Now this, not far or not, seems to be the greatest beauty of life, closer to some, perhaps they will suffer.

So far, only Jiang Zizi and her sister touch her a few times. She won't be ostracized. Other people's words, I'm afraid, will be very disgusting.

All childhood, sometimes will be a lifetime can not erase the shadow. And she was used to living in the shadow.

Look up at him, he will know that he is looking at him, he looked back and smile, like the most brilliant sun in the shadow, so that she suddenly happy a lot.

Can you remember the joy of despair when I saw him appear on the altar at the most desperate time in the star prison?

She knew that she would never forget it in her whole life, even if it was so long.


The sound of the Dragon chanting in front of him is so loud that it can be described as deafening. In the white light ahead, you can see a dragon tomb. Although the ground around is very flat, Jiang Zizi has found this place, which seems to have been familiar with before.

"This is the tomb of the God of war! We've been here before, and I got my formula from the stone tablet behind the Dragon tomb! " White Mu is a little bit excited to say.

The sound of the dragon's chant came from the tomb of the God of war.

When they arrived at the Dragon tomb, there were already many people here because of the gathering for a period of time. Jiang Zi roughly estimated that at least four fifths of all the disciples in Guangming dragon tomb had come here, and the remaining one fifth should be on their way.

It can be said that all the staff have arrived.

Under the age of 40, there are many strong ancient gods. They may not be as talented as Bai Mu, but they are also strong enough to frighten people.

People are in groups, but when Baimu and his party arrive, people along the road basically get out of the way and let him go to the best position.

Now the sound of dragon chant is very loud and rapid. There should be something important to happen. Now everyone's face is written with excitement. Most people here don't know about Longyan. They should be discussing the sound of dragon tomb and dragon chant.

"In the Dragon tomb, such a vision appears, does it mean that there will be a dragon tomb opened? With such a long history, does he want to carry out the inheritance of the God King

"History has not recorded much about whether the God King of zhantian left the inheritance. In fact, most of the gods in the Dragon tomb chose to reincarnate. There are basically only corpses in the Dragon tombs, but some of them have left the inheritance. It is said that the total number is about three tenths."

"Yes, only three out of ten dragon tombs have inheritance, but because of their long-term age, we can't determine which inheritance exists. Moreover, if the Dragon tombs are not opened on their own initiative, we can't go in at all."

"The inheritance of the Dragon tomb is said to have been opened more than ten times according to the probability. Even dozens of times will not appear, the last one who has been inherited by the God King has become a God King. Now, it seems that it is possible to open the Dragon Tomb of King Zhan Tian Shen

"I didn't expect that people like Zhan Tian Shen Wang almost became gods. They didn't choose to be reincarnated, but chose to inherit. It's really great. However, how many years ago did he choose to inherit today? This is almost the oldest inheritance of God King... "

"Yes, it is definitely the oldest Tomb of Guangming dragon. Other gods will not be so far away. Maybe there's no really right person. "

"Do you mean it's likely to be this time?"

"You forget, who has got the formula?"

"My God, Bai Mu was enough against the heaven. If he could get the inheritance of the king of Zhan Tianshen, who was close to becoming the God of heaven, it would be good. His father was strong enough, and Guangming Longzun was also his grandfather. If there was another inheritance of Zhan Tianshen king, he might be able to surpass his father and sprint to the realm of God..."

People found Bai Mu in the crowd, which was very envious.

In fact, Bai Mu is talking about the same thing.

"Xiaomu, the God of war, is really likely to be inherited. It's so important. It means a lot to you. "

"I know, but I can't guess too much. Let's wait and see."

"Yes, if there is a God King inheritance, and it is the inheritance of the top God King, you should have the greatest opportunity. How far have you practiced your zhantian Jue?" Bai Yu asked excitedly.

"It's almost finished the first weight. I think it's fast." Bai Mu's mood is also a little excited. He looks at the changes in the Dragon tomb and feels the sound of calling. His heart is full of emotion.

The inheritance of the Dragon tomb is indeed his desire to come to Guangming dragon tomb. The inheritance of God King here can make great progress for them.

The existence of zhantian God King is the top of the Guangming dragon tomb. If you can have such a harvest, it will be beyond his imagination.

It's no wonder that he is calm at ordinary times, and at this time, he is in a passionate mood.

"There is no change for the time being. You should try to finish the first step immediately. Once it is finished, you are sure to be the most confident. If there is any change, I will inform you." White feather way, her voice is a little nervous."It's OK." Bai Mu stabilized his mood for a moment, but he was still able to calm down. While everyone was waiting, he sat down and began to practice the formula of fighting heaven, which was the spirit body skill of the ancient god realm of zhantian God King.

A lot of people are looking at Bai Mu, because no matter how they look at it, people feel that the voice of dragon chant is calling for him to practice the martial arts formula.

It seems to be a kind of response. When he was practicing zhantianjue, a high pitched sound of dragon chanting came out, and the space of the Dragon tomb in front of him suddenly distorted. People saw with their own eyes that a light channel extended from the depth of the Dragon tomb and reached people's eyes. The channel was like a whirlpool, and there were waves of light constantly shaking inside, and the light inside looked like a whirlpool It's the same as the water that flows.

Obviously, this passage can lead to the Dragon tomb. If you arrive at the Dragon tomb, you may be able to accept the inheritance of the God of war!

Even if people think that it is designed for Baimu, at the first time, everyone still seems crazy and rushes into the channel. This channel is actually very large. On a horizontal plane, it is not a problem to accommodate more than 30 people.

Jiang Zizi also saw all this

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