The bell is too small. For the king of God, it is almost the same as the one just born.

"Bai Mu, how to explain it!" The shining King's eyes were cold, and he drank a little. As a father, when his son made such a mistake, he was embarrassed.

Bai Mu has missed the opportunity of sophistry, so he chose not to speak, because this time again sophistry will only make his father more embarrassed, it is better to shut up.

"Who did it?" The shining King's eyes swept to the gods and kings.

The gods and princes all took a step back.

"Don't worry, I'm telling you, good fight." To glorify the way of God.

"God King, we didn't do it. Bai Mu and Jiang Zizi fought. When we came here, he already let Jiang Zizi defeat him, and we protected Bai Mu." One of the gods said.

"Yes." Others are in line with Tao.

"What?" The king of glory was stunned for a moment. He looked at Bai Mu, and then looked at Jiang Zizi. They didn't respond to this, which shows that it is true!

Jiang Zizi has defeated Baimu of Shenjun realm!



He was thinking that he might have Longyan's help, so he asked more, and the results he could get made him feel strange.

"God King, we can see that Jiang Zi's Totem from the origin of the Dragon Cave is very powerful and suppresses Bai Mu."

"I see." Glory king, take a deep breath.

Now his mind is in a mess. After a pause, he looks at the Dragon King and says, "Bai Mu CuO is ridiculous. You can handle it as you want. Don't worry about it."

The king of heaven Dragon God looked at it and said: "people are not sages. Everyone can be faultless. Sometimes when young, they do make some impulsive things. Fortunately, they did not cause bad consequences. They can be forgiven once. What's more, the humiliation brought about by such things, as well as the humiliation of defeat in the war, will give him enough lessons to reflect on and try to repent when he goes back. "

They want to deal with this matter in private. In fact, the king of glory asked the king of dragon how to deal with it, instead of dealing with it by himself. In fact, they wanted to resolve it.

He should not want to let Guangming Longzun know that there will be such a disgrace in his lineage. Otherwise, Baimu will be severely punished with his temper.

The Dragon gave him a step to go down. After all, this is their own bright dragon city. If he is really unreasonable, he has no sense of propriety.

"If you make such a big mistake, you have to be punished before he can repent. Bai Mu, I will punish you for ten years. You can't leave Guangyao palace to reflect on today's mistakes! If you do it again, I will take care of you myself. "

For ten years, I don't need to see him for at least ten years.

This is a punishment, but also a kind of protection, after all, the world's parents.

Now the king of glory, in fact, is quite embarrassed.

This ten-year ban is not a punishment. The real punishment is still a disgrace of his reputation. His ban on foot in the glory palace does not need to be pointed out. It is also a kind of escape.

In this way, they dealt with the matter in private, but Jiang Zizi knew that the king of glory could not stop other people's mouths. This matter was spread out at this time, and it would soon stir up the whole Guangming dragon city!

On the one hand, Bai Mu did such a shameful thing for his ancestor Longquan.

On the one hand, after he became the God King, he even let Jiang Zizi defeat him!

It's a double shame!

From now on, from the pride of Guangming Dragon City, he has become the joke of the whole Guangming dragon clan!

The king of glory said hello to the Dragon King, and then chased Bai Mu out in person. He said to Jiang Zizi, "today's thing is Bai Mu's fault. As a father, I didn't teach him well. I apologize to you, Jiang Zizi."

"King of God, it's not necessary. He has paid the price." Jiang Zizi said.

The glory king himself apologized to him, which has given him enough face. Others can't say anything about the glory God King. If Jiang Zizi pursues him relentlessly, it will be out of propriety. He really wants revenge and won't entangle himself in this kind of face.

Although he didn't kill him, he was forced to pay the price with one arm and two humiliations. After all, sometimes he died, but he was relieved.

And the king of glory is still arranging the wedding for him. This face must be given.

The Dragon King has already set a good example for him.

After that, the king of glory left, and the Dragon King let the people disperse. Then he took Jiang Zizi back with them.

"You don't mind if I don't teach Bai Mu much?" Heaven Dragon God King way.

"I understand that the Guangming dragon clan, in the final analysis, is their white family. No matter how outstanding their talent is, they have to give some face." Jiang Zizi said.

After all, Gloria is already depressed.

"Do you get so much evolution from the origin of the Dragon Cave? Can you beat him? " The Dragon King asked curiously.

"Not bad, today is also the first time to try, the effect is not bad." Jiang Zizi said."Go, who doesn't know you're happy. Now you'll have a good time The Dragon God King laughs.

They returned to the Tianlong palace. Next, Jiang Zi was not ready to go out, because if he went out these days, he would certainly become the focus.

On the way back to Baimu and the shining king, they are also talking.

"What else can you say?" Asked the glorious king.

"Dad, I have a devil in my heart. A wrong step has ruined the efforts of 20 years. I'm sorry for you." White Mu trembles way.

"You must know your mistakes. Today you really chose the most stupid way. Fortunately, you are still young. Twenty years are still very short. You still have countless years to learn wisdom. You still have opportunities. But if you make the same mistake the second time, even I will despise you!" To glorify the way of God.

"I see. In the past ten years, I will think about how I should go. " Bai Mu bowed his head.

"Today you are a total failure. If you don't adjust in the past ten years, you will find that Jiang Zizi will be a peak you can't touch. You have to figure out how to get there. "

"Dad, I understand..." As he spoke, he bit his teeth and trembled.

There was too much hatred and unwillingness in his eyes. After a period of silence, he suddenly said, "Dad, in fact, today's things are a little strange."

"How strange?" Asked the glorious king.

"First of all, the child is not the child of Jiang Zizi and Longyan. I heard the child say that her mother is worshipping the Dragon God region, and she and her father are looking for her. This shows that he and Longyan are not necessarily lovers!"

"So what? What does he have to do with you? Do you still want to play dragon Yan's idea? They are going to get married soon. " To glorify the way of God.

Bai Mu pursed his lips. He had nothing to say.

"The second is more strange! Don't you think it's strange? I brought people out. Why didn't I kill her? This is just a child of one or two years old Bai Mu Dao.

The shining king was stunned for a moment and then asked, "why do you say that?"

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