"Brothers, let's go first. Farewell. " After the exhibition, he was in a good mood. After that, he told huangfufeng: "remember to send Huangfu pear to the forbidden dragon Xuanbi within three days. If your elders have any objection, you can come to me. "

He was really not afraid at all. After that, he took Jiang Zizi away with him, leaving people speechless about their three little gods.

In the crowd, huangfuli took huangfufeng's hand and expressed fear and wanted to cry without tears.

"You go first, and I'll find dad to find a way. I won't let you stay for ten years." Huangfufeng road.

"Thank you, brother." Huangfuli was in tears.

"You are so impulsive and mindless this time. I will teach you a lesson and let you learn a long lesson. You will not discuss such a matter with me." Huangfu Feng glared.

"I'm afraid my brother won't agree..." Huangfu pear aggrieved way.

Huangfufeng said goodbye to other deities first, and then returned with huangfuyan. He was ready to send Huangfu pear directly and then try to find a way.

"Everyone should give up his elder brother's arrogance, and he should pay so much for his arrogance."

"It's none of your business." Huangfufeng said coldly.

"Does that mean my brother will help me deal with him?" Huangfu pear surprise way.

"Shut up."

Although she was scolded, she was still happy because she knew that her brother was angry. As long as he was really angry, Jiang Zizi would definitely suffer.

"Let you laugh first, and see how many days you can laugh!" Huangfu pear looked gloomy.


On the way back to the Qianlong palace, the king of heaven dragon first praised Jiang Zizi for their performance. He encouraged Jiang Zizi to be brave enough to get more resources.

If Jiang Zizi does not go to the supreme Qianlong battlefield to challenge, he will not get the son of the celestial artifact.

On this road, we can only fight bravely and face difficulties.

"By the way, I have recently given some suggestions to the five palace masters. They have adopted them and should be announced soon. That is, Qianyu can use the divine king level magic soldiers to fight in the supreme Qianlong battlefield. After all, it is also a skill to master the divine king level magic soldiers in advance."

"He was an exception?" Jiang Zi did not expect such a good thing.

"If the king's soldiers can't be used directly, if there are no king soldiers of the same age, they can't use one fifth of the king's level Use. "

Jiang moved freely.

There are three cases.

After this week, this is the busiest week for a madman in a year. Thank you for your understanding

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