Holy beast

Chapter 80 Synthetic Plumber

It is very smooth to send "McDonald's" return to the pharmacist's pharmacy .... . Bearded the beginning of the old man flew down .... ... !

"Kid, this is what you want ...! The heart is so good!" Obviously, the pharmacist has discovered our little smart ...!

However ... the pharmaceutical is since the hand ... That is not my business ... I will return to the tailor shop ... give the medicine to the boss of the tailor store ...!

"Sharman ... After two days, you will take it again ...!" The boss looked at the medicine in my hand, and I said something surprised!

"Well ... that, then trouble the boss ...!" I wanted, then go out ...!

Looking at the time ... *** I didn't know that I have already arrived at two o'clock in the morning ... I still want to brush what monsters, I am afraid time is not enough ... No way, I still want to go home now!

Directly came to the blacksmith shop ... The old blacksmith is sitting on the lounge chair, drinking tea in the game ...!

***, this NPC is really leisurely ...!

"Come on ...!" After the old ironmaker saw me, he opened the eyes directly, and said it faintly ...!

"Well ... Master, this is given to you ...!" I took the few places who were going to honor the old blacksmith from the parcel ...!

"Hey ... how is this?"; When the old ironmaker saw the wine in my hand, the eyes were bright ... while taking it to your own arms, he said!

Rely ... this is an embarrassment?

After giving something to the old ironman, I walked into the blacksmith shop ... . I have to start building ... this deputy is not good from the beginning, I don't know how to do it, now I don't know how it is ... I am sure!

Fine iron ... began to build ...!

The fire was blown by my fire, then grab the fine iron ore in the hand ... a piece of put it in ... Mom ... This work is not good, boring, you still have to die, stare at the refined iron ore In the shape of the stove!

***, I am so depressed ... I don't know what to go today ... I just put in the fine iron ore is melted in a moment ... I just want to put a few fine iron ore ... but Hed I found ... My fine iron ore is gone ... only has a blood drop in the parcel ... Tungsten ore is put in the warehouse. !

Mom ... what can I do? I am anxious ... I look for fine iron ore ... old blacksmith is generally built equipment ... So the refined iron ore must have inventory ... So I will find it in the blacksmith shop!

Five minutes later ... I am stupid ... No ... Junior to create skills can only create an excellent iron equipment ... but there is no fine iron ore, how do I create it?

"Hey? What can this?" I suddenly thought that in my parcel, there were some garbage refugee equipment ... directly took out a long sword ... Then think about it, mom, anyway, this kind of garbage equipment is useless, I can't sell a few more money ...!

"Brush ...!" The essence of the ferrifier is directly thrown into the stove. !

"Rely ...!" I suddenly saw a blood drop and fell into the fire in the stove together with the fine iron palm. !

"Hey ...!" I just finished, just in front of me ... the fire suddenly issued a huge explosion ... !

"Mom ... Kid, what do you create? I have blown out my furnace ...!" The old ironman outside directly rushed in, and the anger watched me!

"Hey ... this ..." I turned, I am embarrassed to watch the old blacksmith .... I don't understand why there will be such a situation ... ***, I want to know that it will be like this ... I will never throw it in the estro.!

"Ah ... hahaha ... ..!" The old blacksmith saw me ... Suddenly laughed ...!

Hey ... Dry? I have no long flowers on my face ... Is it so laugh?

"Your face ... It seems like Bao Gong, ... hahaha ... laugh at me!" The old blacksmith looked at my doubts and quickly explained!

Hey ... cut ... I want to create equipment, black and white ... I used my hand to my face ...!

Rely on ... Hurry to find the water ... The face is turned on by me to get a dark coal ash ... I have seen the key ... This is seen by other people, and maybe a person is lost.!

"Hey, system prompt: Congratulations, synthetic metal, bloodstone!"

Hey ... When I just finished my face and then standing next to the stove ... The system's prompt sound suddenly rang the shore of my ear ...!

"Master .. What is this?" I took the bloodstream stone with the fire pliers and asked ... !

"? This color ... It seems to be a bloodstone ... how did you do? This thing is a good material for men ...!" The old blacksmith saw the emblem of the fire pliers with blood red rays. Metal, some of the gods!

"Ah ...!" I am thinking about why there is such a situation ... the old blacksmith suddenly issued a miserable roar ...!

Hey ... Plirt blood has just been synthesized, there is no cooling yet, you say that you reach yourself? This is good, the claws are hot .... !

I have some speech on my face, but my heart is smiling ... ... let NPC eat bitterness or necessary!

"Stupid ... You can't cool it first ... Hey, I am burn me ...!" The old blacksmith left the right hand, and a grit ... angryly!

"This ... ... this is really sorry ... I forgot ... Master ... You are nothing to do / ...!" I apologized on my face, rushed to the old blacksmith, and then asked!

"On the side ... In order to express your apology, this metal gave me ... ? Yes ... When are you learning synthesis?" The old blacksmith expression is angry with me, but the eyes are hidden in the eyes. Some delicate!

***, is black ... this old man may be rushing to my bloodstone! Rely ... anyway, I also know how to create, tell me what is used!

"This ... Master ... I am your apprentice ... I will give you a bloodstock to you ... But how do you have to tell me the use of this bloodstone ...!" I am a bitter smile, ask Tao!

"Hey ... stinky boy ... hurry to go, then take it, I tell you the role of this bloodstone ...!" The old blacksmith seems to be unwilling ... Just finished, didn't wait for me to have any action, directly grab The fire pliers in my hand ... put the bloodstone into the cold water .... !

" ...!" A white hot gas rose directly, .... When I watched the bloodstone clamped on the fire pliers ... I suddenly stopped ... !

Originally, the color of the blood is black in black ... But now, it turns into a dark color in the blood red color .... The intensity of the rays is rotated ...!

"Master ... Why do you look at the bloodstone ...!" I looked at the old iron letters asked the gods and asked!

"Hey ... This bloodstone, but the millennium is hard to find a good metal ... is the most important media ore created by artifact ...!" The old blacksmith asked me, there is a little Sur, saying!

Hey ... relying on ... Master deceives the apprentice's good ore, have this master?

"Kid ... Don't be happy ... This bloodstone is a good thing, it is not easy, but for you, it is not used now ... I have this baby ... I am afraid you can create the best civiles ... Haha ... "The old blacksmith's speech is full of pride ... like he now ... Master's blacksmith ... has a bloodstone, you can break through the master-class ... How can I not excite?

I am speechless ... ***, this white creation ... Hey ... is not to ... Is it synthetic? Yes ... I didn't learn synthesis ... Why can I synthesize metal now? Or this super powerful metal !

"Small ... How can I synthesize when this bloodstone?" The old blacksmith recovered the normal state, and he had received bloodstream and asked me!

"This ... I don't know ... I don't want me to tell you, you can try it!" I carefully said!

"Well ... I must try it ... ... this metal is energy-produced ... we will make a fortune ... Because there is no one in the whole mainland, there is no one to synthesize such a metal, can only be achieved, the chance is less than buy Lottery! "The old blacksmith was said by me, and there was a kind of eager to try!

"But ... I didn't have a fine iron ... I didn't have the fine iron equipment ...!" I don't want to put the equipment on my own body to the old ironman, and no money is also the money. !

"Hey ... Don't worry ... I have ...!" The old blacksmith is turning over ... a few fine iron ore appear in his hand, then throw it into the stove ... The fire will be willing again ... Just now the fire is blown ...!

"What should I do?" The old blacksmith is like my apprentice, asked!

"Slightly ... then throw it in the equipment of an excellent iron ...! And with a blood drop ...!" I looked at the fire of the fire ... I said to the old blacksmith!

"Hey ... still have to drop? This is a good ore ... Mom ... Fight ... Try ...!" The old ironman looked at me, said!

... I want this feeling ... and the old ironman finished, I will return a few steps to the back ... Mom ... I don't want to blow it ... I just used the moment when I still remember. ...!!

"Kid ... Hey ... What do you run there?" He, I just retired to the door, the old blacksmith has discovered my little action ... I shouted!

***, I watched the state of the refined iron ore ... I still didn't burn it, I haven't burned it ... I have a good eye, reach out to the door.!

"I close .... So you can see it by others ....!" I said ... At the same time, when I closed, I left a small slit ... I have to rush out ... !

"Grace ... or the thoughtful thoughtfulness ... Waiting for me to burn the fire ... ... ... ...!" The old blacksmith did not doubt there ...

At this time, I have discovered the fine iron ore in the fire ... so I shouted: "Master ... line ... At the same time, throw it in ....!"

From today's update time to adjust, 12:00 pm, at 8:00 pm, at 8:58 pm, at night. . . The red envelope is full of five thousand, and the next day is more pushing. . . . No special circumstances. . . Uninterrupted! (The possibility of small outbreaks or big outbreaks, see the recommended position!) Please run away. . . .

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