Hollywood New Century

Chapter 279: half of the country

2.22, a grand event in the film industry, the Academy Awards ceremony was held at the Kodak Theater in Hollywood as scheduled.

Compared with the Golden Globe Awards a month ago, Oscar's specifications are indeed a lot higher, and the flow of people on the Avenue of Stars is enough to prove it.

The lively event can also be regarded as injecting a touch of vitality into the economically depressed Hollywood, which is still intoxicated after all.

The host of the awards ceremony was looking for Australian actor Hugh Jackman, and Simon Pike sat down near the side of the corridor.

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" has 13 Oscar nominations; "Slumdog Millionaire" has nine nominations; and "Life and Death" has five nominations; ” was also nominated for 2 awards.

Counting all the films released by Xinghai Entertainment last year, they were nominated for a total of 32 Oscars at the Oscars.

The best picture and best director have occupied half of the country, and Xinghai Entertainment has been in the limelight at this Oscars ceremony from the very beginning.

"Congratulations, Simon, Xinghai Pictures should have gained a lot this time." Sitting with Simon was Jeff Robinoff, president of Warner Bros. Pictures, who had already begun to congratulate Simon.

"Jeff, I'm not the savior of any modern movie. The box office of "Iron Man" in North America exceeded 300 million US dollars, and there is only one nomination for best special effects, but your "Dark Knight" has many nominations, "Simon said with a smile.

Jeff Robinoff smiled too, and glanced at Harvey Weinstein on the other side, the man known as the savior of modern cinema.

When Simon said this, he was obviously mocking him. It seems that Simon Pike and that Harvey Weinstein are indeed contradictory and irreconcilable.

"Unexpectedly, Marvel's first "Iron Man" has achieved such a great success in your hands. In the future, our DC will have a huge competitor," Jeff Robinoff also laughed. The Oscars are a big help for independent studios, but they're less and less important for the Big Six, centered on commercial films.

Simon smiled and didn't speak. Warner Bros. had too many good cards in their hands. Not to mention the gold-sucking monsters in the "Harry Potter" series, DC's Superman and Batman have always been the two most influential superheroes.

Marvel's ace Spider-Man is now Sony's pet!

The Oscars is about 3 hours, plus 1 hour of commercials or cabaret performances in the middle, it's 4 hours.

During the commercial break, many guests will go to the bar to rest or go to the toilet. Of course, Simon will not sit for 4 hours.

After all, Simon is not an actor, so he won't be an award-winning guest, a performance guest, except that he may have to go on stage to win the best picture, basically there will be no situation on stage.

Naturally, it was natural for Simon to leave the awards ceremony and go to the bar to rest. Of course, there are extras at the Oscars to fill in when guests aren't in their seats.

Otherwise, when the camera sweeps over, it is always bad if it is an empty position.

Simon Pike waited until after the Best Supporting Actor awards to go to the bar with Jeff Robinoff.

"Heath Ledger is indeed a good actor. In terms of performance methods, the experience group can't get out of the bad consequences," Simon said with a bit of regret. Although Heath Ledger has passed away, he played the role of "The Dark Knight". The Joker won the Best Supporting Actor Oscar for his daughter.

"It's really a loss, his performance in The Dark Knight was amazing, hope he rests in peace," Jeff Robinoff said, taking a sip of wine after "The Dark Knight" was such a big success, Heath Ledger's function is great.

Simon left him. Even when a person dies, he can still be squeezed out of the residual value, even if he himself will do it.

"By the way, Simon, I saw that your Xinghai movie schedule is very full this year, including commercial blockbusters, literary films, and horror films. Have you thought about continuing to strengthen cooperation? This "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is still very successful A movie!" Jeff Robinoff suddenly suggested.

"Really? However, Xinghai's current distribution resources should be sufficient. If we continue to strengthen cooperation, Warner Bros. has excess funds to participate. At present, we are sparing no effort to develop new movies. There are too many funds to consume, and we welcome funds from all parties in content production,” Simon smiled, Xinghai Entertainment is currently making every effort to improve the distribution network, with strong capital and blockbuster movies, it can definitely be done in the shortest time. perfect.

Jeff Robinoff smiled, shook his head and said, "Warner Bros. is no better than Xinghai. This year's situation has caused our film and television department to receive less funding than before;"

"As you know, we are also backed by a large number of external funds. We now hope to talk to you about the idea of ​​a movie fund on Wall Street. With your contacts and reputation on Wall Street, there should be a lot of movie funds or investors who want to enter. in the film industry."

Simon was stunned for a moment. It turned out to be a need for funds. He nodded and said: "This can be discussed with Nancy. After all, it is a period of economic contraction, and many people are very tight on funds."

"Actually, have you ever thought that the capital in Asia is very strong now, such as East Asia and the Middle East. Didn't DreamWorks just get a lot of investment from India?"

"Well, we have contacted, but at present it is mainly European and American investment. After all, Hollywood is always the Hollywood of the United States, and a large number of capitals have settled in, which has a great impact," Jeff Robinoff said and patted Simon on the shoulder. .

Simon nodded, disdainful in his heart, isn't most of Hollywood's capital Jewish capital? The entry of capital from the Middle East and East Asia will definitely limit the environment for movies. The Hollywood guys are using other people's money to discriminate against other people's countries in movies.

A large number of funds in the Middle East, but can *** become the decency of Hollywood movies? Not to mention being the protagonist, there is no chance for a supporting role, but a passerby can.

The 2009 Oscars ended perfectly, and the biggest winner was definitely Xinghai Entertainment. Not only did "Slumdog Millionaire" win the Best Picture and Best Director Awards, but also the Best Original Dubbing, Best Sound Effects, etc. A total of 7 Oscars.

"The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" also won 3 awards including best visual effects.

Kate Winslet also won the Oscar for Best Actress in "Reading Aloud."

Xinghai previously won the best picture Oscar for No Country for Old Men, and now it has won the best picture for Slumdog Millionaire.

The seventh largest film company in Hollywood, Xinghai Pictures is on the rise!

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