Holy beast

Chapter 38 I was selected by the game company.

"Calling ...!" The roaring skill is still strong to kill the surrounding players, whispering clear sky and mad hides have hung, now the players in front of me have more than a dozen, I know, this is definitely Crap.

It turned out to have a tens of thousand players, this powerful combat power is never thought!

Just I am still very doubtful, why not appear, this time my killing has stopped, and the official should appear, they should come out to do some explanations or give me some punishment!

"Hey, system prompt: Congratulations, complete the highest output online players, reward experience 200,000, reward gold coins: 60000, reward luck +1!"

Hey ... What? I am stupid to listen to the system's tone, the spirit is a bit wrong ... Silly, there are so many players, there is still a reward? I didn't listen to it!

"Brush!" At a gold scorpion, I successfully rose to 48! God ... The dog in the holy game is all encountered by me ...!

BUG must be the system's bug, I am in my heart, I can't talk to myself.

Now this is what I have noted, my mother, I really don't know how I happen.

Open the level of the day and see it, I found that I am still the first, and put the murderous and horizontal people in the future.!

First place: Wind tracking career: shadow assassin,

Second place: murderous and horizontal occupation: Lamo warrior,

Third place: : hot warrior,

Fourth place: Vanilla Xiangxiang Occupation: Control Soul,

Sixth: Invincible Occupation: Archer,

Seventh place: Nothing to wear a bra occupation: archer,

Eighth place: Blood Career: Blood Knight,

Fifth place: Radiant Fire Occupation: Knight,

Ninth Name: Heart of the Leading Operation: Pastor,

Tenth: Chill Night Autumn Water Professional: Master

I really didn't expect that a competition would actually have this situation ... The roaring skill is really too powerful, and the game has appeared in the game, and I just became the biggest beneficiary of this bug .... !

Murder gives experience, this situation has not appeared in any game, but I now encounter this situation, it is necessary to wait for the next time to find the old man to advance, ask!

"Autumn Water MM, come out to pick the equipment!" I sent a private letter to the cold night, then looked at the surrounding arena, ***, originally dense players, now I have done it ...

Will this Ski City's economic contest will continue? I don't know! I only know that today is Sunday, that is, the employees of the game company have a holiday, I may have to grab this opportunity, become The first person in the Tiantian!

I opened the official forum of the Shengtian, and found that I really became a celebrity ... in the official website home, I have been hanging above, as long as I enter the forum, I can be obvious. see!

I looked at the picture ... It seems to be understood, a bold idea has emerged from my mind, is it? Is it a game company to operate this thing? What is their purpose? I did the first person What is the benefit of them?

"Hey, system prompt: Holy Day game official customer service issued a call application, is it acceptable?"

Come, yes, I think I have expected it, I was selected by the Shengtian Game Company ... !

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