Hollywood New Century

Chapter 261: San Francisco

With the end of Christmas in 2008, it also marked the arrival of 2009. "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", which was released on Christmas Day, opened in 2,988 theaters on Christmas Day on Thursday, with a box office of $38.86 million over the four-day weekend. Got rave reviews.

The North American box office of the first Marvel adaptation film "Iron Man" released by Xinghai Pictures also exceeded 250 million US dollars smoothly, and went straight to 300 million US dollars;

The low-cost director "Slumdog Millionaire" also made more than 30 million US dollars at the North American box office and continued to harvest the box office in more than 100 theaters;

"There are currently only 116 theaters for "Life and Death", but because the film's reputation is still good, Ms. Ashley Brax is already fighting for more theaters, and it is expected that there will be 250 to 300 more theaters starting next week. "Laura Collins reports from Simon's office on recent results, the starkly different performances of commercials and literary films.

"It's very difficult for this kind of literary and artistic film to be screened in theaters on a large scale. It can only be released slowly and slowly to win the box office." Simon certainly understands this situation. Movies are heavily promoted.

Today's Laura Collins wears a professional office girl's little suit, which sets off her bumpy figure, and the three unbuttoned shirt buttons allow one to admire the beautiful cleavage.

Simon looked at the girl's bright red lips as he spoke, pulled Laura Collins into his arms, and said with a smile, "It's getting more and more lovable!"

Laura Collins, who recovered from the shock, patted Simon twice and said coquettishly: "The newspapers reported that you and Jessica Alba were watching the game at the Staples Center on Christmas Day!"

"The newspapers like to talk nonsense, when can they take it seriously?" Simon said and smiled and pinched on the girl.

"Okay, I'm going to San Francisco for a while these days, just notify me directly if the company has anything," Simon said and kissed the girl's red lips.

I went to San Francisco because Tong Liya was going to visit the United States for a few days, and her first stop was San Francisco.

As the U.S. city with the largest number of Chinese immigrants, San Francisco has long attracted Chinese from the East to come here.

San Francisco International Airport is located in San Mateo County on the west side of the city. As the high-tech industry concentration point in the western part of the Bay Area, it belongs to the Silicon Valley area.

Simon received Tong Liya in the early morning of 12.31, and directly sent the girl who had worked hard for more than ten hours to the Hyatt Regency Hotel in Union Square in San Francisco to rest.

In the afternoon, in the lobby of the hotel suite, Simon was watching the news on the sofa, and Tong Liya, who woke up, came out.

"Have a good night's sleep, so comfortable," the girl came to the sofa.

"There will be two days on the road. Next time I will let a private jet take you to and from the plane. My plane can fly directly to Beijing and Shanghai. It has everything in it, and it will be much more comfortable," Simon said and kissed the **** the face. ,

"You're hungry, I'll have the hotel person deliver the meal right away!"

"Well, I'm a little hungry, then I'll go take a shower first," Tong Liya said and went to the bathroom with her graceful figure swaying.

"Come on, eat more, this is caviar from Iran, it's not bad, try it," Simon scooped a spoonful for Tong Liya and put it on her plate, and put the whole jar in front of her.

"Well, enough, enough, why don't you eat it?" Tong Liya asked after taking a sip of red wine, seeing that Simon didn't move.

"I'm not hungry!" Simon said, taking a sip from his glass and looking at the San Francisco Bay in the distance.

"It's very close to Chinatown, a 7-minute walk away. San Francisco Chinatown is the largest Chinatown in the west!"

"Well, I do have to do some preparatory work in San Francisco this time. Mr. Zhou Xingchi and his team have already inspected here before, and this time we can shoot "Tai Chi"." Tong Liya will play the protagonist Chinese in "Tai Chi" The daughter of the landlord, although there are not many scenes, she can show her face anyway. It is a big production with an investment of 60 million US dollars co-produced by China and the United States.

"Tai Chi, has all the preparations been made in the early stage? We can start filming," Simon hasn't heard the news yet.

Tong Liya shook her head and said with a smile: "The filming will not start until March. Mr. Zhou has high requirements for all aspects of the film. This time, he will have detailed talks with some American actors."

"Then can I see Anne Hathaway soon," Tong Liya said excitedly, seeming to be interested in the heroine Anne Hathaway.

"Uh, yes, anytime," Simon responded, it seems that Anne Hathaway's influence has expanded very well in recent years.

Tong Liya nodded, and also checked the situation of Simon Parker. He was indeed a great man, the richest among the richest Americans, one of the idols of young people, and the top young tycoon in Hollywood.

"By the way, "Tai Chi", a Sino-American co-production, has a great influence in China now, and many people are paying attention. Compared with the previous "Chibi" directed by John Woo, the attention is higher," Tong Liya said, putting down her knife and fork, Wiping his mouth, he continued to speak,

"There is also a lot of publicity for Xinghai Films by the domestic media. "Iron Man" has been confirmed to be released in February, which is the Chinese New Year!"

Simon smiled and said: "It should be, although John Woo's "Red Cliff" is a big investment, the actors are all Asian actors after all, and the West doesn't know much about that history;"

"Tai Chi is different. The subject matter is Chinese Kung Fu. There has always been a market in Europe and the United States. At the same time, first-class actors from China and the United States have joined to perform. The investment of 60 million US dollars is currently a medium investment in Hollywood. Every year, Hollywood produces movies, There are very few who exceed this budget.”

After all, of the hundreds of films that Hollywood produces every year, the vast majority are small, low-cost films, with investments of one or two million dollars abound.

For many films, being able to get into the cinema is already a success!

"Have a rest, let's take you out for a walk. There are still some good attractions in San Francisco," Simon said, while helping Tong Liya up from the chair,

"I also arranged for the yacht to go to sea. If you are interested, we can go to Las Vegas, Los Angeles, or New York to play or shop, as you like."

"Las Vegas, I haven't been to the capital yet," Tong Liya seemed to be interested when she heard Las Vegas.

Simon smiled and nodded, the name of the world's largest casino will change to Macau in two years.

"I'll make arrangements, take advantage of the time now and enjoy the life here," Simon said, making a phone call and arranging the helicopter to go to the yacht.

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