If you don't go to the holy Dragon Mountain, she may be able to solve it without knowing it. After all, the gap between the real strength is not so good to make up for, even if he won her in the supreme list, but it was also her 20-year-old, not her now!

Mistakenly think that the supreme ranking is the real strength ranking, which is the taboo of all ZuLong academy disciples!

At the moment of crisis, Jiang Zizi didn't want to be entangled with her here. Of course, it was to protect his life. So at the first moment, the little dragon of Qingdian felt the danger and integrated into his spirit. At this moment, Jiang Zizi broke out with the fastest speed in history, and flashed back directly. In a flash of lightning and thunder, he flew out directly. Huangfuli's prediction was wrong Part of the killing move killed in the ground and trees, a time caused a large area of collapse!

However, Jiang Ziyuan escaped from the danger and avoided the fatal blow. At the same time, he opened a distance from Huangfu pear.

"Are you crazy? Killing in ZuLong academy? No matter how strong your family background is, if it is found out, you are all guilty of death penalty. As for you? " Jiang Zizi is a little speechless. It's really a headache to meet such a madman. There are conflicts in the supreme Qianlong battlefield. But as for Qi Cheng, how about designing to kill people?

This has to be how overbearing character, how can not be wronged, will be so extreme?

"What's your speed?" Huangfuli had the best chance to kill her. She let her opponent hide. She was stunned for a moment. As long as she was not in the anti time dragon array, she had ten thousand assurance of herself. However, she could not believe it.

"Forget it, since you are so overbearing, I can't beat you now, so I don't want to pester you. I have recorded everything with the image symbol, which is enough to make you imprisoned for ten years. However, I can not dispute with you. As long as you let Yan'er return me safe and sound, I don't think it happened today." Jiang Zizi said in a deep voice.

Faced with such a domineering, arrogant and impulsive woman, Jiang Zizi does not dare to stimulate her too much, because Longyan may be in her hands. She can't deal with herself, but she can deal with Longyan. This is Jiang Zizi's weakness. He is very aware of all this. Therefore, the current idea is to ensure the safety of Longyan first, and then, huangfuli Since she is so blatant, it is natural that someone will restrain her and make her pay the price.

"What a joke. You think you're safe? Did I say let you go? As for the woman you said? It's not your spare tire. I've already killed it. Anyway, you won't be distressed, right? The girl is very rigid. She didn't even say a word about her death. It's a pity that she is not a good person. " Huangfu pear sneered.

Jiang Zizi frowned. He looked at her voice and expression carefully. In fact, he didn't believe that Longyan was dead. Huangfuli was not as vicious as that. Or she may not have the courage.

"Try it, then." Jiang Zizi Dao.

"You really don't care about that girl's life and death. What a cheap man you are." Huangfuli shook her head and sneered. She now knew that Jiang Zizi had an incredible speed. She had no idea of the war before. So she was a little confused. But even so, she still started again, because she knew that the longer the delay, the more adverse it would be for her!

She started again, the seventh heaviest of the king level.

Jiang Zizi is more prepared this time. After she catches up with him, he directly draws the distance with the chaotic lightning flash.

Through this test, he completely found that with the blessing of chaos thunder bell, his speed can reach the level that even huangfuli can't catch up with, and even the speed of instant explosion is even higher!

Jiang Zizi can't help but feel lucky. If there is no harvest in the holy Dragon Mountain, it is possible that this crazy woman will be cut to death today.

Now it's a direct crush.

This process made Huangfu pear completely confused.

"How can you be so fast! It's impossible... " Before he finished speaking, Jiang Zizi disappeared in front of his eyes.

Huangfuli felt like crying without tears. The more she thought about it, the more angry she was, the more angry she was.

"Jiang Zizi, you roll back to die, or I'll send her to hell. I'll do it!" She called to the gloomy Huanlong mountain.

"Whatever, kill, I have proof. You can't live. " Jiang Zizi's voice came from a distant direction, and the more behind, the weaker the voice was, indicating that he had really gone.

Feeling, he really does not care about Longyan's life and death.

"What a bitch Her eyes were red and her eyes were empty. Jiang Zizi obviously would not come back. Moreover, he had evidence of dialogue with himself. Once Longyan had an accident, he could use that evidence to punish himself severely. Now that the ZuLong academy has just been established, such a bad event is still amazing!

She had made all the preparations. Today, she killed Jiang Zizi quietly, and then went back to kill Longyan. After cleaning up, no one would doubt herself. It only takes a moment to kill Jiang Zizi with her strength, but she never expected that such a situation would happen.Now she's confused.

"I can't go on. I can only go back and let the man go. Then he goes after him and says that he just wants to lead him out and teach him a lesson. Anyway, nothing happened, and he can't help me. My uncles and uncles can fix it for me

In such an extreme situation, she still knew that she had to stop at the precipice, otherwise it would be very dangerous if she entangled herself after failure!

Just give up feeling so disgusting, think of Jiang Zizi, her heart is more turbulent, almost deep to the bone marrow.

"You wait for me, Jiang Zizi! You are lucky to escape today, and you will never be given a chance next time! " She just couldn't figure out why he could be so quick to play tricks on himself?

Her mind was burning with anger. The more she thought about it, the more irritated she was. Everything in front of her seemed so disgusting.

It is even more intolerable to think that he has to let go of Longyan.

From small to large, everyone obeys themselves, even the elders have to give their own face, how ever have they been so subdued!

She shuttles through the forest and goes to the depth of Huanlong mountain and comes to a place called "Jingshan". Jingshan is a unique place in Huanlong mountain. The mountain walls and rocks here are like mirrors, which can show the images around. Even if the rock is broken again and the surface is rough, as long as you scrub it, it will be smooth as a mirror.

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