Sure enough, when we went to the center of the vortex, we didn't meet any other mythical beasts. They should have left the neighborhood. But unfortunately, in terms of the importance of these top-level evolutionary sources to the mythical beasts, it was not difficult for them to take the evolutionary sources before they fled. Therefore, the current situation is that there are no divine beasts, but there are no evolutionary sources.

However, he did not give up. On the premise of his own safety, he continued to move forward, and eventually he would go to the center of the second place in the evolutionary world. Without this claw, he would not have the chance to come here.

The more close to the center, the more barren it is. When you get to the center, you can see a piece of black desert in front of you. At this position, you can see the center of the vortex in the sky when you look up!

When Jiang Zizi took a look here with his claws, he was just about to leave. Suddenly, the black desert in front of him began to turn upside down, countless black sand rolled, and then a terrifying beast climbed out of the black desert!

The size of this giant beast is much larger than that of the two demons in the blood prison. It is at least ten times as big. Its breath and divine power are equally amazing. If Jiang Zi meets such a god beast king at other times, it is estimated that it will be difficult for Jiang Zi to stand up. At least the other party's blood colored eyes are as huge as a big rock!

But now, when facing Jiang Zizi face to face, this terrible king of beasts doesn't have the momentum to crush him. He even lowers his head a little and doesn't look at Jiang Zizi, which is obviously a look of recognition and advice.

It is likely to be the second most powerful existence in the evolutionary world. Why should it be so respectful to itself? Is it because he has the claw in his hand?

That's for sure. Otherwise, he would have been eaten if he hadn't seen the king of beasts.

Jiang Zi took a closer look at it and found that the king of the beast was "the dark Unicorn with blood mane". He was familiar with the unicorn, which was the most similar animal to the dragon. It could be said that it was close to the dragon's head. It was covered with black scales very similar to the Dragon scales of Jiang Zizi when he turned into a dragon. Its unique feature was that its neck had the same thick blood colored mane as the male lion, which made it more powerful and rough.

According to the records, when the king of beasts reaches adulthood, he is at least the fifth heaviest of the king of gods, and there is obviously more than such a huge black Unicorn with blood mane.

When the claw came, it should have been hidden. At this time, it was obvious that Jiang was in control of the claw, and then it crawled out of the depth of the black desert.


After climbing out, the blood mane dark Unicorn crawls.

"Is there an evolutionary source?" Jiang Zizi simply asked, taking advantage of the god beast king does not know his own details, quickly blackmail is.

To tell you the truth, he is much more nervous than the blood maned dark unicorn. Who knows it won't suddenly find itself a vegetable.

After hearing his words, the Black Unicorn with blood mane purred a few times. It seemed that he was not reconciled, but he still dived into the dark again. In less than half a quarter of an hour, it reappeared again, opened its mouth, and threw a black thing to Jiang Zi Zi's side. It was a black skull with bone spines on its surface. It looked extremely ferocious, but Jiang Zi knew that This is not a corpse, but the evolutionary source of heaven and earth, and it must be the God King level evolutionary source. This guy obviously gave his treasure!

This is a breathtaking blackmail process. Jiang Zizi's steps are empty, but he still coughs twice, takes the evolutionary source away, and then says, "it's almost the same."

After that, he took the claw and turned away.

He was not sure whether the blood mane dark Unicorn had other evolutionary sources, but he knew that people should not be greedy. He should understand the principle of "give up when you see good". If you make the blood mane dark Unicorn very uncomfortable, if you are forced to rush, it will be you who is in trouble.

When he got the source of evolution, he turned away and disappeared quietly in the dark. He didn't come back for a moment. He swaggered away. He was bluffing to the extreme.

In fact, as soon as he left this area, he began to prepare to open the door of evolution and escape.

To be on the safe side, he had to leave far away, so as not to come in next time. The king of beasts had already returned. If he appeared out of thin air, would he not be their snack?

In this way, with the claw in one hand, he opened the door of the evolutionary world and returned to the ZuLong Academy.

It can be said that it is extremely dangerous to come in this time. Fortunately, it is protected by black petals.

He hesitated for a moment about the claw. Anyway, he could not stay in the evolutionary world. If he took it back, he was afraid that there would be problems. But after all, there were many strong people there. If something really happened, he might be able to solve it.

So he took it.

Through the door of the evolutionary world, in the blink of an eye, he returned to the Dragon Palace.

This is not a long stay in the evolutionary world, so the three of them are still here. As soon as Jiang Zizi appeared, he had such a terrifying claw on his hand, which scared them at the first time.

"Panda, do you want to come from the same body with your left eye?" The reason why Jiang Zizi didn't put it away was that he had discussed with Lu Dingxing before that the animal's claw might have something to do with his eyes, even the same existing body part.He just said, really changed!

The claw flew to Luding star, whose left eye was full of blood.

In this blink of an eye, the claw has reached Luding star's hand, Lu Dingxing did not say anything, but directly made an amazing move.

He took out a knife and cut off his right hand. When his hand fell to the ground, the claw had already butted on his hand. At the same time, the horror of the claw disappeared.

Jiang Zizi was astonished to see that the claw was changing from a pure beast's paw to a human's palm like a bear's paw. Of course, the blood red five claws were still there, and they were sharper and sharper.

At the same time, his right palm, like his left eye, extended countless blood lines, directly wrapped around his whole right arm, and then extended towards his trunk. The blood lines on his left eye and right arm almost occupied most of his body!

If you don't wear clothes, Luding star will look very ferocious now.

A bloody left eye, a ferocious right palm.

The terror of the beast's paw disappeared and became Lu Dingxing's right hand, but the sharp claw of his right hand still had the same lethality as before.

"Thousand feathers, forget Sichuan sword." Lu Dingxing felt his palm and then said to Su Qianyu.

Su Qianyu took out the forgetful River sword according to Yan and said with a smile: "are you sure?"

"Come on."

Su Qianyu didn't hesitate, and directly cut at him with the sword of forgetting the river. The sharpness of the divine king level magic soldiers was beyond that of the divine king level totem warriors.

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