At the beginning of Jiang Zizi's own consciousness, what he felt was endless soreness and pain all over his body, and muscle weakness all over his body.

Don't say it was a fight. At this time, he could only feel that he was lying on the cold floor, and the endless cold was climbing up his body like a poisonous insect.

Inside the body, the true Qi of xuanhuolong still exists that day, but the key is that the whole body muscles are completely sour and soft. It is impossible to even move a finger to fight.

Even a little hard to say is that the whole person feels very weak, especially the little brother, who seems to have lost his look completely, and even has some pain.

"Damn it, I won't let that monster suck up my Yang Qi!"

It was the first thought that came into his mind when he woke up and found himself so weak and pale.

Really want to cry without tears, is the precious and pure first time, such a tragic account of it!

It's true that misfortune never comes singly. Things like this happened to all of us. Seeing that he was about to get Tai Chi, he suddenly created such a mysterious disaster. Jiang Zizi felt that this must be the unfairness of heaven!

There are so many sacrificial disciples on the fog island. Why do they stare at themselves?

The only thing to be thankful for is that I'm not dead.

"What kind of pervert is this monster! I should not let it be raised as a tool for catharsis? "

If I want to defend the fate of death, it's funny.

After about an hour or so, Jiang Zizi finally sobered up.

When he opened his eyes, he found that it was underground. He was in the cave, covered with soil and rocks, extremely wet and cold. There were many poisonous insects moving around and even climbing on Jiang's free body.

The rock was still dripping, and it had soaked him all over.

"It's not there!" For an hour, he didn't hear anything. At this time, his body regained some strength, and he struggled to get up.

"This monster is so terrible that it can make me feel powerless. When I first entered the fog Island, my sudden fatigue should have something to do with it?"

Think of it, it should be eight or nine.

As soon as he got up, his sight was clear, but the next moment, he was still, with a kind of creepy feeling.

Because in front of him less than a foot, there is a small water like beast, is holding its head to look at him.

This shows that this period of time, it should always be here, but no sound!

"Metamorphosis, before it can be transformed into human form, now it becomes a small beast..."

Jiang Zizi stares at it and retreats a few steps. He wants to resist, but his physical condition tells him that there is no difference between his current combat effectiveness and that before he gets the "life totem".

Fortunately, the monster just looked at him with his head askew and didn't ravage him any more.

All of a sudden, it turned around and went to the deep of the cave. After a few steps, he turned back and glared at Jiang Zizi.

"Let me follow?" Jiang Zi understood the meaning of it very quickly. Only when he followed, the spirit would not turn back.

He followed the monster and walked with difficulty. After a few steps, the front suddenly opened up and a large underground space appeared.

Jiang Zizi's eyes immediately attracted the central position of the underground space, because there was a shining "crystal coffin".

It is this crystal coffin that lights up the underground space and makes the atmosphere here a little less frightening.

But when Jiang Zizi fixed his eyes on it and found that there was a "man" lying in the crystal coffin, his heart hung up again.

At this time, the monster beast had already jumped onto the crystal coffin and waved to Jiang Zizi.

Jiang Zizi was oppressed by him, so he could only go through it bravely. On the way to the crystal coffin, he suddenly found several big characters with blood on the ground, which were obviously written with blood.

In this underground space, I don't know how many people have not arrived. What kind of blood written characters can be kept for such a long time?

When he looked at it carefully, he saw the words: "no life, no death, is the life and death Fu Zong."

"What do you mean?"

No life, no death, is the life and death Fu Zong?

Jiang Zizi is in a fog. The life and death Fu Zong should be a kind of force, but Jiang Zi has never heard of it. At least there is no such school in the Yanlong Dynasty.

He gently around these blood words, under the guidance of the spirit, came to the crystal coffin.

There was a man there.

She was a dignified woman. She looked about thirty years old, almost as young and beautiful as ruohua. Her skin was particularly white, her eyes were tightly closed, and her eyelashes were very long. In terms of her appearance, she was already beautiful.

Jiang Zizi shivers. After all, he doesn't know if the woman is still alive

"Senior, I'm offended. I don't know why this pervert brought me here..."He was tired and a little dizzy. He could only reach out and hold the crystal coffin to stand reluctantly.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the spirit suddenly whimpered, looking extremely sad. It jumped off the crystal coffin, and suddenly bumped into the cover of the crystal coffin from the side, and flew out directly.

"What are you doing?" Jiang Zizi was unstable and almost fell into the crystal coffin.

At this time, the coffin cover has been opened, you can see the woman more clearly, she is so quiet, hands on the abdomen, as if holding something, quiet and serene.

Jiang Zizi noticed that her fingers were still broken, indicating that the words "no life, no death, is the life and death Fu Zong" were written by her.

At this moment, maybe it was the air outside the crystal coffin. The woman turned into powder quickly, even clothes and bones were not left. In a flash, there was only a thin layer of pearl powder powder at the bottom of the crystal coffin.

At this time, the spirit rolling around, crying, listening to the voice seems very pathetic.

"I'm afraid she's been dead for a long time. If you open the lid of the coffin, it will be direct..."

Jiang Zizi looked at the crystal coffin, and then looked at the whining monster. He felt a little strange.

"Did it not bring me here to eat me?"

This whining and crying spirit makes Jiang Zizi a little confused. It is absolutely true feelings, which shows that the relationship between this woman and it is very good.

In his doubt, suddenly, he found two things at the bottom of the crystal coffin!

One of the things he was impressed with was the jade pendant that the woman held in her hands. It was pure white and carved with trees, flowers and plants. Unexpectedly, the clothes turned into powder, but this jade pendant was still left.

In addition, it appears at the head of the crystal coffin, which is probably the position of the woman's chest before. It is a light green talisman with vitality. The totem patterns of the talisman are extremely complex and more complex than Jiang Zizi imagined. He has never seen such a talisman, and it is obvious that this one can still be used!

At the first sight of this talisman, Jiang Zizi was deeply attracted. This is definitely a divine object between heaven and earth. Those lines will have such a wonderful feeling!

It's wonderful and shocking. If you look at it, you'll feel like you're in the top.

"Woo Hoo." The spirit was still sobbing. Its claws grew longer and divided into two parts. They seized the jade pendant and the talisman respectively, and sent them to Jiang Zizi's eyes.

"Give it to me?" Jiang Zizi was a little stunned. He always felt that he would die this time, but now the situation is developing, it seems that this is not the case.

The genie nodded positively. Jiang Zizi put away the jade pendant and the light green talisman.

When Jiang Zizi caught the cold jade pendant and the talisman, his strange claws suddenly turned into sharp blades and cut Jiang Zizi's fingers, letting his blood instantly permeate the snow white jade pendant.

The next moment, Jiang Zizi and the jade pendant had a wonderful connection.

The flowers and trees on the jade pendant suddenly came to life, with the magical charm of totem lines. It turns out that the jade pendant is a kind of totem weapon.

"It's a space jade pendant!"

Jiang Zizi is really shocked!

He never thought that he could get space jade pendant.

Because he knew that it was extremely rare and rare. He knew that there was only one person who owned this space jade pendant.

That's his father, Jiang Yunting.

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