Hollywood New Century

Chapter 223: The prelude kicks off

In the early morning, Simon woke up, and it was Charlize Theron lying next to him, rubbing his eyes and remembering how crazy last night was.

"By the way, when will I go back to the United States, I will go back to Los Angeles today!" Simon asked lazily when he saw Charlize Theron wake up.

"In a few days, I have to stay and promote the movie," Charlize Theron said.

Simon nodded, then got out of bed and started getting dressed.

That night, Simon flew back to Los Angeles on his own business jet.

After several months of integration, the resources of Summit Entertainment have been integrated, and the small-budget film "Eden Lake" released by Xinghai Qixing has also begun to be released in the UK, and will soon be released in North America.

Released in July, "Mamma Mia! "At present, it has made more than 140 million US dollars at the box office in North America, and the overseas market is even more incredible, exceeding 450 million US dollars.

"It is estimated that this film has a global box office of almost 600 million US dollars. I didn't expect this adaptation of the musical to be so popular!" Simon sat behind his desk and put down the data in his hand as he spoke.

"Warner Bros.' The Dark Knight has over $500 million at the North American box office and over $450 million overseas, and the global box office should exceed the $1 billion mark!" Laura Collins knows that her boss is more concerned about this and the company's "Mamma Mia! "The results of the film released on the same day, he explained.

"$1 billion!" Simon smiled slightly, "Nolan really is Nolan, but unfortunately he has always had a contract with Warner Bros."

I wonder if Nolan and his brother are now starting to write the script for "Inception"?

After Laura Collins left, Martha Cosby, who had been in charge of the Hydra Fund, also came to report.

"Twitter founders officially rejected Facebook's $500 million takeover bid;"

"Now that crude oil prices continue to fall, OPEC has begun to cut production, and our shorting is very smooth;"

"Currently the U.S. dollar has begun to appreciate against major international currencies such as the British pound, the euro and the Australian dollar, and the U.S. dollar has changed its depreciation over the past few years;"

Simon smiled and said: "At present, the economic crisis is getting worse and worse. Only when the US dollar is strong can we reduce spending, curb prices and avoid inflation. At the same time, as an international currency, the US dollar is the settlement currency for commodity transactions in the world, such as crude oil transactions. The rise in oil prices has made Russia, Iran and other countries a lot of profit, and Iran has also stopped dollar transactions and changed to euros as the oil settlement currency,”

"As the dollar appreciates, the prices of commodities will decrease, which will hit the economies and trade of countries and regions that do not use the dollar as a settlement currency."

"Boss, in this way, some domestic capital may go to Europe, which will not help the return of funds," Martha Cosby said with some doubts.

"Oh, look at the current situation, the government is still worried about this small issue? And the United States has always sucked the blood of the world. A strong dollar can maintain its hegemony and can also strengthen the confidence of overseas investors. The strength of the United States is to make overseas investors feel America has confidence," Simon said, looking at his watch, on September 13th, Lehman Brothers will declare bankruptcy in two days,

"The government needs funds to rescue the market. The current strong appreciation of the dollar is a good way. After this crisis, there should be an appreciation of the euro again!"

"Well, fortunately, the boss asked us to convert foreign exchange into US dollars when the euro and other foreign exchange prices were high," Martha Cosby admired the boss's precise vision. Real estate, foreign exchange, crude oil, three-in and three-out , assets are rolling like a snowball.

"Oh, the show is about to start!" Simon said, leaning back on the chair gently, the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers was about to kick off the global financial tsunami.

"To New York tomorrow!"

In the early morning of 9.15, there was chaos in front of the Lehman Brothers headquarters building at 745 Seventh Avenue in Manhattan, New York, New York, USA.

Countless Lehman Brothers employees went in and out numbly, holding their file boxes, their eyes confused and an unbelievable expression.

9.15, Friday, 1:00AM ET Lehman Brothers filed a bankruptcy Act 1 petition without takingover bids from Bank of America and Barclays, which were not guaranteed by the U.S. and U.K. governments, respectively.

Simon Pike and Nancy Davis were watching all this from a room in a building opposite the Lehman Brothers headquarters building.

Look at the Lehman Brothers employees walking out of the company door with their boxes and the "LEHMANBROTHERS" (Lehman Brothers) sign that is still gleaming on the black wall with the metal sign.

The 158-year-old fourth largest investment bank in the world has collapsed!

And some people were also seen signing the portrait of Lehman chairman Dick Fuld as a "memorial" before leaving.

At this moment, the sidewalk outside Lehman Brothers was already crowded with reporters, and as soon as they saw the people packing from Lehman, they swarmed up.

Some employees could no longer contain their disappointment and anger, and began to lash out against reporters.

Indeed, it is difficult for everyone to accept this reality. The Lehman Brothers Group, with more than 20,000 employees, collapsed.

Many employees said: "This is the saddest thing in my life."

"Doesn't the government save Lehman?" Nancy Davis really couldn't believe that the collapse of the Big Mac Lehman would make the stock market confidence plummet, and it was only a matter of time before the next crash.

Simon turned his head to look at Nancy Davis, who couldn't believe it, and smiled: "What Lehman urgently needs is asset realization and capital replenishment. , Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, Morgan Stanley, Sovereign Wealth Fund, Blackstone Group, BlackRock Group, etc. All the fund owners who can be contacted have sought help. Isn’t our Nine Head Bird Fund also one of the targets they seek? I Don't want to see Dick Fuld is too lazy to waste time, and if they're willing to sell their North American business for $10 billion, of course I'd love to!"

Nancy Davis sighed, "The North American business is their last cash flow, worth $30 billion, even at 65%, it's more than $18 billion, Barclays' bid of $12 billion was also rejected, Lehman said. The brothers need to sell as a whole, but the US government and the UK government both refused to guarantee, but Bank of America and Merrill Lynch reached a purchase agreement!"

"Phew!" Simon lit a cigarette excitedly, took a breath, looked at the crowd of people below, and said,

"Next, is the opening of the global financial tsunami. The collapse of commercial real estate is also an opportunity. Next, you need to absorb some casino stocks at low prices, such as Sands, Wynn and MGM!"

"Going to enter the gambling market? Las Vegas is also serious," Nancy Davis wondered.

"I know, it's a bargain! I'm not optimistic about Las Vegas, but the oriental casinos that flock to Macau, Macau!"

Nancy Davis nodded, and now really did not dare to question Simon's decision.

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