The capital of the Kingdom of Liss is very close, and it will be there in about three days.

Shaoyu still ran in the desert with no one, but he called out the divine sword from time to time and shouted, the divine sword fell in response to his hand, slamming on the ground for a while.

This is not funny, he is practicing swordsmanship.

After the sword spirit left, Shaoyu wanted to absorb the ball of light, his god-level technique, his heart was hot. But Xiao S came out and said, suggesting that the host returned to its best condition. After a daze, he asked Xiao S if the thing would expire. Xiao S showed that after scanning the body for a while, he was determined not to be, and then Shaoyu exited to check the attributes.

From this point of view, not only the energy has gone by most, but the vitality is only 32. He thought to himself that it was because of Feijian, but then he thought, hadn't it been supplemented at the time, and then he suddenly, must have glanced at the red ball of light...

He was sitting on the ground at that time. After a short rest, a light spot suddenly appeared on the side, and several colored ribbons spun out to form a light gate. Shaoyu stroked his head and sighed, time hunter. As he was about to fight, he suddenly stiffened, turned and ran.

Without it, because another light spot appeared on the other side.

Now Shaoyu's condition is not good, two animals appear at the same time, it is not terrible.

Space-time hunters are actually not fast, they can teleport at a distance... they can't catch him at all. Of course, it means that he is running with all his strength in a light work state. With only two legs, the space-time hunter is still a little faster. Their teleportation can only be within ten meters, and they cannot be used together, so they must pause. Shao Yu was surprised, why did the empty hunter always show up around him before teleporting again last time.

Running the Qi with full force, I only feel that I am as light as a swallow, and the surrounding scenery is quickly retreating. It's just that the energy is used a bit faster, and it drops 0.5 a minute.

As he ran, Shaoyu sighed secretly, his disorder disappeared a little in two days, and it was 17 more points, which would take more than a month. In case the energy runs out, or more appears. At this time, Xiao S Jianyi eats gems. Without hesitation, Shaoyu took out the gem formed by the swirl of the time traveler's brow from the ring, and swallowed it as soon as he closed his eyes.

This is not eating corpses, Shaoyu hypnotizes himself. Just kidding, how can you die here? You have to go to Lily. He decided to forget the seven swords piercing the heart, study the art of sacrificing swords and learn the sword earlier. After eating, Xiao S prompts the start of digestion, which takes ten hours.

When Shaoyu jumped over a crack of nearly ten meters, his energy dropped to ten percent. He finally drew a sword in his hand, knocked down the teleported space-time hunter, and then killed the other one.

After a burst of explosions, Shaoyu looked into the cracks. There were many cracks along the way. They seemed to be naturally formed by the cracks of the earth and they were almost bottomless. However, Shao Yu accidentally discovered that this time-space hunter was tightly entangled in the withered vines in some cracks.

Seeing it struggled for a while, Shaoyu didn't bother to take care of it. Even if it fell a bit deep, it couldn't get up even if it teleported.

I found some firewood and took out the meat pieces and roasted them. After eating, after drinking a few sips of water, Shaoyu lay down. After casting the sword base and the qi body into the body, the need for food became less, and Shao Yu felt that he could still eat a lot, but if he did not eat for a few days, it was no different, just a little hungry.

Little S said: This is because after evolution, a small amount of free energy in the air can be converted as nutrition for the body. Shaoyu thought of a word, the gods were out of breath.

After half-entertaining and sitting all night, Shaoyu's state was fully restored at dawn, and he entered the spiritual world again. Before entering, Shaoyu suddenly thought of a question, what should be done if the time hunter appeared. Little S said, please rest assured the host, she will warn.

Shaoyu felt that when he was out of the border, Xiao S became too powerful.

The process of learning the art of swordsman is a bit simple. The ball of light has once again turned into countless words and patterns to form a strip of light, and a lot of information flooded into his head.

I don't know how long it will take for Shaoyu to wake up. He watched the sword spirit appear to one side, and asked how long it took, the sword spirit said a stick of incense. Shaoyu thought, how long is this stick of incense? It doesn't sound too long.

Withdraw from the spiritual world, recalling the skill of the sword.

The art of swordsmanship is one imperial, divided into ten layers.

Ten layers, Shaoyu can check them all... But everything has to start from the first step. This first layer of swordsmanship, Shaoyu feels very much like a flying sword, but the sword is automatically unsheathed and floats on top of his head. Turn into a sword shadow to attack the enemy.

Although the sword can be separated from the body, it can only be regarded as floating in the air, not as it has to be attacked with the sword shadow to be powerful.

In addition to the Jianyuan route, the requirements of the exercise method are also very simple, carrying a long sword of the same mind, injecting it with the sword yuan to make it out of the sheath, turning into a sword shadow to attack the enemy. When Shaoyu started practicing, he realized, acridine, that means he has to change the form of the sword? After thinking for a while, I realized that the spirit of the heart is connected, the sword should be counted, and the sword is also attached to it.

The result was a try, the Divine Sword was summoned, but it didn't move. Finally, he put away his breath, resisted the pain of his body and changed the form of Jian Yuan, only to find that Jian Yuan could not follow the route of imperial swordsmanship.

In addition to the five main channels of the sword yuan of Yujianshu, many branches are involved, and a few more channels are needed to circulate. The current situation is that if you want to rush into the air channel, you have to destroy the body. It is completely unclear what the result will be. .

With a headache, Shaoyu came to the crack and kicked a few stones down. He unexpectedly found that the Space-Time Hunter had no movement and seemed dead, but it did not explode.

Shaoyu moved in his heart, but ignored it, and entered the spiritual world to ask the sword spirit.

After listening to the situation, Jian Ling said: Imperial Swordsmanship can make a mortal sword be used as a flying sword. The so-called transformation into a sword shadow can also be regarded as a flying sword attack formation... it is worthy of a Zhen Sect god-level technique. Shao Yulian asked what happened. Sword Spirit said: Royal swordsmanship uses the sword element to form an array in the body, so that ordinary swords can be turned into flying swords. The reason why a flying sword is a flying sword not only requires a very high level of material, but also has to engrave many formations in the sword body, and finally cultivate spirituality.

Shaoyu asked: What does that mean, can he practice? The sword spirit pondered for a moment, but he said that there was a compromise method, using the sword element to directly restore the formation in the divine sword. Shaoyu still remembered scanning the Excalibur. Xiao S said that there were 13 energy structures, 666 sleeping life forms at various levels, a collapsed D-class world, and places that could not be scanned.

So he asked, are the thirteen energy structures a formation? Sword Spirit was taken aback, but he was able to understand what he said after seeing Shaoyu's memory. After thinking about it for a moment, he said: Yes. Shaoyu asked again: What are those six hundred and sixty-six sleeping life forms? Sword Spirit said, this is a demon infant made with the soul of a billion people. Back then, as long as the divine sword was out of its sheath, ten thousand souls followed, and the formation... Shaoyu repeatedly called to stop, he said that he must not be able to use it now. Sword Spirit smiled bitterly and said, he is like this, he can't even reach one ten thousandth of his heyday, how to control the divine sword, not to mention, it is now your soul sword.

Wait, Shaoyu yelled, what soul sword, please tell me clearly once. I have a headache. When should I squeeze this toothpaste? The sword spirit said with a serious face: In their world, there were four innate races at the beginning of the world. One of them was called the Sword Clan. They were born with soul swords in their bodies, and the sword cultivation line was actually inherited by them.

Shaoyu got even more headache. It was a legend. He asked, just like Bai said, what is a soul sword, and what is the situation when your magic sword becomes my soul sword?

The sword spirit said: The so-called soul sword is a sword that is born in your soul and will grow as your strength improves. Although it is still unclear, it is because the starting point of the Excalibur is too high, but as your strength improves, you will find changes. When my strength is hopeless and there is no possibility of going home, these are all given to you, it can be regarded as a sustenance.

Shaoyu was moved, so he asked if you were really planning to occupy my body at the time.

Sword Spirit said very solemnly: Of course it was intended to occupy, but you turned the qi body into a seal and trapped me in it. Then you let the divine sword into the body and turned it into a soul sword to change my mind.

Shaoyu felt that Bai was moved. It wasn't a coincidence that he let the sword spirit occupy his body. He said it was a magic sword. The sword spirit nodded. In my world, it is a magic sword. After becoming your soul sword, how can it not become a magic sword.

Can you still play like this? What about the Devil Infant, the soul of a hundred million people, it sounds so cruel. The sword spirit said: Can't you turn them into gods? Then he said, it is too early to say this. And in order to become your soul sword, it has already damaged the root of the sword.

Shaoyu waved his hand, it didn't matter, didn't I grow up as I grew up, and it must be better than you. Sword Spirit laughed and said that he admired Shaoyu's optimistic attitude. Shaoyu touched his head and asked how to do it. Sword Spirit had to take a look first before going out.

After leaving the spiritual world, Shaoyu summoned the divine sword, and the sword spirit took a long time to attach it... After Shaoyu boringly kicked a few rocks and hit the Space-Time Hunter, the sword spirit escaped, and his figure became a lot illusory. After coming out, Jian Ling first looked at the sky, and sighed, this **** place, there is too little aura.

Shaoyu asked: Is it because of aura that the strength cannot be restored? Sword Spirit nodded, this is one aspect, the main reason is that his spiritual body is too badly damaged to absorb spiritual energy. Shaoyu comforted him and said: Take your time. Sword Spirit smiled bitterly, this slowly took ten thousand years to calculate, and he couldn't last that long. Then he said that this world is very peculiar. According to your words, it is easier for a gas refiner to adapt to the environment.

Shaoyu didn't know what to say, the sword spirit said with a serious face, most of the flying formation has been damaged, and you will still have to rely on you when that happens. Reluctantly activated the floating formation in the flying formation, so that Shaoyu can practice the first heavy swordsmanship, and it can be regarded as familiar with the next formation. Turn the Jian Yuan into the Divine Sword in Dantian, and you will understand. After speaking, Jian Ling returned to Shaoyu's spiritual world.

Take back the Excalibur and sit down cross-legged. Consciousness controls Jian Yuan to instill into the divine sword. The two-color sphere formed by the life and death sword Yuan in the dantian is constantly sucked and shrunk by the divine sword in the middle. Empty and empty. Shaoyu's consciousness flows into the sword with the sword element, which is another very peculiar feeling. In the darkness, it is like a sketch based on a highlighter, and Shaoyu takes the sword element to sketch and fill it.

This is indeed a compromise method, what should have been done in the body meridians has changed to the divine sword. The advantage is that there is no need to damage the body, but the disadvantage is that it must be supplemented once at a time. It is not as free as it is when the meridians form a circulation and only use Jian Yuan to flow through.

After replenishing energy by meditating a second time, the floating formation in the Excalibur was finally completed.

Shaoyu threw the Divine Sword into the sky and yelled, but the Divine Sword clanged and fell to the ground again...

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