As Shaoyu opened his eyes, the circle of swords formed by hundreds of sword shadows trembled, and then these swords overlapped, as if they changed from virtual and solid into three flying swords, blue, yellow, and blue, which were inserted into the ground halfway. .

These three flying swords were distributed around him in a triangular shape.

That's right, there are only three swords, and all the others are sword shadows transformed from the sword of the three towns.

Shaoyu opened his eyes and closed again, sitting on the spot like an old monk entering Ding.

Marguerite rushed once, but when she stretched the spear into the range of the original sword circle, the disappeared sword shadows appeared again, not only blocking the spear, but also flew towards her. With Prissy's help, Margaret was not injured by these sword shadows. Wendy blocked Margaret, who wanted to continue the charge, as if shouting something....

These Shaoyu could not hear anymore, he was running Jian Yuan with all his strength to maintain the sword formation at this time.

The whole set of flying swords was originally used to lay the sword formations, and the sword of the three towns, as the name suggests, was used to suppress it. None of the sword-refining formations taught by Lingpu are ordinary grades, and they are surprisingly powerful when they are truly refined.

The three towns are town sky, town land, and town people. What Shaoyu displayed at this time was the town, as long as the sword was inserted into the ground, everything would be town.

Of course, if you really want to achieve the amazing power of these three towns, in terms of conversion, with the sword of the three towns in Shaoyu's hand, at least 333,333 can be used to fully display the power of the town.

The real sword of Three Towns has only three flying swords, and the sword-making formations contained in it have as many as ten thousand ways.

Therefore, Shaoyu didn't really refine the three towns, but formed a set of refining formations based on the calculations of Xiao S, barely able to use a trace of the towns. And a trace of the town is not so much a town as a defense.

With this, he had to run Jian Yuan with all his strength, even daring not to open his eyes.

Lima, can't get it back!

Shaoyu didn't know that Pearl would be riding along with Nancy and Paula.

Pearl can mobilize all the female riders when Zeluo is away. She is the closest female rider to Zeluo, and she often makes suggestions and is the top female rider. After understanding the ‘truth’ and Shaoyu’s collusion to no avail, Pearl observed for a while and categorically directed the female cavalry to attack.

First, she rode a horse to charge, but was forced to get off the horse to avoid countless swords and shadows. She was a little angry. It is a great insult that a knight is forced off the mount!

Then Pearl took Nancy and Paula.

The three horses charged, the sword circle appeared again, countless sword shadows arrived, and the female horses were in a hurry.

After another defeat, Pearl ordered all the female riders to shoot.

This time, the sword circle was shaken, and the blue flying sword was forced to rise from the ground. But they still didn't break through the sword circle. After a while, the blue flying sword fell back to its original position.

Pearl gritted his teeth and looked at Shaoyu who was sweating in the field, then asked the female riders to return to the castle to pull out their mounts and charge together.

Shaoyu only felt pitted, and with the second fluctuation, Jian Yuan quickly consumed. Jian Yuan in energy has dropped to 0.1, he has a feeling of excessive indulgence and being sucked dry.

Thinking that the sword element was exhausted, the sword formation would naturally stop. After not thinking that it was really sucked up, he started to draw blood and marrow.

This is not an illusion, the vitality is declining.

Xiao S has already been called out by Shaoyu, she said that there was a certain error in the calculation, and the energy absorption has become the extraction! Little S's voice was very calm. When Shaoyu asked if there was any way after his vitality declined, he said he was still thinking about it. Shaoyu wanted to throw it to her very much, and even if he made a mistake, he still thought that he would hang up when he figured it out.

The vitality drops unpleasantly, at least it can hold half a mark.

The female riders on the other side have all been mounted on the mounts, and the riders, naturally, can only exert their strongest strength on the horse. Shaoyu did not try his best, and the female riders did not exert their full strength.

Under this charge, all three flying swords were off the ground. Shaoyu's vitality suddenly dropped by a large amount and stopped outside the danger line, but the sword formation stopped.

When I closed my eyes, I saw the women riding around him again.

Pearl also sighed: Why use more power than yourself, is it okay? It turned out that she had already seen that this sword formation was no longer in Shaoyu's grasp.

Shaoyu replied, but Pearl said indifferently: Let me explain. Before he could react, he watched Margaret suddenly fall to the ground in a coma, after a while.

Pearl roared: Look at the good things you have done. You refer to Shaoyu and Opatifani. She pointed at the two and shouted: Because of a momentary quarrel, an internal fight has also been formed! The enemy is at the door of the house. Are you worthy of Master Herzel?

Mansha said, Shaoyu is all to blame.

Pearl shouted: Shut up. If it weren't for you guys to contribute to the flames, would things turn out to be like this? There are so many people they refer to!

Wendy murmured: I thought they were in a duel, and when they stopped it, they realized that they wanted to resolve it, so let...I was wrong.

Shaoyu weakly said: What kind of velvet snow ride, I think it is a velvet blood ride, it's not that she has no chance to stop, she is just like a lunatic.

Lucy suddenly said: You are not allowed to say that Margaret, we would not be here without her.

Shaoyu said: I'm all to blame?

Okay, stop arguing, put him in the dungeon, let's think about how to deal with the aftermath! Pearl.

In the dungeon, he certainly meant Shaoyu.

In the bright dungeon, Shaoyu pillowed Eve’s leg and shouted: Is there any law, is there a king... Well, after eating the fruit fed by Tammy, he continued shouting in full anger: I want See Zeluo.

Eve said: Although I don't know what Shaoyu's brother is talking about, but this time it has a big impact.

Shaoyu said: I'll take care of the influence of the egg...well, he actually locked me in the dungeon.

Eve said: But the door of the dungeon is not closed and no one is guarding it. Brother Shaoyu can go out at any time.

If I don’t go out, is there any reason...well...Is there any king, I want to see Zeluo. Shaoyu continued to shout. Eve covered her mouth and smiled.

Tammy opened his mouth and said: Master Zeluo is not in the castle.

Ok? Shaoyu stopped shouting and said: Not here?

Can't feel her breath, Tammy said. As an experienced female rider, Tammy certainly did not feel wrong. No wonder! Where did Zelo go! After thinking about it, he immediately jumped to the question of his sword.

The Sword of Three Towns is very good and powerful! But once it was used, it was no longer able to impose other flying swords. Moreover, the Sword of Three Towns can only defend, and cannot take the initiative to attack, which is a bit tasteless! It was just fine to choose that set of gold-dividing swords, Shaoyu was broken in his heart.

I have to visit that mine another day, and hope that this kind of ore will be produced! Those meteorites were collected a lot, and he knew that they were good materials without scanning by a small S. But Eve can't refine it, nor can it be a blacksmith. Thinking of this, he thought of now Dulucheng. Even the exchange could not be built. At this time, almost all the people who really investigated the cause of the disaster had come or left, and the rest came to ‘picking up the cheap’.

Without civilians, without merchants, it is impossible to develop.

After many conflicts, ‘strike hard’, and Erya’s dispatch of troops, all the personnel of several major guilds were evacuated, leaving only one small guild that had not even heard of the name.

Thinking about it, Shaoyu sighed and got up, still don't stay here. Eve is also ‘trapped’ here, and no one handles daily affairs.

Soon after, he came again to the place where he was fighting.

There were countless wooden sheds collapsed along the route, and it was still a mess! No one cleaned or repaired. Basically no one lives here, and thieves are also busy building defenses...

Walking around, Shaoyu didn't know what to do for a while. He suddenly noticed that someone was cleaning up, and he hurried over to help but found that it was Opatifani who was cleaning up. She was wrapped in bandages and was carrying a piece of wood while Mansha was pushing a wheelbarrow.

It felt like they had eaten a fly, and before the two of them had noticed, Shaoyu drew aside. Actually do it yourself! Although he didn't want to see them, he still admired a little. Shaoyu thought of a question, is there really no staff? It seems that as many soldiers will die as Zelo has...

Shaoyu didn't plan to struggle with this problem. When he decided to visit Shutov, he listened to the ringing of the city bell.

One shot, two shots...Well! This was an enemy attack, could it be that those legions came so quickly. Shaoyu immediately unsheathed his sword and flew up.

Duolu's position was already high at this time, and as soon as Shaoyu lifted off, he immediately saw a large number of beasts rushing forward! There are thousands of these monsters, and they are extremely fast, approaching like a tide.

Where's the Warcraft? He opened his left eye, and when he zoomed in, he found that the leading ones looked like a beast. Afterwards, he saw Silan, who was riding on a beast and yelling.

Sure enough, as Zeluo said, Silan will be fine.

Shaoyu flew to the outer wall to stop the thieves' attack.

At the beginning, Archer didn't dare to put these monsters into the city. After Silan performed a lot of tricks, he put down the suspension bridge!

This city wall is well done! While looking into the distance from above, Shaoyu carefully observed the city wall. It was the first time he saw the concrete conditions of the city wall. The city wall is only two yards high, and in many places only one person can stand on it, and it is still half-stone and half-timbered. But all relying on the cracks in the ground, the defense is absolutely no problem. Especially this one of the city gate, five yards wide, not bottomless! And some interior walls are still being built at this time.

Silan brought some comrades into the city, and Shaoyu was very interested in him. This guy was arrogantly watched all the way, the co-beast he rode was very tall, it was considered a large one. This must have been synthesized later, Shaoyu was thinking about listening to Silan's wild laugh, whatever the uncle goes out, he will surely succeed... all to this uncle and the like!

Well done, Shaoyu stepped forward to say hello. With these, it is equivalent to a few thousand more troops!

When Silan saw that Shaoyu suddenly showed an embarrassed look, would this guy be ashamed? Shaoyu was puzzled, so he listened to this guy, mentor, I want to fight you.

Shaoyu was taken aback for a moment and hurriedly asked what was going on.

Silan said: Mimi has my baby.

Shaoyu: Lying...

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