Hollywood New Century

Chapter 259: The dystocia of the black swan

Christmas in 2008 was less lively for many people, but more lonely.

Although the climate of Los Angeles is not as cold as New York, it is also cooler than the warmth of other seasons.

Early in the morning, Blake Lively lay in Simon's arms in the bedroom of his beach house in the beautiful Santa Monica, his fingers running circles on Simon's chest.

"What about Christmas, you seem to have been paying little attention to this important holiday?" Having known Simon for so long, Blake Lively never understood why Simon turned a blind eye to Christmas.

"Don't you know? I'm an atheist. I'm not familiar with God, let alone Jesus!" Simon laughed.

"Pfft, anyway, many rich people don't care much about God and Jesus. You only believe in money, but ordinary people's beliefs are much purer than yours," Blake Lively joked. The vast majority of Americans are There is faith, and a few elites believe in money and power.

Simon shook his head, got out of bed, and came to the huge floor-to-ceiling window in the room. In his eyes, the endless Pacific Ocean seemed to be in a line with the sky.

The most beautiful beach in the Los Angeles area, Santa Monica Beach lives up to its name, no wonder it attracts countless tourists every day.

"It's been another year," Simon sighed while looking out the window.

Blake Lively also got up, picked up a pajama next to him and draped it over his body, walked to the window with his long white legs and stood side by side with Simon.

"There has been speculation in the newspapers recently that the Nine Head Bird Fund is also a client of the Madoff Fund. Many banks and funds have suffered heavy losses," Blake Lively laughed.

"Don't worry about this. The tabloids like to talk nonsense. Otherwise, why would there be sales? You are also paying attention to the Madoff Fund?" Simon turned his head and asked, shouldn't this guy have invested millions in it?

"It's been such a big thing lately, and Susan has been bringing it up a lot, she seems to have invested more than $500,000 in a fund owned by Madoff Investments," said Blake Lively, of AC Brokers' Susan A. White, after taking over from Sonia Roman, has become a relatively successful small brokerage company with the development of Xinghai Pictures.

Simon nodded. Of course Susan White knew it. Sonia Roman's good friend. As for whether AC Brokerage has become one of the partners of several large brokerage firms, I don't know.

"By the way, there seems to be a small-budget movie "The Wrestling King" being screened recently by Venus Studios, starring Mickey Rourke, and the effect is good. The release date is January next year!" Blake Lively said suddenly.

""The Wrestling King"?" Simon nodded and said, "Yes, the literary film directed by Darren Aronofsky is indeed starring Mickey Rourke who has changed his appearance. What's wrong?"

After all, Mickey Rourke was also one of the representatives of Hollywood's **** male stars in his early years. After that, he ran to fight, and alcohol, drugs and women completely changed his appearance.

"Well, Darren Aronofsky also has a script "Stupid Actor" that has been in preparation for many years. He is also looking for investment from the distributor. I heard that Ms. Ashley Brax has decided to support Darren Aro Novsky is here to shoot the script," Blake Lively told his agent, Susan White.

""Stupid Actor"?" Simon shook his head, expressing that he didn't know, and then asked with a smile, "Do you want to play the role in that movie?"

Blake Lively hugged Simon's waist intimately, rubbing his chest on Simon's arm indifferently.

"Darren Aronofsky has been looking at this script for many years, and he has not been able to find a film investor, and I heard that he wants Natalie Portman to play the heroine. Last year, I heard that Universal Pictures The industry agreed to invest, but wasn’t happy with the script,” explained Blake Lively.

"Darren Aronofs asked a screenwriter to rewrite the script, and the name was changed to 'Black Swan', and the outline was to tell a supernatural thriller about ballet."

""Black Swan"?" Simon was stunned for a moment. The movie in which Natalie Portman won the Oscar for best actress? It was revealed that he won the Oscar by using various publicity methods such as stuntmen and hype.

"Then why didn't Universal Pictures invest in "Black Swan"?" Since it was taken over by Ashley Brax of Daystar Pictures, Universal Pictures must have given up on the film.

"Because Darren Aronofs wanted to start preparations as soon as possible, Universal Pictures has not been optimistic, so when the "Wrestling King" filming ended, Darren Aronofs found Universal Pictures again and was rejected After that, he persuaded Universal Pictures to transfer the script. It happened that his "Wrestling King" was released by Star Ocean, so he recommended the script. Ms. Ashley Brax thought it was okay, and then took over. ' said Blake Lively, looking at Simon,

"The Wrestling King has a good effect. After Susan analyzed the plot outline of "Black Swan", she felt that the supporting actress in it was quite suitable for me."

"That's it," Simon listened to Blake Lively's explanation. He never thought that the production of "Black Swan" was so full of setbacks and difficulties.

"Darren Aronofs should be fully committed to the promotion of "The King of Wrestling" now? Is "Black Swan" ready to shoot?" Simon asked.

Blake Lively shook his head and said seriously: "Not yet, the script of "Black Swan" is still being perfected, Darren Aronofs is asking the screenwriter of "Wrestling King" to work on improving "Black Swan" As for the script, the actors have not been officially announced, and even Natalie Portman has not signed a contract with the crew."

"Really," Simon said, hugging Blake Lively and smiling, "Since it's still in the early stages of preparations, I'll take some time to read the script, and then you can audition."

Simon hopes to also replace Natalie Portman. After all, she is really average when it comes to acting and influence. As for her being able to win the Oscar with this "Black Swan", the means of public relations must be ranked first. .

"Yeah!" Blake Lively nodded happily, such a trivial matter, Simon's words must be fine.

After all, Blake Lively also knows his acting skills, so he is not fighting for the heroine of the movie, but the supporting actress who has many opposite scenes with the heroine.

Listening to Susan White's words, relying on high-quality movies to make a name for yourself and hone your acting skills is what is needed now, and you can't always rely on the popularity of "Gossip Girl" to be an idol.

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