Hollywood New Century

Chapter 268: coming soon

As the outpost of the Oscars, the Golden Globe Awards for Film and Television can be regarded as a movie event with great influence. "Slumdog Millionaire" produced by Xinghai is also considered an upset.

However, compared to the Oscars ceremony to be held at the end of next month, the Golden Globes can only be left behind.

In Beverly Hills, Simon's luxurious hilltop manor, the sun shines warmly through the huge floor-to-ceiling windows.

Simon, who was half lying on the sofa, propped his head with one hand, and tapped the armrest of the sofa with the other hand rhythmically with the music from the nearby old-fashioned record player.

The sun shining on him seemed to give Simon an urge to fall asleep. If it wasn't for the knock on the door interrupting Simon's thoughts, Simon might have fallen asleep.

The person who came was Ivanka, who came from New York on the east coast to Los Angeles on the west coast.

"So you like this kind of light music?" Ivanka smiled after sitting down beside Simon, really enjoying it.

Simon smiled, raised his hand to turn off the sound of the record player, and yawned: "Meet Stephen Ross, has he given up on the Miami Dolphins?"

"What else can you do? Who can buy more than one billion dollars in cash like you? Wayne Whitsenga is also a businessman and knows how to choose." Ivanka thinks it's not difficult, it's just a money transaction , but still said,

"Steven Rose's Vornado Real Estate Company is a big group after all, the team and the stadium are yours, and the surrounding real estate properties, I think you can choose to cooperate with him!"

"Of course, Vornado Real Estate is also an old-fashioned real estate company, and it's good to let them develop." Simon didn't eat it all. After all, it's good for competitors to become partners. Do business and be friendly. How good it is to make money.

"Why, your company is not interested in this?" Simon asked suddenly, Trump Real Estate is also one of the East Coast real estate giants.

Ivanka shook her head and smiled: "Currently, the group's debt ratio is very high, and we are negotiating with several banks for support. We have a lot of projects in hand!"

Simon looked at the girl's eyes, and just nodded. The real estate is currently in a recession, and places like Miami and Las Vegas are the hardest hit areas. The Trump Organization's industrial losses in these two places are not small.

"The Vernato Real Estate Group is still very strong, but it's also my fault for Stephen Rose's bad luck. I also like the Miami Dolphins when I meet them," Simon said, taking a sip of the wine brought in by the butler.

"The New Jersey side has a lot of opinions about you moving the Nets to New York. The local fans have united to put pressure on the city government. Maybe you should pay attention," Ivanka kindly reminded. After all, NBA football Relocating a team to a city is a big deal.

"This is not something I should be concerned about. Forest City Group should be more concerned. The Atlantic Plaza project is not a small move. Now that the new gymnasium in Brooklyn has been built, do you still need to worry about it?" Simon said, leaning on the sofa, a picture lazy look,

"If Bruce Ratner couldn't handle that, Forest City wouldn't be one of New York's real estate giants."

Ivanka put the wine glass in her hand on the coffee table in front and frowned: "The current sale price of the Miami Dolphins is not low, have you really thought about it? And the results of the Dolphins are not very good."

Ivanka's idea is that with Simon's current earning power, investing this money in the stock market can get a higher return.

"How much? Wayne Whitsenga's final sale price," Simon asked.

"$1.1 billion!" Ivanka spit out a number slowly.

"$1.1 billion," Simon said, standing up, walking to the floor-to-ceiling window, looking at the city of Los Angeles in the distance,

"It's really not cheap! Fortunately, those big banks are very supportive of me."

Nine-headed Bird Sports and Entertainment seems to be about to own the second large sports club, the Miami Dolphins, and American football. Because of North America's strong spending power, football is deeply loved by Americans and has great value. It is definitely the most valuable league. .

"After a while, I'll go to Miami to really buy the Dolphins," Simon turned around and said with certainty.

"Miami..." Ivanka nodded and muttered.

"When are you going?" Ivanka knew that a major event in the entertainment industry, the Oscars, was about to be held, and Xinghai Pictures currently has a lot of energy to spend on it.

"Early next month," Simon will of course wait until the end of the month's Oscar nominations list, after which he can do the necessary awards PR based on the list.

2.22 is the day when the Academy Awards ceremony will be held, and it will be able to come back no matter what.

At night, in Simon's bedroom, a man and a woman were gasping for breath. Following Ivanka's singing, Simon slowly turned over from the girl's body.

Ivanka wiped the sweat from her face, kissed Simon on the mouth beside her, and said with some anger: "Dear, you are awesome!"

"Really?" Simon smiled, then thought of something, and said,

"Currently, there are many private islands in the Bahamas that are selling small islands. If I find a well-built private holiday island, I think it can continue to sell."

"I bought one before, but it still needs a construction cycle. Now I can buy one that can be moved in at any time. It's okay, just to see what the decoration style is," Ivanka guessed why Simon wanted to be in the Caribbean. The Bahamas is getting a private vacation island soon.

After acquiring the Miami Dolphins, Simon will definitely stay in Miami for some time, and the Balmaha Islands in the Caribbean Sea next to Florida is indeed one of the perfect vacation spots.

"It's a good place," Simon closed his eyes and thought about the location of Miami, straight into the Caribbean Sea, radiating the entire Latin American region.

The huge east and west coastlines and the vast land are not only rich in resources, but the entire America is a back garden. The geographical location of the United States is really unique.

Los Angeles, New York, and Miami may be the strategic priorities of Simon in the future, and San Francisco should be added soon. The powerful Silicon Valley industry cannot be avoided.

"Miami Dolphins, have you figured out how to run it?" Ivanka suddenly asked, rugby is more popular than basketball.

"Management?" Simon was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "I don't have time to participate, I will definitely choose the NBA Nets!"

What Simon didn't say is that his favorite is actually football, the Premier League, I'll be here soon.

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