The soul stone extracted from the anatomy of King Mongara increased Shaoyu's sword of death. The total amount of swords became 1.25, which increased by 0.1, without any characteristics. He desperately ate the whole King Mongara, almost to his death. After 10 hours of digestion, his cell strength increased by two points, becoming 70, activity increased a little, becoming 51, regeneration also increased a little, becoming 21. Then he got the ability, war cry.

Shaoyu was almost stunned by Happiness. After taking a closer look at the skills under the characteristics, after using it once, he became completely speechless. Battle cry: Use all your strength to make a loud shout, causing a short stun to the enemy within a cone of five meters in front of you... the mark of the small S. This roar, really exhausted all his energy, the energy in his body was completely emptied, and he was fascinated by Venus.

A useless ability, he didn't understand why it was so different from the original. In the end, Xiao S was puzzled. She said that it was because Shaoyu's body structure was different from that of Warcraft.

In this battle, the elven cloak was ruined, and the adventure emblem was picked up when the villagers helped clean it.

Soon, a week later, this day Shaoyu was teaching some guards to practice swords at the village entrance, and Diablo and Chadi were also there. The two of them were actually bored and learned swordsmanship from Shaoyu. Chadi is not a warrior. He only practiced family fighting spirit. If only fighting spirit is concerned, his strength is less than four stars, but Chadi said he is an archer, not only in his hands. That magic weapon is a legendary weapon, and it's all well equipped. And he is very talented, if a round of volley of arrows, Shaoyu is not sure what to do next.

According to his words, if necessary, I can eat, but when it is not necessary, just stand at a distance and shoot arrows. Don't use me as the main force. After joining the group, he donated one hundred thousand gold coins, so that Baoju yelled at the appearance of Shenhao who was even more proud than K.

The Diablo Learning Sword is said to increase some melee abilities. Cha Dichun is bored and swayed. He really wants to learn the sword, saying that learning it is like having a void quiver. Shaoyu was a little speechless when he told the tuition fees straight out, so he had to coax him to practice basic swordsmanship to learn advanced skills.

Void quiver... the legendary archer artifact, this quiver can draw unlimited arrows, and all have magical attributes.

Orthodox, the village road walked over and stood here alone watching them. Shaoyu saw this man in the costume of a mercenary in leather armor...There were surviving mercenaries in the village who were recuperating. He only felt a little uncomfortable, the mercenary kept staring at him...At this moment, he was teaching the sword splitting, and the sword was raised by a half arc on his side, and then he slashed with strength, and the movement was divided into two groups. This mention is not only a charge, but also a block. While talking, while demonstrating, the mercenary on the other side came up and said: This is too fancy, cut it down with force, and mention what sword. As he said, he took out the sword, stood beside a large rock, held the sword in both hands, and cut it down, only to see a flash of white light, and the large rock was chopped apart.

Shaoyu got angry... just watch it, what does this mean! Come to hit the place? This mercenary is a professional, and the sword brought from the weapon space, a sword broken stone is very powerful...but the villagers have no vindictiveness. He stepped forward and said: Why are you here to slash me with a sword? This mercenary didn't talk nonsense. He stepped forward and slashed with a sword. Shaoyu raised his sword and held the mercenary's sword and cut it down. The mercenary leaped back and quickly retreated. Shaoyu suppressed his anger, turned his head and shouted at the guards: I see it, this is the way to hack, and then he shouted at the mercenary: Look at it, don’t know how to pretend... Diablo and Chadi are both standing. Behind Shaoyu.

I saw that the mercenary shook his sword and left a face full of anger before entering the village.

Shaoyu said who these people are, and Diablo also expressed speechlessness. After practicing for a while, he returned to the adventure guild. At this time, his temper ran and said: The leader and they are back, let him take the newcomer back to the castle.

Shaoyu was very happy to bring Chacha and Diahe all the way to the castle, while talking to them about the group leader, and seeing them standing at the mouth of the castle talking from a distance. After climbing the hillside, Shaoyu felt a little bit in his heart. He found that the mercenary was actually among the captains, talking to Baoju, talking and laughing, and seemed quite familiar.

The mercenary also sensed Shaoyu's gaze, and his face sank after seeing Shaoyu.

As soon as they went uphill, the head of the group greeted them with a big smile and said. I heard that you took two people as soon as you came. Shaoyu pressed his doubts and said with a smile: Okay, just be promoted to the leader. The leader said: Then you have to line up, at least you have done Baoju and Zhende, they both wanted to usurp the throne all the time...Everyone laughed.

Xiaoyue and Hawkeye did not come back with everyone, everyone stood on the hillside and introduced them. When the mercenary was introduced, Shaoyu's worries became a reality. This was one of the members of the adventure group, Yeshu Sen. As a result, there was a quarrel without saying a word. Shaoyu hurriedly explained that at first he thought you were a mercenary and thought you were here to make trouble.

The head of the group asked what the situation was, and Shaoyu explained the situation again. Before he could finish the explanation, Yeju Sen said on the side, haven't you heard of me? I reported kindly to give pointers, you just treat me like this?

When Shaoyu heard this, he was angry! What kind of advice, do I need your advice? The two ridiculed each other a few words, and the head of the group shouted: Enough, what a big thing, go in and talk about it. The atmosphere was very silent, and everyone closed their mouths. When they walked into the castle, they quarreled again when everyone was seated. Nightfall Sen said not to sit with Shaoyu, there is him without me!

He calmed down a lot when he came back. This was indeed a misunderstanding. Nightfall Sen's mercenary costume is a kind of disguise... So Shaoyu lowered his posture and said embarrassedly, he did not know that it was you at that time. Evening Sen was reluctant and unforgiving. Shaoyu suddenly became angry again, and asked loudly: Tell me, what do you want, say, I do...

This time the gathering was unhappy, and the night and forest left the table directly, and Shaoyu also stood up and went back to the room.

Shaoyu thought in the room, this is too cautious... He is a little worried, he must have just joined the group soon, and the other party is an old member, will he... When he thinks about it, he hears the knock at the door, and Shaoyu opens the door At first glance, it turned out that it was Baoju and Diablo walking in with a barrel of wine. After a while, the leader and Chadi also ran in.

The head of the group first talked about the mission experience this time, and he said that he shouldn't let Sensen run back first. When Shaoyu heard that the head and Bao Ju's tone was on his side, it made him more comfortable. After chatting for a while, Baoju said that Sensen is actually a nice person. This time Uncle Zhende’s mission failed, and everyone was a little upset, so...

Shaoyu didn't know what to say. The team leader said that after two days of rest, it was rumored that a ruin was found in the eastern countries. You take Diablo and Chadi to take a risk. He thought to himself, is this a distraction, so he asked: Who will go? The group leader said, I, Zhende, Ailian, Baoju plus you, Diablo, Chady, and then wait for the other two in Nali. When Shaoyu heard it, he knew that he was thinking too much. It was obviously a large force action. The group leader smiled and said: Fortunately, there was Chadi's contribution this time, and they can keep sending it in order to catch up...

After the talk, Shaoyu went to the Adventure Guild to stay with Diablo and Chadi...not seeing and not bothering.

Two days later, everyone set up and set off. First, it took four days to walk to the nearest city to Holmsa. After replenishing some supplies, they took three trips to Nali.

During the journey, Shaoyu also learned about this area.

Their destination is Sein in the eastern countries. Speaking of the eastern countries, we must first talk about the Principality of Hill and the Kingdom of Bakco, the largest of the three divided principalities of the Kingdom of Hill. The Principality of Hill is located in the southern continent where the east, west, south and north cultures converge and exchange. The commerce is very prosperous. It is the center of the southern continent, and its capital, Nali, is the center of the center. The Cole Kingdom is a nomadic grassland kingdom, and its capital is Balan. The eastern countries are located in the belt-shaped zone between the spheres of influence of Hill and Bakco. Among them, small countries are like stars, with chessboard-like separatist settlements... The most famous of the eastern countries is the water city, Sein.

After coming out of the teleportation array of the Magic Guild, Shaoyu was shocked. The magic guild here was very majestic, and the room where the teleportation array was located was inlaid with many crystals. The teleportation array here is set in the magic guild. When passing through the magic guild, this small city-like magic guild makes him overwhelmed. There are three towering mage towers and a group of magic and magic towers in the distance... …All the towers become a forest.

Walking out of the guild street, he felt like a dumpling entering the city, a little at a loss. He was completely stunned by the prosperity here, and Chadi was very used to it.

The buildings here are very exquisite and magnificent, and they are well located. Shaoyu is a little bit at a loss if he is not following everyone.

In addition to the official road, the road is also divided for carriages.

Shaoyu was never used to walking in crowds, and found the hotel after crossing several streets. After entering, everyone moved separately. This time the general and the temper did not come, so Zhende carried the space box and Ailian to buy supplies, the head of the group went to collect information, and the violent chrysanthemum picked up the people, and Shaoyu took the Diablo Chadi The two newcomers only need to rest.

After a short break, Diablo came to him and said that he wanted to go out for a stroll. The two chatted a few words, and Chadi also came over and said that he had this idea, and he said he wanted to buy something. Shaoyu didn't want to come out, so she asked Chadi what he wanted to buy. Chadi said he could bring two more rings. He had never met a good one. This time he came to Nali to buy one.

Shaoyu was speechless and bought equipment! Although Chadi's fighting spirit is only three-star four-star level, his equipment has been increased, and the power of each arrow has been doubled. Plus the attributes of the magic arrow, if he stands at a distance and keeps shooting. No one can stop it. Shao Yu didn't say anything in a hurry, rested and waited for Bo Ju to pick up someone and went together, so the three of them chatted with each other without a word.

After a while, Bao Ju brought back the two and Shaoyu and they got together. Both of them are young men, one of them is wearing a noble costume, the other is somewhat ordinary. Bao Ju introduced him. He pointed to the young man in aristocratic clothes and said, This is K girl's cousin, and there is a chamber of commerce in Nali who is the president. Just call him the poet chief. When Shaoyu heard this, he thought to himself, this is another local tyrant! The head of the poem was a little shy and said not to listen to the chaos of Bo Ju: just call him poems. Then Baoju pointed to another young man and said, this is Zhende's friend, the younger brother with IQ problems.

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