The gate of the arena is very tall, at least ten yards high and twenty yards wide, but the shadow is indeed squeezed out.

Shaoyu actually wanted to laugh, as if a big fat man encountered a narrow door and squeezed himself out of the ground after desperately lying on the ground.

The size of this behemoth is huge. It has a humanoid shape, stubby limbs, and some scales on its body, but it is more of a large brown withered wrinkles and scars. Its oval head is covered with messy hair. Seeing a blood bowl with a big mouth is a single eye. After squeezing out the door of the arena, he stood up with a roar, full of anger. Shaoyu understood it quite well. At a height of nearly twenty yards, it had to squeeze out of the door on the ground, and everyone was angry.

The field was quiet again.

The bottom of the arena is fifteen yards in height, and each stand is about seven yards in height. Once this giant beast stood up, his head was almost in the second stand.

Shaoyu looked at the giant beast and scanned the audience with anger. Although he wanted to laugh at the time, he didn't care about it, so he directly used the probe.

At this time, Xiao S was reporting the data of the giant beast. What surprised Shaoyu was that the race on the opposite side turned out to be an ancient giant! The combat power is 1561. He thought to himself that the fighting power was about the same, but he didn't count the knight standing on the shoulders of the giant.

When Shaoyu had nine flying swords, Yujian’s combat power was in 1687. At this time, he had 14 flying swords, but the combat power dropped by only 1531. This is the same as the quality of the fourteen flying swords he made. Too much about it. Of course, he still owns six giant flying swords, which have not been calculated into the combat effectiveness. Little S said that it must be calculated through actual combat tests.

After scanning the entire field, the giant stepped to a place twenty yards away from Shaoyu, bending over and smashing it with a punch.

Shaoyu flew away, his sword pointed at the giant, and at the same time he was ill.

The flying sword inserted on the ground floated up, and the fourteen flying swords were fixed at the same time, and the tip of the sword turned into a sword shadow to meet the giant's fist.

The giant's fist was not hindered in the slightest, and directly smashed the battlefield out of a big pit.

Feijian was smashed in all directions, and three of them were broken on the spot! The first stage of Imperial Swordsmanship did not cause any harm to the giant at all, and even some of the swords alluding to the giant's body were stretched open after only half of the flesh.

Shaoyu yelled and returned. He had already anticipated this situation. He had already gathered his mind and was calm.

The giant retracted his fist, and stepped over again with a punch.

All of a sudden, giants smashed large holes in the arena, stirring up countless clods. Shaoyu had nothing to do with the giant's fist.

Of course, this is only the perspective of the ‘audience’. Shaoyu dodges very easily. This giant seems mighty, but it’s too slow! It's just that he is limited by the field. For the giant, a one-hundred-yard arena can be crossed in four or five steps.

It seemed that it was suppressed for a while, but Shaoyu had already detected the knight on the shoulder of the giant, only waiting for the flying sword in the sword box to replenish the sword. These ‘candidate’ flying swords can’t fly even if they only use the sword box to replenish their sword elements remotely after the second sword attack.

It was a pity that the permanent damage to his left knee made him not flexible enough to step onto the giant's body, otherwise he wouldn't have to wait for Feijian to'charge up' before attacking, Shao Yu thought lightly.

The knight on the shoulder of the giant has a combat power of no more than 300. This is the weakness of the giant!

300 combat power can control the giant of 1561? After observing for a while, Shaoyu was even more certain that the giant was controlled.

If I knew this was the case, I wouldn't waste materials to make the giant flying sword. The eleven flying swords in the sword box have been replenished with sword essences, Shaoyu secretly unsheathed, and the flying sword flew straight out, rushing into the package of flying swords, and pointed directly at the giant's arm. knight.

The knight's combat effectiveness was not high, but he was very calm, as if he was still smiling, and he took a scroll from his arms and tore it.

As soon as the scroll was torn open, a golden light was lit up, and then Shaoyu only felt that he was swept by waves of invisible waves, that he could not maintain the flying sword technique.

No, is it a forbidden scroll?

Little S's voice sounded, she said it should be atmospheric fluctuations.

Shaoyu hurriedly stabilized his figure, avoiding the big hand captured by the giant.

It's not a banned scroll, Shaoyu only remembers these sky-defying scrolls. Atmospheric fluctuation is a high-level elemental spell, which will produce bursts of high-altitude wind pressure within a certain period of time, which is also considered a half-forbidden air.

The knight should know that he is a weak link and there must be a way to protect himself. Shaoyu thought it would be a shield or something, but he didn't expect it to be this thing.

Under atmospheric fluctuations, the flight of the sword is very affected, and if it flies to the height of the shoulders of giants, it will be affected by strong wind pressure. Fortunately, the intensity of the atmospheric fluctuations would not let his sword flying skills dissipate, but the speed would be greatly affected, when the giant waved casually, he would have to finish playing.

Shaoyu dodges the hands waved by the giant, thinking secretly, is it going to waste time again?

Magic is continuous, and there is no time limit to challenge anyway. Shao Yu put away the flying sword and fell back to the ground. Anyway, it's just a matter of waiting...

Just as Shaoyu thought about it, he saw that the knight on the giant's shoulder took out something and threw it into the giant's mouth.

Shaoyu only heard the giant roar again, and his body began to grow bigger. He secretly said, what's the use of getting bigger, bigger, slower! However, as the giant grew bigger, it was found that there was a huge scar under it.

Dare to love or be castrated!

The giant rose to a height of nearly thirty yards, and came again with his fist.

Shaoyu only felt that getting bigger would be of some use. Although the giant's fist was a little slower, the wind pressure was already on the fist, and it hit the ground to produce radial cracks and vibrations. This arena has only a one-hundred-yard circular range, and one fist can reach a tenth of the range. He can only run fast against the edge of the arena at this time. If he gets close, the giant's big feet are not vegetarian.

The fog around the arena continued to emerge with the vibration, which is a kind of protection. Moreover, these mists do not block the viewer's sight.

The entire ground was ploughed by the giant. Little S had already warned that the other party's magic was about to disappear, and Shaoyu secretly said, and immediately pointed at the knight on the giant's shoulder.

As soon as they flew together, even though Shaoyu kept the mirror heart, he couldn't help cursing inwardly and doing it.

The knight actually took out another scroll and tore it open immediately.

After landing helplessly, he tried to attack the giant. The giant's defensive power seemed to have risen after it became bigger, and the flying sword barely broke its skin.

Shaoyu ran, and saw the knight take out something for the giant to eat.

The giant roared again, this time like a cry of pain. The giant swelled again, and his head was close to the fifth floor of the stand, rising to a height of forty yards.

Although the size is still very poor, there is a feeling of a jungle monster in this small field.

Not only did the giant grow taller, it also increased a lot with its ‘width’, Shaoyu thought to himself, could it be that the knight wanted to squeeze him into the arena.

But this is really a surprise to be able to grow bigger, really a good target.

Shaoyu attacked the giant again, this time Feijian directly drew sparks.

It's a pity... it can't be bigger. No longer knowing how many laps around the field, the knight made up the second reel.

In this case, let it be over, and Shaoyu once again rises with his sword. The heart of the mirror reflected the disgrace in the knight's eyes, and all the excitement, shouts, and sighs in the surrounding stands.

In their eyes, the fighters who had lasted for so long had no choice but to fight hard, and no one was optimistic about the fighters in the field as soon as the monster appeared. It is a behemoth that can slaughter the city at will, and it is difficult for a large car to cause fatal damage to it, let alone fighting with it.

Of course, Shaoyu was not desperate, nor did he know what other people thought. Under normal circumstances, he would have many methods to attack the knight above and even the ‘behemoth’, but when he found that the opponent was a little ‘weak’, he would become a sword test.

The knight steadily tore a scroll again to prop up the shield, but watched the enemy rush up in the atmospheric fluctuations.

Shaoyu's speed was getting faster and faster. When he passed the topmost stand, he saw the K Niu beasts, and saw that the platform on this floor was almost full of people. He flew higher and higher, and found that there was white mist all around him.

At a height of about 900 yards, Shaoyu stopped, and the arena of the gods below became much smaller. He actually wants to live there and fly again, but there is already a fog above his head... It seems that there is still a height limit.

Although he was a little dissatisfied, Shaoyu could only secretly unsheathed, and the clouds gushed, six four-fingered swords floating beside him. He squeezed the sword, screamed and pointed at the arena.

The six small swords descended rapidly with this sound, and the small swords became bigger and bigger as they continued to descend.

Shao Yu poured his sword yuan into the sword box with all his strength, listening to the whistling sound. He suddenly felt a strange feeling, as if he didn't stop in the air, but fell likewise.

After a long while, he came back to his senses and went down with his sword.

The two giant swords were strayed and all fell on the stands, crashing into pieces on the floating mist. The other two flying swords fell into the air, one by one and the other falling diagonally in the field.

But Shao Yu was very satisfied. He put away his sword flying technique and stood on the hilt of a giant sword with his hands on his back.

There was still silence in the field. The giant beast fell on the ground and was nailed to the ground by two giant swords passing through its chest and waist.

The blood of the giant beast at its feet almost filled the potholes in the ground. It hadn't completely died yet, roaring strangely, and hammering the ground with its hands and feet. After Shaoyu swept around, he realized that he was just a dying struggle, and he turned over and fell down. He fell directly on the shoulder of the giant beast and looked at the knight who was'rooted' on his back.

Yes, it is rooted. It seems that the knight is sitting firmly on the shoulders of the giant, but when the giant beast attacked, he noticed the difference. Especially when it changed, he could be sure that the knight and the giant grew up. One.

When it was detected, it was obviously two individuals. There was a huge cheer in the field at this time, and Shaoyu almost jumped.

Gradually, a voice continued to unify and grow louder, killing...killing...killing...

Shaoyu looked up and swept around and found that no matter it was mercenaries, nobles or others, they were shouting this word. As this voice kept ringing, he also felt a kind of boiling. After a while, Shaoyu drew the divine sword in his hand, raised it high, and cut off the knight's head with a sword.

The spurting blood followed a huge cheer, but he quietly shouted and returned to the sheath, and walked back to the gate of the arena.

The rolling fog covered everything in the field.

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