replied.

“Take him to treat the injury, and when the injury recovers, the technique will be launched, and this battle must have me Airo participate in.”

Markey motioned for Temari and Kankuro to take Aira away, but his gaze fell on Sasuke, and there was a strong murderous aura on his body.

Being able to defeat my Airo, this Uchiha Sasuke’s potential is terrifying, and it will become a great disaster in the future.

If you can kill it here, it will definitely be able to remove a major disaster for Shayin Village.


Feeling Markey’s murderous intention for Sasuke, he didn’t know that Genma appeared next to Sasuke and confronted Markey.

“Sasuke, the Chūnin exam is over here, you already have the strength of Naka Shinobi, since you are a Konoha ninja, go and do something useful for Konoha.”

With his back to Sasuke, he said.

“I will.”

Sasuke nodded.

He had no opinion on Konoha itself, the only ones who had an opinion were the few high-ranking members of Konoha.


Just when the ninja of Sand Hidden Village and Oto-Ninja Village attacked, the big snake pill disguised as the fourth generation of wind shadow suddenly appeared next to the third generation of Hokage, and the bitter death was placed on the neck of the third generation of Hokage.

Grabbing the three generations of Hokage, he flashed onto the roof.

“Your Excellency Kazekage, are you trying to tear up your covenant with Konoha?”

The third Hokage voice asked in surprise.

Oh, oh, oh, oh!

The four figures tore through their disguises, revealing Oto-nin’s forehead, and rushed towards the direction of the third generation of Hokage and the big snake pill disguised as the fourth generation of wind shadow.

One has six arms, one is a girl with red hair, one has two upper bodies, and one is burly.

With the help of the vision of the Sharingan, Sasuke recognized at a glance as Orochimaru, Tayuya, Left Near Right, and Jirobo.

The four of them connected to Junmaru, collectively known as the Five of Oto-Ninja Village, are the five ninjas who are the strongest under Orochimaru and can skillfully use spell seals.

The four people rushed to where the three generations of Hokage and the Great Snake Pill were, it must be to build the Four Purple Flame Array, so that the Great Snake Pill could concentrate on dealing with the three generations of Hokage.

“You can’t let them form the Four Purple Yan Array.”

Sasuke’s heart froze.

The Four Purple Yan Array is a defense-type enchantment, and the defense is so strong that even a shadow-level powerhouse is difficult to break.

Once formed, it is difficult to break either from the inside or from the outside.

And once the three generations of Hokage are trapped and cannot be supported, the end can only be death.

He didn’t have any regrets about the death of the three generations of Hokage, but the current three generations of Hokage could not die.

Whether it was for the mission of the Destiny System, or for the sake of his future safety.


With quick action, he jumped onto the roof at great speed, blocking the path of the four people.

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