After training with Silan for guidance, the sky gradually dimmed. Shaoyu confessed to Silan that the rope had to become thinner and thinner until it became thinner, and after passing it... you could control the sword out of thin air. He thought for a while and said: The material is still very important in the first practice, so let's find a strong rope.

Shaoyu only translated one-third of it. The imperial sword out of thin air is completely inspiring Silan, unless he really gives up everything to concentrate on practicing swords for a hundred years, and achieves the skills!

Silan was very excited to see the "Cheats" ghost roaring out the one-handed sword in his hand.

Eve prepared the food and he didn't even eat a bite. It could be called obsessive. When Shaoyu saw this, he thought to himself, if it is possible, he should get a suitable technique from the sword canon.

However, in the middle of the night, Silan was still roaring, and Shaoyu finally couldn't bear it, kicking him back to the thief to practice.

Eve became a pillow once again, not because Shaoyu’s "Beasts are as good as" or talking about formalities, but this place is too crude. If it is too sloppy, I feel sorry....

As soon as the sky broke, Shaoyu heard a rush of noise. He opened his eyes and found that the person in his arms had become Wendy! Eve and Tammy actually got up! He hurriedly asked what was the situation, Wendy said quietly, asking you to go, and it turned out....

Shaoyu was sweating profusely, he would sleep so heavily, and unconsciously drag Wendy to bed! He blushed and got out of bed and asked: Go? What's going on!

Wendy said, this is your order yesterday to siege the city.

Siege? ! Well, is it necessary to be so early? Shaoyu muttered in his heart. Wendy spread out a map with a bang, pointed to the mark on it and said that after receiving the order, she perfected the map. Judging from the current intelligence, Dulong Mountain is the largest gathering place for thieves. Its members There are about three thousand people, and another suspect is that there are extremely powerful wizards hiding...

Shaoyu yawned a few times, not because of sleepiness, but because of boredom.

Wendy was very serious. There were about twenty bands of thieves in this forest. She introduced them and analyzed them. Shaoyu felt bored, and it wasn't that he was arrogant and invincible, but mainly because he didn't understand marching and fighting.

In his mind, that bean is dry.

Silan entered the cave midway, indicating that he was ready. He also didn't listen to Wendy's words, rustling the chain around his waist. This guy found two iron chains with thick arms around his waist from nowhere, making people speechless.

Wendy finished speaking without being affected, and asked Shaoyu which one to choose first. Shaoyu groaned for a while, but he wanted to attack Longshan directly, but it was a bit far away. Looking at Silan who was shaking the chain, Shaoyu gave him the decision.

Silan glanced at the map, pointed at a target and said: Just grab them.

Shaoyu waved his hand and said: Let's go.

The place Silan chose was a group of thieves who split from the mountain city.

Opatifani still had a hand in the whole army, and Shaoyu saw her running in front of her wearing an ordinary armor, with her followers and cavalry scattered around. The thieves are arranged in four teams. Each thief leader rode a mount to form a long array...The bald man whose intestines were taken out yesterday was actually there.

Shaoyu had to admire, is this Xiaoqiang! He had planned to let Eve and Tammy stay in the cave, but he didn’t expect that they were very determined to live together this time, especially since Eve said that she is an alchemist and a powerful combat force, and she can be very good at the spoils collected. Good resolution.

Wendy prepared a mount outside, and under the leadership of Silan, joined the ‘big army’, and everyone marched along the cottage on the top of a hill opposite the ancient road.

When the sky was bright, Shaoyu saw this cottage.

This is called a cottage, depending on the terrain. There are not only fences, but also many defenses. A tall watchtower with two arrow towers...the alarm bell rang when they approached.

From time to time, there is a mad voice: You don't want to eat and die in the mountain city, what are you doing here?

Silan replied loudly: This uncle is here to collect you, and he obediently offers women and treasures, and surrenders.

There was a quiet in the cottage, and then burst into laughter. The mad voice said: I did not expect that we did not attack you in the past, but you dare to appear here. Then the voice roared: Now you will not die if you roll back.

Many thieves armed with bows appeared on the Muzhailan of the cottage, shouting for a while.

Silan shouted: This uncle is a man destined to become the king of thieves. If you don't surrender, then go to death. After speaking, the goods charged directly.

At that time, Shaoyu listened to Tami's words, and the thieves on the other side had some sophisticated martial arts. When I looked around, Silan, who was on the side of Leng May, rushed out. This boy was rushing by himself, and no one moved behind!

This person who was caught off guard was surprised that there was a flash of light on the opposite thief's weapon, and he didn't stop Silan...

The thieves have some enchants and magic weapons that are normal, but what is going on with this standard leather armor.

It was not all kinds of arrows that greeted Silan, a few specially made thorns rolled down!


The main entrance of this cottage is facing a specially trimmed slope, which can accommodate ten horses to charge side by side.

As soon as Silan took two steps, a log was thrown down on the fence opposite.

There is only one person holding the thorny wood that has been ‘processed’. The original wood was at least hugged by the two. After being trimmed, it was all covered with sharp wooden thorns, and green light flashed on the wooden thorns under the reflection of sunlight. ,

The thorns kept dropping, and there was no gap on the ramp.

Shaoyu was a little surprised. For Silan's ride, it was worth the expense. Seeing this, Silan yelled and turned around. His equestrian skills were absolutely top-notch, and he almost ran back in circles. Shaoyu couldn't figure it out. The **** was up to thirty degrees, the thorny wood didn't roll fast, and it was too early to throw. Is it just a demonstration!

Opatifani directed the thief to get out, and of course Shaoyu wouldn't get in the way. Eve sniffed while moving and said: The smell of wilting poison.

When the thornwood rolled by, it violently touched. The thorns flew around, and some green liquid splashed around. Shaoyu's mind moved when Eve made a sound, but it was just right to open the air shield at this time. Eve's reaction was not slow, and a bottle of potion was also thrown out, forming a cloud of white smoke covering everyone around him.

There was a lot of chaos, and the attacked thieves didn't even take care of their formation. The injured lay on the ground and rolled around, and ran away without incident! Two of the four bosses ran away, and two others lay on the ground. Opatifani was furious. Not only did she rebel and fell two, the ten cavalry soldiers around were also used as shields.

Eve got off the horse and took out the medicine to treat the wounded. There was a burst of laughter in the cottage, and the rough male voice shouted: Get out of here, don't show up here again.

Shaoyu was a little angry. The air shield supported by the dragon's hand could only protect the people around him, and Tammy just wanted to rush forward to block it. He let go of the hand holding Tammy, and when he was about to guard the sword, Silan appeared out of nowhere. He shouted: There are traps on both sides, but fortunately this uncle is powerful! ...Huh, what's wrong with you guys. This cargo just dodged and rolled from the mount to the side of the ramp.

Wendy calmed the furious Opatifani, and at the same time gathered soldiers and thieves. Although the cottage used withering poison, it was diluted. After being hit, the muscles atrophy for a few days. After Eve's treatment, everyone stood up except for those who were severely injured by the stabbing.

Shaoyu also helped to reorganize. As soon as he lifted up a person, he heard a commotion, and the thieves who had just ran away came back. Of course, he would not feel that these people's conscience discovered that something must have changed.

Sure enough, with the commotion, a large number of people emerged from behind.

This is a group of thieves who are more like an army. They wear standard leather armor and hold standard weapons. The first batch of centuries also have mounts. The filthy language in their mouths and their laughter kept driving away the thieves who had just escaped.

Seeing this, Silan was furious and drew his sword and rushed forward, one point faster than Opatifani. Wendy rose in the air, fell back to Shaoyu and said: I am surrounded.

I don't know if I saw someone floating in the air, so the group of thieves who came later stopped chasing and gathering. Silan didn't care, flicked the one-handed sword in his hand and threw it towards the nearest thief. But obviously he didn't master the twisting swordsmanship, and tripped over the chain around his waist! Opatifani let out a sneer, leaped over and shot a shot.

When Shaoyu was covering his face, he heard Wendy say that he was surrounded. He asked: How many people are there.

Wendy said: At least two thousand people are encircled.

The first thing Shaoyu thought of was that there was an insider who was flanked. Then he thought of the information he had said before, that the cottage counted as old and weak, but at most 1,000 people, where the 2,000 people were surrounded. This obviously fell into the pit again, just when another group came to attack, they were in the middle! No wonder this cottage is so alert and dare to hit the gun. While Shaoyu was thinking, Wendy gathered the thieves who rushed back and formed a battle with all his strength. Opatifani snatched a mount, and the tip of the spear wielded golden lights like no one. Silan also grabbed a mount, and he rounded the chain like a propeller...

As a large number of thieves approached, Opatifani and Silan both retreated. Shaoyu felt that they were embarrassed now, and they happened to stand in between the two groups. Although they can rush out, the thieves under them are afraid they are all finished. After Silan came back, he kept talking about who was opposite, and he had never seen the banner. Only then did Shaoyu pay attention to the banner played by the other party.

The bright red flag had a pattern of black smoke on the bottom.

Little S also said that this flag does not belong to the forces introduced by Wendy.

Eve suddenly expressed strangeness. After the people used a potion, they immediately recovered.

Shaoyu just saw several thieves take out a glass ball the size of a round fist and hit it on the ground. The hundreds of thieves and cavalry who had just been injured by Opatifani and Silan, except for those who had died, recovered as long as they had a breath. Not only that, but also many mounts with broken legs recovered.

What kind of potion is this? Shaoyu didn't see the potion or mist at all! Those glass **** seemed to be empty. Eve said that it was not like a potion. As soon as Shaoyu opened his left eye and zoomed in, he finally found that these glass **** were not empty, but there were very thin and light black smoke inside. The black smoke penetrated into the body of the injured rogue cavalry and immediately caused their wounds to heal. Shaoyu said what he saw, and Eve was surprised: This is a forbidden dark alchemy system. ;

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