Hollywood New Century

Chapter 296: dog blood idol

Napa Valley is not far from San Francisco, which is the second largest economic city in California, the financial center of the West Coast and the technology center of the United States.

Neither Xinghai Entertainment nor Nine Birds Capital will relax their attention to San Francisco. The investment department of Xinghai Entertainment needs to pay attention to the development of various social media or film and television technologies; not to mention Nine Birds Fund, the center of the east coast is in New York Manhattan, the center of the West Coast, is in the financial district of San Francisco.

There is no doubt that the West Coast headquarters of Nine Head Birds is in San Francisco. After all, Simon has always attached great importance to the Internet. Silicon Valley has always had the office of the Nine-headed Bird Fund, which keeps an eye on the situation in Silicon Valley.

San Francisco, in the northeast, bordered by Chinatown in the west, and the financial district of the San Francisco Bay in the east, a commercial office building near Pier 3 is the location of the West Coast headquarters of the Nine-headed Bird Fund.

"Martha, which one would you say is busier, the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge or the Golden Gate Bridge?" Simon asked with a smile, standing at the window looking at the Bay Bridge that spans the San Francisco Bay from San Francisco to Oakland.

"Here, the Golden Gate Bridge is busy. After all, the Golden Gate Bridge is an important passage connecting the San Francisco Peninsula and California," Martha Cosby smiled helplessly, her boss should be bored now.

"Alas, the San Francisco Bay Area consisting of San Francisco, Oakland, and San Jose is actually pretty good, and it's second only to the Los Angeles metropolitan area on the West Coast." Simon originally planned to use San Francisco as his headquarters, but he started out in the film and television industry. Los Angeles The advantage is still better than San Francisco.

In recent years, Martha Cosby has mainly been Simon's secretary in the Nine-headed Bird Fund. She graduated with a major in finance and is considered a professional counterpart.

"Wells Fargo has been less affected by this financial tsunami. The group is currently acquiring Netflix. Although the company's current capital flow is good, there are more places to spend money," Simon said, turning his head Look at Martha Cosby,

"Can strengthen some business dealings with Wells Fargo."

"Boss, we have a good relationship with ****, HSBC, Bank of America, Deutsche Bank in Europe, and many world-class banks in Credit Suisse," Martha Cosby thought for a while, and then said,

"These banks basically have investment departments dedicated to film and television culture, and they have always paid attention to Xinghai Entertainment!"

Simon nodded, then took out his Apple mobile phone, pointed to an APP on the screen and said, "This is a communication APP that was just launched in May, called whatsapp, the company was two people who left Yahoo before February this year. It was created by the staff, just in Silicon Valley, you go and contact them, the Nine Head Bird Fund hopes to cooperate with them to develop whatsapp,"

"The company is financially supported by the Nine-headed Bird Fund and is responsible for future operations. It is a partnership."

Martha Cosby nodded. There are so many new small companies in Silicon Valley every month. Obviously, this WhatsApp company is just an empty shell. Just launched a simple communication software APP.

"Understood, boss, are you trying to hold whatsapp in your hand?" asked Martha Cosby.

"Yes, I don't care too much about the ideas of their founders. I will give my opinions in the future operation and construction, lest they take too many detours," Simon plans to make whatsapp an American version of WeChat this time, instead of such as Like the original time and space, whatsapp is just an instant messaging software.

The most important thing is that Facebook's acquisition of whatsapp in the future has played a big role in Facebook's growth.

In addition to communication, whatsapp can't socialize, display pictures, and text.

In the summer of 2009, when various film companies were fighting for the box office, the Time Warner Group came out with important business spin-off news.

Time Warner Group spun off AOL and Time Cable. How crazy was the merger of AOL and Time Warner back then, and how miserable the spin-off is now.

After the merger in 2000, the immediate tech bubble really took everyone by surprise, and AOL's market value has fallen by more than 90%.

Time Cable is one of the cable TV operators. At present, Time Warner Group is left with four divisions.

1. Warner Bros. Entertainment: Focus on film and television production and distribution, games and new media businesses;

2. Turner Broadcasting Corporation: cable television and online video services for famous news and entertainment TV channels such as CNN and TNT;

3. HBO Corporation: a pay-TV business with HBO and Cinemax series channels;

4. Times Publishing Company: mainly publishes a large number of internationally renowned journals such as Times and Fortune.

Simon has always regarded Disney and Time Warner as his ultimate competitors, and has never underestimated these two groups.

At the same time, the results of the NBA Eastern Conference finals were freshly released. What Simon did not expect was that the Nets actually lost to the Magic.

"Howard played so well?" Simon said of the magic "beast" Dwight Howard.

I always thought that the Nets could play in the finals this year, and they could play one-on-one with the Los Angeles Lakers.

"Boss, it's almost at the entrance of the Chinese Grand Theater," Laura Collins said in the car. Tonight is the premiere of "Twilight", and the boss actually went too.

"Understood, "Twilight City" is an important project of the company in June, and the promotion is also very thoughtful. The novel sells so well, I also want to see how it turns out!" According to the original time and space, "Twilight City" City" was released in December last year, and the producer and distributor is of course Summit Entertainment.

However, after Summit Entertainment was acquired by Xinghai Entertainment, it was digested, and "Twilight" also had better publicity strategies and support.

At the entrance of the Chinese Grand Theater on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, countless fans and fans have gathered around the red carpet, and guests who came to the premiere of the movie have also entered the venue one after another.

Comedy star Jim Carrey, Australian star, "Wolverine" Hugh Jackman, etc. still have several big names.

Simon also took a few photos with the film's creators, and when he was holding the heroine Kristen Stewart for a photo, the girl deliberately pinched Simon's waist.

Simon looked at the girl, blinked slyly, and walked away with a smile.

There are 3,720 open theaters for "Twilight", and the popularity of the novel does give the movie a great advantage in publicity.

Director Katherine Hardwicke, Screenwriter

Melissa Rosenberg and Stephanie Mayer (also the original author) are both women.

Starring Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, Cam Gigandet and Taylor Lautner are also handsome men and women.

Of course, Simon will satisfy them with this kind of **** love idol drama that the Yankees like.

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