Four big men and a beautiful girl besieged another girl.

Nangong Xueying is extremely angry, which makes her feel sick, especially Jiang Zizi and Beishan Ember.

Time is too long, at that time in the face of death, I am afraid I have forgotten the feeling of holding a straw.

Now the more I look at Beishan's languid appearance, I think that he has lost Taiji himself! The only thing that comes naturally is hatred.

"You, the son of all insects, dare to deceive me like this, are you afraid of a fire in the backyard?" In the North Mountain ashes around the time, Nangong snow Ying deep voice.

If she only deals with Jiang Zizi, she is not afraid at all, but she naturally feels troubled by the harassment of thousands and Beishan embers.

"Hush, be quiet. Last time Wan Sha said the same thing in front of me. The LORD God is going to drive him out of the temple of sacrifice." Beishan said with a smile.

In fact, he must have been deeply hurt in his heart, but the goddess in his heart would threaten himself with his parents.

The image of her in her own heart has already collapsed countless times, and Beishan ember has been numb.


Nangong Xueying knows that since the other party has come up, it is actually equivalent to giving her a flaw, especially Lu Dingxing and beishanjun have sacrificial flags. If she is not careful, she may be able to grab the sacrificial flag and escape first, and then turn it over completely.

The siege of the other side is also an opportunity for her.

South palace snow Ying eyes flash a cold light, she stares at the first person, is Lu Dingxing.

When Jiang Zizi was surrounded by them, she suddenly moved and rolled up a large number of ice and snow storms and swept towards Luding star.

Wherever we went, even the trees were frozen.


She did not expect that, suddenly from the side of countless flames, and her ice storm confrontation, although can not resist, but at least offset a lot of her frost.

Beishan ember overlaps the ice and snow field with the wind and fire field. Although it is greatly suppressed and consumes a lot, the rampage of ice is also reduced.

"Be careful with pupil surgery. You can't open your eyes." She thought so, but how could she fight with Jiang Zizi if she didn't open her eyes?

Jiang Zizi looks like a ghost and appears in front of his eyes. The fire source gun in his hand turns into a flame meteor, constantly poking and poking!

Nangong Xueying has to open her eyes!

Just after Jiang Zizi's death, the thousands of Yuan performed the "Tianyi shock technique"!


In an instant, the eyes tingle, the world is dark, more like blind.

Her crazy resistance, want to use the ice and snow field to suppress Jiang Zizi, but the ice and snow field is offset by Beishan ember, no longer powerful.

"All to death!" She was so angry that her tears came out.

Beishanjian, in particular, has suppressed the ice and snow fields she is best at. When her advantages cannot be brought into play, it is equivalent to losing her eyes. In front of Jiang Zizi, she is already a waste.

Even if she fought with Tianpeng chaotic shadow and ice sealed nine fingers, Jiang Zizi's cold spear point still penetrated her defense line and penetrated into her thigh for the first time!

In this battle of fog Island, you can't kill people. Jiang Zizi has become a professional in binding thighs.

After Zhun, the next press, immediately let the south palace snow Ying half kneel on the ground, blood crossflow.

"Ah Ice and snow beauty cried out with pain, which made people heartache.

"Boss, don't kill the flowers Beishan ember is still distressed.

Before he finished his words, Jiang Zizi drew out the fire gun and put it on her other round thigh again. Now Nangong Xueying could only kneel on the ground, crying with pain.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Jiang Zizi picked the top of his gun, and the last thirty-three sacrificial flags were in his hands. Since then, all the 99 sacrificial flags have been his.

"I don't care about the beauty and the jade." Beishan ember heartache said, in fact, his heart is Shuang.

This injury is not in the way. With her background, she can recover after a few days' rest with the aid of miraculous medicine. She just temporarily lost her legs' support, unable to move and lose her combat effectiveness.

"Jiang Zizi! North Mountain ashes Nangong Xueying raised her head, wiped away her tears and bit her teeth.

"I swear, one day, I'll kill you and let you pay for your blood!"

Bei Shan Jin was stunned and said, "don't do this. Our priest said that we are all" classmates ". Don't fight and kill all the time. It's not auspicious."

"If you win now, are you going to win in front of me?" Nangong Xueying stares at him.

Beishan ember put up his smile, he waved his hand and said, "why not? It should be a memorial ceremony for my pure love for you. From that day on, my heart died."

"Son of all worms, wishful thinking!" Nangong Xueying to this time, do not forget to say such words.

"Boss, go?"

Beishan ember was just proud of himself. In fact, he was still miserable. How could he be blind? He had been thinking about how to treat her well day and night.Stay here and listen to her, only let him find out how stupid he was.

"Go." Jiang Ziyi summarized all the sacrificial flags, and showed off in front of snow Ying and Yongle in Nangong and said, "I took the gifts from the two and returned to the flag of sacrifice. I asked two to eat one more. On the spot, I thanked the two for their generosity. They gave me Taiji. Haha..."

And when they had finished, they heard thousands of other priests gathered here, and they were rushing away.

Now night has come, waiting for a night, and when tomorrow's day comes, Taiji will be safe.

This night, I heard that Jiang Ziyi had got ninety-nine flags for God worship. All the worshippers would follow him crazy all night.

Unfortunately, there are thousands of him.

When Jiang walked freely, he left several injuries here to cry without tears. The God waiters, Yuan Qing and the priests obviously did not expect the final ending to be so.

The sword South autumn gnawed, "Lord God, I think Taiji gave to Jiang at ease, which is not proper. He was given the flag of sacrifice only by conspiracy and siege. At the six Fu grand meeting, these little dexteries were useless at all."

"I also feel that there is something wrong with Feng Qingxuan. In terms of real combat power, fighting alone, Yongle and Xueying are better than him."

The gods, Yuan Qing and other priests looked at them with different eyes.

The Obsidian waiter glanced at them and said slowly, "the worshippers are enough to be disgraced. The priest, don't be ashamed of the public."

Everyone has the right and wrong view. Jiang is a little clever. But in this absolutely fair battlefield, he can hold all the sacrificial flags in his hands. This is his own ability.

Feng Qingxuan's face was red.

"God waiter, he is the son of King Zilin, who is a criminal of the imperial dynasty, and has not yet confessed to sin. He must let this man fight for me to sacrifice the temple?"

"Now, but in sensitive times, sacrifice the flag of God, want to take such a risk, and against the emperor of Yan Long?" Jiannan autumn also said.

Enron wanted to speak, but suddenly he realized that there were other people in the room.

Indeed, the waiter pointed to the princess Shenxiao and said, "the little girls dare to come here and follow him all the way. You are the priest of the temple, but you are so timid and so amazing."

"The temple of sacrifice only receives the genius of the ancient gods. As long as he is pure in mind and skill, we will not be afraid to shrink from his origin and background. Jiannan autumn and fengqingxuan, after returning this time, we should reflect on it. "

The tone of the waiter was quite indifferent.

Even the princess Shenxiao is not afraid of the Emperor Yan long. They are two priests of the temple, but they say such words, which is indeed contrary to the basic purpose of the flag of sacrifice.

The temple of sacrifice serves the ancient gods, not for the royal family.

Jiannan autumn and Nangong snow Ying, at last, the face of the iron and green closed.

"Ha ha!" A dead time, suddenly sounded a crisp laugh, very harsh, everyone looked, originally nine immortals laugh to the flowers and branches.

The atmosphere was serious, and everyone looked at her.

"What do you think, I am the champion's priest, can't I laugh?"

She was so rusty that the face of fengqingxuan was darker.

"The last night is left, not necessarily without variables. Patrol carefully tonight and finish the work well. Tomorrow, the official end, the scene awarded "Taiji", and at the same time, the journey back to the temple


Everyone didn't think too much. Jiang had thousands of eyes. There was no problem preserving the flag of sacrificing God for one night.

Yongle and Nangong Xueying, one night, are not enough to recover their fighting power.

At night, Jiang was at home to them five, and in the new base, he put the flag beside him, waiting for the passage of time.

Next midnight, thousands of students practiced pupil for half a day, some tired, squinting for a while.

Suddenly, a shadow quietly came in, covering the head of Jiang at ease.

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