“Ino boar, you’re too close to Sasuke.”

Looking at Yamanaka Ino, who was almost clinging to Sasuke, Haruno Sakura said dissatisfied.

“My ninjutsu is not suitable for frontal combat, Sasuke is my guard, close to protect, how, jealous?”

Ino Yamanaka said defiantly.

“Jealous, I’m jealous of you? I received Sasuke’s token of promise. ”

Haruno Sakura was angry at first, and then said proudly.

“Promise token, Sasuke gave you a promise token? It can’t be, it can’t be. ”

Ino Yamanaka was devastated.

“Hmph, see, this is Sasuke’s promise token to me.”

Sakura Haruno took out the black hilt-shaped Thunder God Sword.

“Sakura, the Thunder God Sword also has my credit, is this also a token of my promise to you?”

Naruto next to him answered expectantly.

“Hehe, it turned out to be just a mission gain.”

Yamanaka Ino breathed a sigh of relief, not a token of love, just a mission gain.

She said, well, how could Sasuke give Haruno Sakura’s love token.

“Sure enough, it became like this.”

Looking at the noisy two, Shikamaru scratched his hair in distress.

At night, six people set up tents in the forest to rest.

“What do you think of this mission?”

Shikamaru asked Sasuke.

In the team, the two of them are Zhongnin, so this time the task is led by the two of them.

“The place where this group of ninjas appeared is the Land of Fire near the border of the Land of Earth, and I have some concerns about their true identities.”

Sasuke thought for a moment.

“Are you worried that they are Iwahide Village ninjas pretending to be?”

Understanding what Sasuke meant, Shikamaru asked.

“Well, there are indeed concerns in this regard, now that Konoha’s strength has been damaged, I am afraid that the other major ninja villages have become ready to move, and it is also possible to send ninjas to disguise temptation.”

Sasuke nodded.

Two days later, the Sasuke Six arrived in the Land of Fire, close to the Land of Earth.

The six first went to the village where they were attacked, looking for clues in the village.

In the empty village, outside the village is a newly buried cemetery, dried blood can be seen everywhere in the village, on the walls and on the ground.

Just from these blood stains, you can tell what a terrible killing has happened here.

“Bastards, I must kill them.”

Naruto clenched his fists and angrily slammed his fist against the wall.

The six dispersed, searched the village, and then converged again.

“No clues were left, and traces of the retreat were erased.”

None of the six found anything, and these wandering ninjas were extremely cautious, and after slaughtering the village, they erased all traces that could reveal their information and whereabouts.

The six men went to other villages and places where caravans were attacked, but still found nothing.

“Everything has been erased, and none of us are good at smell tracking, now what?”

Sakura Haruno asked.

“They’re so cunning that it’s too hard to track them down.”

Yamanaka Ino rarely did not raise the bar with Haruno Sakura, but frowned.

“I have a way to find them.”

Shikamaru thought for a moment and said.

“What method?”

“Since it is difficult to find them, let them come out on their own, we can pretend to be a caravan and lead them out by themselves.”

Shikamaru said.

“It’s a good idea.”

Sasuke glanced at Shikamaru with slight surprise.

It is worthy of a person with an IQ of more than two hundred, and he has already thought of a feasible way to find a wandering ninja so quickly.

“According to the location of the attacked villages and caravans, their range of activities is this area, and as long as the caravan passes through these places, it will definitely be able to lure them out.”

Shikamaru took out the map and continued.

A day later, a caravan of several dozen men marched from the Land of Fire to the Land of Earth, passing through the range of wandering ninja activities.

This caravan is the Sasuke Six in disguise.

The caravan was not carrying goods but stones, and most of the dozens of people in the caravan were transformed by Naruto as a shadow avatar.

With Naruto’s astonishing amount of chakra, it was a breeze to separate dozens of shadow avatars, which was completely routine.

The caravan moved slowly along the winding dirt road, the sides of which were hidden by dense trees and difficult to see.

Nine wandering ninjas, dressed as wandering ninjas, hid in the woods on both sides of the road, quietly spied on this strong team.

“Do you want to do it?”

A medium-sized man whispered to the bearded man next to him.

It can be seen that the bearded man has a lot of status, and he should be the leader of the nine.

“Judging from the depth of the wheels, this caravan should be full of goods, do it, don’t let any of them go.”

The bearded man said.

Phew, uh, huh!

With the bearded man’s words, the other eight people took action, and a large number of kunai and shurikens, like rain, attacked the caravan.

Poof, poof, poof!

In the caravan, many people could not dodge and be attacked.

However, these people did not bled to the ground, but dissipated with white smoke.

“Here it comes!”

The Sasuke Six pulled out the kunai, blocked the kunai and shuriken that were coming towards him, and quickly rushed in the direction of the attack.

“It’s not good, it’s a trap!”

Seeing the six Sasuke rushing over, the nine wandering ninjas changed color, knowing that this was a trap, and they also pulled out their kunai to attack.

“Shadow Mimicry.”

The shadow extends from under Shikamaru and splits into three strands, controlling the three wandering ninjas, leaving the three wandering ninjas immobile.

“Meat bomb chariot.”

So it turned into a huge ball of meat and crashed into a wandering ninja.

“The Art of Heart Turning.”

Ino takes control of one of the wandering ninjas, controlling his attack on his companions next to him.

Naruto and Sakura Haruno attack a wandering ninja separately.


Sasuke flashed and appeared next to the last wandering ninja.

The kunai in his hand had already wiped the wandering ninja’s neck before he could react.

The wandering ninja sprayed blood from his neck and had unwillingness in his eyes.

And Sasuke had already flashed up next to the wandering ninja who was attacked by his companions, and pierced the wandering ninja with bitterness.

Yamanaka Ino dismissed the heart turning technique at the right time, and Sasuke killed the wandering ninja again.

“Compared to the Naka Shinobi exam, Sasuke became stronger!”

Seeing Sasuke lightly kill three wandering ninjas, Yamanaka Ino’s eyes were full of admiration.

Not only handsome, but also powerful, a famous genius in the village, in her eyes, Sasuke is simply the perfect embodiment.

“Not good.”

An exclamation came from Shikamaru’s mouth.

Of the three wandering ninjas who were bound by his shadow mimicry technique, one actually broke free.

Then, by attacking Shikamaru, he helped the other two get rid of the shackles of shadow mimicry.

Being able to break free from the shackles of shadow imitation so quickly, this person’s strength is at least at the upper level of ninja.

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immediately preemptive (Event Period: April 29 to May 3)

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