Walking out of the Hokage Building, Sasuke followed Kurotsuchi as his guard.

He couldn’t understand why Kurotsuchi had specifically designated him as a guard.

“Can’t you imagine that we meet again so soon?”

Walking side by side with Sasuke, Kurotsuchi looked at Sasuke’s handsome side face and said proudly.

Thinking that Uchiha Sasuke, who had shown strong strength not long ago and overwhelmed the six of them led by the elite Shinobi, was now her own guard, she was inexplicably very happy in her heart.

“I didn’t think about it.”

Sasuke responded coldly and gave the other a soft nail.

For Sasuke’s cold attitude, Kurotsuchi was not impressed in the slightest.

“How do you usually cultivate, how can your strength be so strong?”

For Sasuke, she was really curious about how she cultivated.

With such strength at such a young age, the last battle left too much impression on her.

It was for this reason that she would take the initiative to ask Sasuke Uchiha to show her the way.

Even this mission, she took the initiative to ask for it, in order to meet Sasuke Uchiha again.


Sasuke replied coldly with these two words.

“So do you have a girlfriend?”

Kurotsuchi continued to ask.


Sasuke continued to answer coldly.

Sasuke followed Kurotsuchi with a cold face, but in the eyes of outsiders, this was not the case.

Sasuke, who had a cold face, was already strange, but shopping alone with a young girl was something that had never been done before, and it was absolutely big news.

Sasuke walked with Kurotsuchi, already followed by several tails.

Among them are Naruto, there is Sakura Haruno, there is Ino Yamanaka, there is Inuzuka Ya, and Shikamaru is growing.

With Sasuke’s current strength, he naturally quickly discovered the tail behind him.

The corners of his mouth twitched, and these people were so idle and panicked.

With this time to track him, it is better to spend time on cultivation.

Not only him, but even Kurotsuchi sensed that her strength was also at the level of upper ninja after all, she asked.

“Those people are your friends?”


Sasuke nodded.

“What is the relationship between those two girls and you, why are they not looking at me with friendly eyes?”

Kurotsuchi took out a small mirror, and the figures of several people followed behind him appeared in the small mirror.

Among them, Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino both look like they are gritting their teeth, which is almost like seeing an enemy.

“Friend.” Sasuke said briefly.


Kurotsuchi’s eyes narrowed slightly, and a hint of cunning flashed on his face.

Then he leaned directly towards Sasuke’s side, almost close to Sasuke, and a faint fragrance entered Sasuke’s nose.

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino who followed behind immediately exploded.

No longer hidden, directly chased up, blocking the black earth road.

“Who are you and what is your relationship with Sasuke?”

Haruno Sakura asked angrily with her hands crossed at her waist.

“Say, what is your relationship with Sasuke?”

Yamanaka Ino is also a do.

“Yes, what is our relationship?”

Kurotsuchi didn’t answer, but looked at Sasuke and asked.

“It doesn’t matter.”

Sasuke took a step sideways to distance himself from Kurotsuchi and said coldly.

“It’s really sad, obviously I touched my leg not long after.”

Kurotsuchi said with a sad look.


Sasuke was choked, this sister really dared to say that she would actually say such ambiguous words.

He did touch the other’s leg, but it was in the middle of a hostile battle between the two sides.

He was taught, and this was simply a female riffraff.

“Sasuke touched… Her legs? ”

Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino had already been so beaten that they almost fainted.

The gaze involuntarily looked at Kurotsuchi’s long legs, the other party’s legs were very long and white, Sasuke liked this?

“She is a ninja of Iwahide Village, and she fought me on a mission some time ago.”

Sasuke hastened to explain.

If you continue to let this female riffraff continue, his innocence will be gone.

Hearing Sasuke’s explanation, Haruno Sakura and Yamanaka Ino breathed a sigh of relief.

Then he couldn’t help but stare at Kurotsuchi with anger in his eyes, and the other party was obviously intentional, in order to tease them.

“Shall we go over?”

Naruto and the others looked at the three Haruno Sakura who seemed to have an invisible aura, and some hesitated.

Angry women are terrible, and if they come forward, they may be killed.

“This atmosphere is really troublesome!”

Shikamaru had a dead fish eye and had no idea of stepping forward at all.

Such a troublesome matter, he did not want to be involved, and the reason why he followed was also forcibly pulled by Naruto and others.


In a dimly lit stone cave, there is a behemoth.

The behemoth has nine eyes, a hideous giant mouth, and ten vertical fingers, like thick stone pillars one after another.

Oh, ugh, ugh!

One phantom after another appeared, each standing on one finger.

A total of nine figures, blurry and unable to see the face, only the position of the eyes is very clear.

It was a pair of eyes that were either fierce or indifferent.

Among them, there are three hooked jades on a pair of eyes, but whenever you look at the eyes, you can’t help but feel cold.

And that’s not the most special eye.

The most special thing is a man with circles and circles of lines on his eyes.

Just by looking at it, you can’t help but feel your own incomparable insignificance, as if you see a “god” and deeply appreciate your own insignificance.

This is the legendary eye of reincarnation.

“Our task at this stage is to accumulate funds and make preliminary preparations for the deprivation of the tailed beast, Jiaodu, how are the funds accumulated?”

The man with the eyes of reincarnation looked at a man with fierce eyes and asked.

“The money is only half accumulated.”

The fierce-eyed man Jiaodu said.

“Then step up and take on tasks and accumulate funds.”

The man with the eye of reincarnation said.

“If there is no suitable task, you can ask Kakuto.”

“Kakuto, is there a task that can perfectly interpret my explosive art?”

A man asked.

His hair is quite long, and judging by his voice, he should not be very old.

“I don’t know if you can perfectly interpret your explosive art, but there is one task that suits you.”

Kakuto said, his voice tinged with old age.

“What task?”

“Assassinate Sasuke Uchiha, a reward of 20 million, the identity of the bounty has not been found, but the bounty is real, as long as the body is taken to the gold exchange house, you can receive the reward.”

Kakuto flipped a small book and said.

“Twenty million, very good, well, how can this person’s last name be the same as that of a weasel?”

The long-haired man wondered.

“Because he’s the ferrets’ younger brother.”

A man with a weapon behind his back said.

“Itachi’s brother? I took this task. ”

The long-haired man was very satisfied.

When he first joined Xiaozhi, he suffered a big loss at the hands of Uchiha Itachi, and almost committed suicide by Uchiha Itachi’s illusion, and now he heard that the target was actually Uchiha Itachi’s younger brother, and he couldn’t help but be interested.

He wants to take revenge on the loss he suffered from Uchiha Itachi’s younger brother, and as for taking revenge on Uchiha Itachi himself, he really doesn’t have that kind of confidence.

“Deidara, he’s my prey.”

Uchiha Itachi, a man with three hooked jades in his eyes, said strongly.

Being stared at by the cold gaze of Uchiha, the long-haired man’s smile froze, even though it was only a phantom here, he still couldn’t help but feel a trace of jealousy.

“That’s it.”

The man with the eye of reincarnation spoke.

After a moment of discussion, the nine shadows disappeared.

In a tall tower, there was a man with many black rods inserted into his body, it was the man with the eye of reincarnation just now.

Next to him, there is also a man wearing a spiral mask with only one eye exposed.

“Uchiha Sasuke has the possibility of fighting over, but I don’t know what the strength is.”

The spiral mask man said.

“Let people test his strength first!”

The reincarnation eye man said.

“Leave it to me, I just have a very suitable candidate in my hand!”

The spiral mask man said.

After speaking, the space appeared distorted, and he quickly disappeared in place.

The reincarnation eye man looked at the place where the other party disappeared, not knowing what he was thinking about in his heart. _

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