Hollywood New Century

Chapter 227: Bernard Madoff

On the outside balcony of the hotel, Simon was looking at the brightly lit Empire State Building in the distance while tasting the red wine in his hand.

"The Empire State Building just underwent a six-month overhaul at the beginning of the year, cleaning up those small tenants and making the Empire State Building a true high-end tenant group!"

"Good evening, Mr. Madoff! I saw the news too," Simon turned his head to find Bernard Madoff coming.

Simon is still a little surprised, this financial giant is still so calm to attend the reception? Hasn't the Madoff Fund received redemption requests for large sums of money? Not ready to run yet?

However, Simon thinks that this guy has defrauded tens of billions of dollars, and it seems that there is nowhere to go!

"Good evening," Bernard Madoff said, side by side with Simon, looking at the nightscape of New York with a thoughtful look.

"As a symbol of New York or the United States, the Empire State Building is of great significance. Do you have any ideas, Simon?" Bernard Madoff asked with a smile.

"There is no idea, Prudential Insurance Group, Peter Malkin & Sons, RB Consortium and Trump Real Estate, the Empire State Building ownership litigation has lasted for more than ten years, and it was not until two years ago that the Malkins and Sons really took back the ownership of the building, "Simon shook his head and smiled with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Madoff, people like me like new and more technologically advanced things. Instead of holding on to history, I prefer to make history, don't you think?"

Bernard Madoff's eyes twitched involuntarily, with some surprise and some envy in such a tone, for Simon, he does have such capital.

"When I was young, I had this thought too!" Bernard Madoff, who was in his seventies, seemed to be reminiscing about the past.

"By the way, in the face of this global financial tsunami, the Madoff Fund can still maintain such a high rate of return. Mr. Madoff's investment is really great," Simon complimented with a smile on his face.

"Really? Simon, it seems that your Nine-headed Bird Fund has made a lot of money from shorting oil futures. Do you need a long-term and stable investment channel?" Bernard Madoff asked with a smile.

"So it is!" Simon muttered in his heart, this guy never took the initiative to pull investment, but let others around him find capital to show the high-end and uniqueness of Madoff Fund!

"Hehe, the capital in the Nine-headed Bird Fund is still in the futures market, and it is estimated that it will not be credited until the end of the year at least, and I have too many projects in progress, and I don't have any extra funds to invest," Simon laughed. Smile, the Madoff Fund must be very dangerous now, and even Bernard Madoff himself came out to invest.

"Really, that's a pity!" Bernard Madoff smiled, but he couldn't do anything about it. After all, with the investment ability of the Nine-headed Bird Fund, although it was all hedging to make money, who could say that others would not Regular investment?

"I heard that there are many filmmakers in Hollywood who have invested in the Madoff Fund. I think we can consider this aspect. After all, the capital of Hollywood entertainers is still very strong, and they should still yearn for the rate of return of the Madoff Fund. Yes," Simon has a thorough understanding of the Madoff Fund, which likes to recruit Jewish funds. It is a black hole anyway, so why not absorb some more Hollywood Jewish funds? Isn't it beautiful.

On the surface, Bernard Madoff looked calm and confident, but he was the only one who knew what he was thinking in his heart!

"This guy will soon be sentenced to 150 years in prison by the court, and his wife and son are separated!" Simon murmured in his heart as he watched Bernard Madoff leave. After all, he also enjoyed the rich life for decades. value?

Simon never cared about the lives of these guys, they were a bunch of damned guys anyway.

Simon, who was looking at the night sky, suddenly heard the sound of a lighter firing, and turned his head to see a tall girl not far away who was lighting a cigarette.

"Ah, Pie, Mr. Parker..." The girl just lit her cigarette and said at a loss when facing Simon's gaze,

"I didn't notice anyone around me..."

Saying that, the girl subconsciously prepared to snuff out the cigarette just lit in her hand.

Simon smiled and approached the girl with a smile: "Give me one!"

The girl quickly took out another one from the bag and handed it to Simon, who lit it for Simon by the way.

"I seem to have seen you. You are a member of the Victoria's Secret Angels, the Czech supermodel Karolina Kokova, right?" Simon let out a sigh of smoke and said with a smile, the youngest being Victoria as a non-angel 's secret show, and models in fantasy lingerie.

In 2004, she was named "Czech Light" by the American "People" magazine as one of the "50 Most Beautiful People in the World".

This year seems to have disappeared for a year, why does it appear now?

"I'm Carolina Kokova, I was on the Victoria's Secret show in 2001 as a non-angel, and I didn't officially sign as a Victoria's Secret Angel until 2005," Carolina Kokova said about getting Simon · Pike's appreciation must be very exciting.

"So it turns out, it seems that there is no news of you after the big show last year. Models like Eastern Europe should be very popular?" Simon said with some doubts, his debut is the peak, why suddenly there is no news?

When Carolina Kokova heard this, she looked a little sad and said: "At the beginning of the year, I was on a long-term diet and lacked trace elements, which caused thyroid disease, which led to a series of complications such as weight expansion;"

"After I gained weight, most fashion brands stopped working with me, and my agency had to suspend my work and let me recover for a while;"

"I have been training for more than half a year, and now I have regained my original body shape. You know our models, a problem with your body means the end of your career!"

Simon nodded, looked at Carolina Kirkova, and indeed regained his previous **** and hot figure.

"Lulana Korshunova, she seems to be a Russian model, do you know anything about her?" Simon suddenly asked about the 21-year-old Russian supermodel Lulana Korshuno who jumped off a building in Manhattan in June this year baby news.

When Carolina Kokova heard this, her face darkened immediately, and she nodded: "She is a rising star in the modeling world, and she is actually very optimistic. As for why such a tragic thing happened, I don't really know. ;"

"It's just that in the modeling world in New York, most models are under a lot of pressure and have all kinds of problems. Many people suffer from depression and other diseases!"

Simon took a long puff of cigarette. He didn't know much about Lulana Korshunova, but he remembered the news from his previous life, and it seems that he died because of the control of the gang!

The filth in the modeling world seems to be worse than that in the entertainment industry.

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