Hollywood New Century

Chapter 214: Xinghai International Cinema

Out of the Hong Kong International Airport, Simon took Sarah Bradna straight to the Peninsula Hotel in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon.

Through the car window, Simon looked at the streets and scenery outside along the way, and there was indeed a sense of time and space confusion. After all, Hong Kong has been to Hong Kong several times.

"Far East Financial Center, trading port, I actually wanted to come here to see it before," Sarah Bradna said with a hint of excitement.

"The world's three major trading cities, Port Nurem is not for nothing, the Asian financial center, but unfortunately it was also severely affected this year!" Simon was also a little regretful, but it was only for a moment.

After returning to the hotel, due to travel reasons, after taking a bath, the two went back to the room early to rest.

Early the next morning, Simon stood by the window overlooking the Victoria Harbour below, which is really a unique harbour.

The main film distribution market of Xinghai International Films Asia Branch is East Asia, China, Japan and South Korea, which is called the Pan-Greater Chinese Cultural Area; as for South Asia, Simon does not value it, the importance is too low, you can take your time.

After the acquisition of the United Theater, Simon started to set up the Xinghai International Cinema Company, which is responsible for the operation of the theater chain in the overseas market. The current overseas target market is inland China.

Hong Kong, No. 1 Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, where the Asian headquarters of Xinghai International Pictures is located, is a 30-storey new sailing building, and the 20th floor is currently where the office is located.

Ms. Zhou Lixian, the former president of Columbia Pictures Greater China, was specially recruited by Xinghai Entertainment this year to be responsible for setting up Xinghai Pictures' distribution network for the East Asian market.

"This year's economic situation is sluggish, but it has little impact on China's film market. "On the Red Cliff", which is currently being released, seems to have a good box office, but the investment of "Chibi" is too large to rely on the Chinese market. The international market is the Big head," Zhou Lixian was introducing like Simon Parker, who was sitting across from him.

"Well, I know this. Top Entertainment was the international agent of "Chibi" before, and just found a distribution partner in Europe and the United States." Simon himself is not optimistic, and of course he will not let Xinghai Pictures release in North America.

"I came here this time, not only hoping to establish a film distribution partnership with mainland China, but also to enter the Chinese cinema market. The first market for the Xinghai International Cinema Company established now is mainland China!"

Zhou Lixian frowned, looked at the young old watch who was always in Hollywood, and said, "Mainland China is different from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, and the policies of the mainland are different, and foreign capital cannot enter the cinema distribution industry. , if operating a theater, it can only account for 49% at most, and the short-selling party must be a mainland Chinese company;"

"Last year, Warner Bros. completely withdrew from the Chinese cinema market due to the mainland policy changing the policy that foreign investors could occupy 75% of the shares of cinemas in pilot cities. Shanghua Cinemas and Warner Cinemas in several cities have all changed hands. Several are also looking to sell."

Simon nodded and said: "I know this, 49% of the shares are enough, and I can send people from the United Theater to guide me in terms of management, just to give opinions on technology and management models, and some local management still needs to be It depends on local people," Simon had already had an idea, and immediately took out a plan and handed it to Zhou Lixian,

"Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Wuhan and other cities are all my goals for the first phase. Xinghai International Cinema will form a joint venture cinema management company with a local cinema company, at least in the first phase. 10 large multiplex theaters, at least the size of more than 10 halls!"

"More than 10 halls?" Zhou Lixian was a little surprised. With this calculation, the investment of each cinema in the Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen areas will exceed 30 million yuan?

"Oh, yes, there needs to be at least one iMax theater!"

Before Zhou Lixian could digest it, Simon said something coldly.

"Mr. Parker, the investment in the iMax theater is estimated to be no less than 50 million yuan, almost double that of the multiplex theater just now!" Zhou Lixian reminded.

"It doesn't take that much money. We only have 49% of the shares in the studio, and we have to charge management fees. The location is provided by the local theater company. Even if there are 30 million people in famous coins, we will invest less than 15 million. It's okay!" Simon! Don't care about this amount of money, the future mainland real estate industry is a rocket, and the studio properties in these prosperous areas can only make a profit; they can open up the mainland movie market as soon as possible; besides, investing money in China does not feel like Simon. , after all, there is also a feeling is not.

Zhou Lixian smiled, remembering that the person in front of him was a prominent figure on Wall Street, billions of dollars had already been in his pocket, and he really didn't care about one or two billion yuan.

"Okay, I'll deal with it as soon as possible," said Zhou Lixian, who has been in the industry for more than 20 years, and has a good understanding of the Chinese market. The impact of this year's US subprime mortgage crisis is global, and China is of course unavoidable.

Increase infrastructure to alleviate the crisis, and now Xinghai Pictures' large-scale investment is more in line with the policy here, and it will be very popular.

"China Film Group, Shanghai Film Group, Huaying Group, Wanda Studios, etc., I will choose, but in terms of movies, is the company ready to invest in the development of local Chinese films?" Zhou Lixian asked, after all, China is now The number of sub-accounts is not large, and the proportion of sub-accounts is not high, and the rest are imported from batches.

However, co-productions can be divided according to local films, and they must meet the requirements!

"That's right, doesn't our current Xinghai International Pictures China branch have an office in Beijing? At that time, we can invest in Chinese films, or form a film company with a local distribution company to be responsible for the local distribution of Xinghai Pictures' films in China. , marketing and investing in some excellent Chinese movies!" Simon is now all about the layout of the new Chinese film policy in 2012. When the time comes, more films will be divided, and the proportion of the accounts will not be 12% of the current box office, but 25% before tax. Take 25% of the box office, no tax!

Zhou Lixian nodded, Xinghai Pictures is indeed a big deal, it is a cinema plan, and it is a film investment plan, it seems that it is indeed very optimistic about the Chinese film market.

"By the way, there will be a reception tomorrow at the Four Seasons Hotel in Central, Hong Kong. Many prominent people in Hong Kong hope that the boss will be honored to attend, I don't know?" Zhou Lixian asked a little embarrassedly, after all, Simon Parker only came to Hong Kong a few days ago. .

"Yes, at least I'm going, and I can give you some face. I also want to meet these prominent figures in Hong Kong. How can there be so few people in the entertainment industry!" Simon doesn't care, Zhou Lixian's workload in the future will not be large. The support of the small self still needs to be large, otherwise why would you dig it from Sony?

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