Hollywood New Century

Chapter 293: Netflix's choice

Off the coast of Los Angeles, Simon's privately-built super-large luxury yacht "Polaris" is having a big party.

The "Polaris" is 380 feet long, with luxurious interior decoration and a value of 200 million US dollars. It was built by a Dutch shipyard and has not only 15 suites, but also a swimming pool, gym, spa, massage room and theater, as well as a helipad and so on.

Started to use it in May, this time Simone intends to celebrate the box office hit of Xinghai Pictures. The main personnel of "Hurricane Rescue", "The Hangover" and many other Hollywood stars who have cooperated with Xinghai Film are there.

In a conference room on the top floor of the yacht, Simon was chatting with visiting Luc Besson about the success of Hurricane Rescue.

"Liam Neeson seems to be still growing old. The action design in the movie is really outstanding. The preparations for the next one should be ready," Simon said with a smile.

Luc Besson also smiled, touched the wine glass with Simon, and said, "There is definitely no problem with the sequel. If there is no accident, it will be released next year. The release in North America is still up to you!"

If this kind of movie doesn't have a sequel, it's a fool. If it comes out, it must come out.

Simon nodded. Some of the action films that Luc Besson tinkered with are not high-cost for Hollywood and belong to genre films. It is indeed rare to see such good results as "Hurricane Rescue".

Europa Pictures, in Simon's mind, is just a European company that enriches the distribution of its own films.

After chatting with Luc Besson, Simon came to the top deck outside the room to admire the Pacific Ocean at dusk.

After a while, "French Rose" Sophie Marceau came to her side.

The two hugged, Simon kissed the **** the face, and said with a smile, "This time in Los Angeles?"

"For the US promotion of the movie 'Don't Look Back', I shouldn't have stayed for a long time, and I just came back from China. 'Super Girl' was just released in China last month," Sophie said. Marceau rarely makes Hollywood films, most of them are French films, and the distribution areas are mainly in Europe and Asia.

"Super Girl" seems to be a war spy film that premiered in Germany last year, and was released in the United States out of theaters.

"No Looking Back," the one you starred in with Italian actress Monica Bellucci, premiered at Cannes, and distributed in the U.S. by IFC?" Simon asked.

Sophie Marceau nodded, but co-starring with Monica Bellucci was indeed a gimmick.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it's a bit interesting for the two European goddesses to perform a drama together," Simon said and smiled.

Sophie Marceau was not too excited, asked about another matter, and said: "The situation of the documentary film adaptation of Philip Borgo's autobiography "Second Breath", then Two directors, Olivier Nakash and Eric Tolanda, have already contacted me, and you told me to go to Monaco to get the copyright and then ignore it, and now I have been found!"

"Oh, it can be developed, don't you have a lot of experience in film production? Xinghai International Pictures' French branch invests and distributes, maybe you can enter Hollywood," Simon almost forgot about this, "Second Breath" " is the future "Untouchable", a famous box office bomb in the history of French cinema.

"This kind of film, if you only consider the French market, the cost is not high. According to the Hollywood industrial method, it will be a little more, but it will not exceed 15 million US dollars." Sophie Marceau has been in the entertainment industry for decades. Actor, The screenwriter, director and producer have all done it, of course I understand.

"Well, because it is a French film produced by Xinghai Films, we can still get some support from the French Film Fund and the European Cultural Fund," Sophie Marceau said, smiling herself, seeking the fund to support this aspect. Hollywood production companies are very proficient, and mosquito meat is also meat.

"Hahaha, Qixing Pictures will assist you. Now the North American distribution of overseas movies is done by Xinghai Qixing Pictures," Simon said, reaching out and touching Sophie Marceau's face.

"I'll take you somewhere tonight!"

"Really," Sophie Marceau shook her head with a smile and asked, "What about Eva Green, who was by your side before, and is also one of my little fellows. Didn't she stay in Los Angeles all the time?"

Simon shook his head and smiled: "I spend most of my time in Europe, and I will stay here when there are movie plans."

"Okay, I'll have a chat with a few friends first, you can also handle your own affairs, you're very busy," Sophie Marceau saw Nina Jacobson bring a man over to her then left.

Nina Jacobson brought with him Reed Hastings, the founder and chairman of Netflix.

After the three of them were seated, they quickly began to chat. After all, Xinghai Entertainment now has a lot of Netflix stocks.

Compared with the current market value of Netflix of more than 2 billion US dollars, the size of Xinghai is tantamount to being much larger.

"Reed, I believe you also know what we mean by Xinghai. We are also thinking about entering streaming media online platforms. Netflix is ​​a video service that I am optimistic about," Simon finally expressed his meaning directly.

Reed Hastings frowned and said helplessly: "Netflix's current main service is DVD or Blu-ray disc rental and subscription functions, online streaming..."

Simon smiled, took out a brochure and put it on the coffee table, Reed Hastings saw the big characters "Netflix Culture Handbook" on the cover at a glance, it was not an Internet PPT that he sent out this month. documentation?

"Many people in Silicon Valley are very optimistic about this document, and so do I," Simon said, looking at Reed Hastings again, and continued,

"I know a lot about streaming media. Youtu.com was also my first investment and then sold to Google. As for why it was sold, it was because Hollywood and Silicon Valley had too many entanglements in terms of commercial rights."

"The DVD market is getting worse year by year. You know the predicament of Blockbuster, and I also know that Netflix is ​​transforming into streaming media. Last year, you have cooperated with many movies and TV shows such as starz!, showtime, FX, USA, and ABC, NBC, etc. The distribution platform has signed a copyright contract, and your registered members will exceed 10 million this year."

Reed Hastings nodded, none of this was a secret.

"Hollywood elites are not stupid. Now the contracts you sign are not expensive, not only because movies and TV are not new movies, but also because many people don't notice the power of streaming media," Simon said to Reed Haas. Tins' eyes continued to speak,

"What happens when they see the growth of Netflix?"

"The price of film and television digital rights is soaring. How much money does Netflix have to acquire a large number of film and television rights to enrich?"

"Last year you spent more than $600 million on film and television, and you still can't buy online digital rights to the latest theatrical blockbuster."

"Perhaps, you've thought about making your own TV like HBO, AMC?" Simon said, staring straight at Reed Hastings.

"What do you think Netflix can do? Don't forget that there is a HULU in Hollywood that is also available online."

"Go back and think about it. You know the production capabilities of Xinghai Entertainment, and you don't have to worry about financial resources. By joining Xinghai Entertainment, Netflix can stand on the shoulders of Hollywood and develop, otherwise Netflix will use Hollywood as its enemy!"

From beginning to end, Reed Hastings said very little. After all, Simon was really angry because of Reed Hastings. How powerful is Netflix now?

If you don't give a face, it's really like Xinghai Entertainment begging for an acquisition. Content is king, but it's not a casual talk.

Reed Hastings also had a serious look on his face when he left, and Netflix's hopes of developing before everyone reacted were dashed.

Since Simon Parker has been paying attention for so long, there must be a way, even if Netflix does not agree to Xinghai's normal acquisition. But Netflix is ​​now a listed company, and as long as Xinghai Entertainment spends more money and time, it is not a problem at all.

With Simon Pike around, his importance has also been greatly reduced, and Reed Hastings is helpless except for helplessness.

What's more, the conditions for Netflix to open are actually not low. Cash plus Xinghai Entertainment's shares, you must know that Xinghai Entertainment's shares are recognized by Wall Street as a sweet pastry.

Simon Pike's use of it does show that he is optimistic about Netflix.

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