Seeing Sasuke chasing after him, the three-hook jade in Uchiha’s eyes spun rapidly.

The next moment, one huge metal wedge after another fell from the sky and plunged into Sasuke’s body, fixing Sasuke in place, making Sasuke unable to move.

This is a powerful illusion that only the Sharingan can unleash – magic. The Art of Shackling.

“To that extent?”

Frozen in place, unable to move, Sasuke’s face showed a hint of contempt.

It seems that the strength that can be exerted by turning into a doppelganger is lower than expected.

In his eyes, the three gouge jades disappeared, replaced by a six-pointed star pattern.

His body seemed to turn into an illusion, and as soon as he passed through, he got rid of the magic of Uchiha Itachi. The Art of Shackling.

“You taste magic too. What is the taste of Hang no Jutsu? ”

In the spiritual space, one metal wedge after another fell from the sky again.

Only the difference is that this time it is pierced on the Uchiha ferret and nails the Uchiha ferret, so that the Uchiha ferret cannot move.

“Kaleidoscope Sharingan…”

Frozen and unable to move, Uchiha Itachi’s face was shocked, Sasuke had actually awakened the kaleidoscope chakra eye.

Apparently, the Sho Organization did not tell him that Sasuke had awakened the kaleidoscope of chakra eyes.

It is not difficult to understand that the Xiao organization does not trust Uchiha Itachi, and there have always been doubts about the reason why Uchiha Weasel joined the Xiao Organization.

Under such circumstances, how could he tell him important information.

“You have actually awakened the kaleidoscope of chakra eyes.”

Uchiha Itachi had a complicated look on his face.

“If you can awaken, I can naturally awaken too!”

Sasuke’s eyes were cold.

He can’t talk about hatred for Uchiha Itachi, after all, he is no longer the original Sasuke, and there is no feud between him and Uchiha Itachi.

But this does not prevent him from hating Uchiha Itachi, and can even be said to be disgusted.

Whatever the reason, you should not kill your parents.

“Peace” is not a reason for him to raise his butcher’s knife at innocent people.

He can attack the top officials of the Uchiha clan who participated in the coup, but he should not attack ordinary people who are innocent and completely unaware of the coup.

Peace in exchange for innocent lives, such peace is not enough.

Moreover, destroying the Uchiha clan will damage Konoha’s overall strength, but it will easily lead to external enemies prying eyes.

The plan to destroy Konoha launched by Orochimaru is the best proof of this.

If there was a Uchiha clan in the village at that time, and there was a Uchiha weasel, Orochimaru would not have dared to launch a plan to destroy Konoha.

“Next time we meet, I will truly beat you!”

Sasuke’s gaze was cold as he looked at Uchiha Itachi, who was quickly breaking free under the illusion.

Even if he can’t use the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye, even if he can only have part of his strength, with Uchiha’s attainment in illusion, it is enough to break free from illusion.


A lightning spear extended by Sasuke pierced the body of Uchiha Itachi, who was about to break free from the illusion, ending the battle.

With his current strength, if it is difficult to deal with Uchiha Itachi’s phase doppelganger, then he is not qualified to take revenge on Uchiha Itachi.

“The ferret lost so quickly?”

At this time, the three people of Ghoul Scorpion, Kakuto, and Hiduan were under siege, and when they saw Sasuke simply and neatly kill Uchiha Itachi, the two or three of them couldn’t help but be stunned.

Even if it is just a doppelganger, it is good to have the strength of the ontology.

And with the strength of the Uchiha Itachi stronger than them, even if it is only a few percent, it must be extremely close to the shadow level.

It was actually defeated like this, and Sasuke Uchiha’s strength was too strong.

The elephant that killed Uchiha Itachi turned around, and Sasuke looked at the besieged Dry Persimmon Oni, Kakuto, and Hida, ready to join the siege.

Now is the time of the race against time, and naturally the sooner you kill the two, the better.


Suddenly, more than a dozen giant tree roots sticking out from the ground and attacking Sasuke from all directions.

“Mu Duan?”

The sudden change surprised Sasuke, and what surprised him even more was that the ninjutsu that attacked him was actually Mu Duan.

Still, he responded immediately.

“Peacock Magic Method.”

Huge colorful feathers appeared behind him, turning into huge tentacles one after another, facing the roots and whiskers of the giant tree that attacked him.

All incoming roots of giant trees must be blocked.

Not only that, but the huge tentacles also wrapped around the roots and whiskers of these giant trees, like a giant snake that tightened its prey, twisting the roots and whiskers of these giant trees.

Sasuke looked searching and saw the person who attacked him.

This is a man whose body is wrapped in huge aloe vera leaves, half of his body is black, and half of his body is white.

The man only has half of his black face, white part, and no face, as if it is made of white clay, which looks extremely strange.


Sasuke immediately recognized the identity of the man, who was the person codenamed “Gen” in the Xiao Organization.

On the surface, he was formed after Uchiha fused his own will with Bai Jue, representing Uchiha’s will, but in fact this is not the case.

He is the product of Kaguya’s will and represents the will of Kaguya.

He is the real mastermind behind the Eye of the Moon Project, and even Uchiha is just his target.

He tampered with the stone tablets of the Uchiha clan and induced Uchiha in order to activate the Eye of the Moon and resurrect Kaguya Otsuki.

“Uchiha Sasuke is really tricky!”

Staring at Sasuke, Kuro was very distressed.

When he learned that Sasuke Uchiha was among the people involved in the rescue this time, he knew that things were getting tricky.

A few days ago in the country of the sea, he saw the battle between Sasuke Uchiha and Terumi.

Understand that Uchiha Sasuke’s strength not only reaches the shadow level, but also is quite strong in the shadow level, and the elephant turning doppelganger is likely to be unstoppable.

And the truth is also true, even the phase doppelganger of Uchiha Itachi was quickly killed by Uchiha Sasuke.

The process of stripping the tailed beast must not be disturbed, and there is no way, he can only separate from Bai Jue, split in two, and come to block and delay time.

“Peacock Magic Method. Beast”

Sasuke didn’t care about Kurojie’s distress, and after seeing Heijie, he couldn’t help but have an idea in his heart.

Hei Jue is the messenger behind everything, if he can kill Hei Jue here, then the crisis of the resurrection of Kaguya Otsuki can be regarded as lifted.

The seal in his hand, the colored light feather suddenly turned into a huge beast, roaring towards Hei Jue.

“Mu Duan.”

The lower body of Hei Jue completely turned into trees, and a large number of trees without leaves grew out to face the huge beast.

The giant beast is full of brute strength, has strong strength and defense, and a large number of trees are broken.

However, the trees are endless, constantly growing out, and more trees stretch out from the feet of the huge beast, entangled in the huge beast.

The huge beast struggled, and the trees wrapped around him were suddenly torn off, but the trees kept flowing and kept stalemating with it. _

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