"Forbidden dragon Xuanbi?" In this way, Jiang Zizi's eyes fell on the straight and smooth black stone wall in front of him. It is said that hundreds of thousands of years have passed. Unexpectedly, the stone wall is still as clean and smooth as a black gem.

Although he knew that he couldn't see much, the forbidden dragon Xuanbi was such a place. As long as his eyes were fixed on it, it was just like magic. It was difficult to avoid it.

According to the truth, such a smooth and no content forbidden dragon Xuanbi, is not to see any point.

This forbidden dragon Xuanbi is easy to forget that it is a place of punishment, not a place of creation. If you look at it more, it means that the whole person's spiritual will is caught on the forbidden dragon Xuanbi. For a time, his head is dizzy and even the sky is spinning. However, the whole person is still holding it. It is very difficult to stagger his eyes. It seems that there are two hands sticking out of the forbidden dragon Xuanbi One of them held down Jiang Zizi, while the other went into his body and soul to make trouble.

That kind of taste, anyway, is very uncomfortable. In this silent environment, there are constantly things disturbing the mind, which is equivalent to a very serious interference. In fact, it is tantamount to forbidding cultivation. It is even more irritating than tens of thousands of flies flapping their wings in the ear.

He wants not to see it, but he can't help it. He keeps the forbidden dragon Xuanbi in this position. He has to watch it if he doesn't see it.

At such a dizzy moment, it's OK to insist on one day, but it's terrible to persist for a year. It's just like a group of shrews around, pointing at their noses and swearing in different ways.

Jiang Zizi knows huangfuyan's "good intentions".

It's no wonder that banning the Dragon Xuanbi can make many people scared.

There is no spiritual torture here, but there is spiritual torture.

It is not clear why the smooth and translucent stone wall will make people so miserable?

Jiang Zizi's only solution is Taixu universe soul refining.

It has to be said that to deal with this situation, the effect of the Taixu universe soul refining is so good that he can directly extricate himself from the attraction and torture of the forbidden dragon and Xuanbi, and his spiritual will will will regain stability.

However, he can only continue to practice the Taixu cosmic alchemy, once it stops, it will be very uncomfortable.

In this way, he can have a good look at the forbidden dragon Xuanbi. To be honest, he can get rid of those troubles and look at the forbidden dragon Xuanbi at such a close distance. It is really rare that such smooth and transparent black jade is really rare.

He watched from the perspective of appreciation. Anyway, he could not go out or do anything else at this time.

About half an hour has passed. To tell the truth, even half an hour is like suffering. He can only make the spirit progress slightly.

It's so boring!

If you want to stay here for a year, people will go crazy.

If the forbidden dragon Xuanbi is not good enough, it may not last half an hour!

Jiang Zizi's boredom can only be pondered on the forbidden dragon Xuanbi. He is thinking, where does this wonderful thing come from?

When he was thinking, he suddenly found that he saw something on the forbidden dragon Xuanbi.


Just now, the luster of the forbidden dragon Xuanbi changed a bit. Jiang Zizi seemed to see a dark shadow.

But it soon disappeared.

The black shadow is on the forbidden dragon and seems to be hidden in it.

He had a little interest, and then he focused on a lot. With the Taixu universe alchemy, he could see clearly without interference. Other people would not look at him like this.

Just after thirty, he was very sure this time that he had seen a dark shadow flickering on the forbidden dragon!

Although I don't know what it is, there is something special!

In such a boring environment, the emergence of such a special thing, that must be interesting? Jiang Zizi is directly absorbed, and all his attention is on the forbidden dragon Xuanbi!

It seems that I didn't introduce it in the rules of learning. What's special about the forbidden dragon Xuanbi?

Next, the black shadow constantly appeared, because it was also black, and it was difficult to see clearly the activities in the forbidden dragon Xuanbi.

However, with the increase of its frequency, Jiang Zi is more and more clear.

"Like black dragon shadow?" He probably felt it.

Then, the black dragon should continue to appear until the final moment, even continued to exist, has been swimming in the forbidden dragon Xuanbi!

It was definitely black dragon shadow, only one pair of eyes was red. At first, the eyes were very dim, but after the back became clear, Jiang Zizi felt that the black dragon shadow was almost flying out of the forbidden dragon!

When he was just thinking like this, something that made him nervous happened!

The black dragon shadow with bloody eyes rushed out of the forbidden dragon.

In this rush out of the moment, the whole forbidden dragon Xuanbi shocked a bit, it is like an ancient beast out of the trap.The black dragon shadow suddenly rushed into the sky and disappeared in front of Jiang Zizi's eyes. He tried to look up and found that the black dragon shadow had disappeared. It should have appeared in the fog. He did not know whether he had left the scope of the forbidden dragon.

He couldn't hear anything anyway.

About ten minutes later, he was still looking up. Suddenly, he saw the black shadow flickering above him. In the light of the carbide fire, the black dragon shadow that had just soared into the sky suddenly fell down. When he seemed unable to guard against it, he directly rushed into Jiang Zizi's brow and into his life totem!

In the sea of life, the black dragon shadow was directly integrated into Jiang Zizi's chaotic tuntian holy dragon totem. At that moment, his totem itself had a wonderful transformation. This is not an evolution, but it has the same feeling as evolution.

"The holy Dragon God Xiangjing in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty?" At the moment when his life totem was strongly shaken by this totem, he got a brand-new cultivation method of God King level in the change of the totem. The text of the original holy Dragon God Scripture quickly swept from his mind, and a complete cultivation method was integrated into his mind before Jiang Zizi could react.

This is part of the holy dragon Sutra in the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, and it is also the core part.

This is a special way to cultivate totem and divine image. There are two parts in the cultivation of Shenjun. One part is the continuous growth of the source of gods. In this aspect, we can continue to practice the formula of dragon and whale swallowing the sea. The other part is the cultivation of totem divine image, which gradually consolidates the totem God phase and enhances the combat effectiveness until it is close to the realm of God King and when the totem God is close to the entity, it has The most terrible lethality.

At the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty, the holy Dragon God Xiangjing seems to be a special way to cultivate totem gods. Jiang Zi is still a little confused. Because he had no idea what the dark shadow was that was rushing into his totem.

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