In Jiang Zizi's hand, the God halberd of heaven's sacrifice to the dragon was damaged, which was even more inadequate. The 300 dragon sacrifice appeared a little thin. Even if he had supported the suppression of Qi Tiandi seal, he could not hold up the constant bombardment of the other party. At the same time, he and his totem gods had already killed him. What Jiang Zi had to bear was a fierce attack from the storm!

In addition to the suppression of Qi Tian Di Yin and Tian Wei Shen Xiang, he also used a top-level boxing technique called Honghuang Kaitian Quan, which was created by his grandfather. It was almost tailor-made for him. The Honghuang Kaitian boxing was very open, domineering and fierce, just like the emperor's pioneering and extremely fierce. Jiang Zizi resisted with the Dragon Seal of the five emperors, which was quite equal in this respect It seems that it will be suppressed soon, because the gap in real strength is fully reflected at this time. This is still the case when the other party has not used the divine weapon to imprison the dragon scroll at all!

The judgment of the king of the dragon is not unreasonable.

However, it is rare to meet such an opponent. Jiang Zizi is not one who can easily admit defeat. Such a battle makes his brain hot and full of excitement, and his will to fight is like an explosion. Even if he is suppressed, he has chaotic lightning flash and white gold bell cover, which can dodge and resist the attack of the opposite side. In addition, the purple fire sky wing can defend and also let him fly to the sky, which makes him even more Flexible, so he fully support down, withstand the other side's bombardment!

When the war formula and the divine king level totem soldiers did not suppress Jiang Zizi, Qin Yutian laughed and began to suppress with the power of the totem God image. He killed the dragon in the flood land of the heaven and earth, and constantly spit out "the punishment of robbing God in the flood land and the famine" from his mouth. This was a kind of terrible God punishment force, which was bombed in various forms, and the whole battle platform was destroyed It's hard to dodge even chaotic lightning. Once hit, the white gold bell jar is hard to support!

However, Jiang Zizi did not suffer at all from his totem. His chaos swallowing dragon is a moving shield and whirlpool. The more terrible the opponent's divine punishment power is, the more it swallows. However, for the first time, Jiang Zizi felt that the totem gods could not support him to explode, so he could only break out the divine punishment force blocked by swallowing and sucking in advance, and then resist again In this way, a balance is formed, otherwise once the support is exceeded, one's own totem God form may be broken in the first place!

In this way, he was able to support the totem God in the battle formula, but the support was the support. Under the suppression of the other side, he had little power to fight back, not to mention forcing the other party to use the dragon scroll. The other side still had no such big killing device, but he was still steadily suppressing Jiang Zizi.

"I didn't expect that Jiang Zi could hold on for such a long time. His totem God comes from the origin of the Dragon Cave. It's really interesting, but if he goes on like this, he will collapse for a moment."

"In fact, it can be seen that under the suppression of Qin Yutian, he did not have the power to fight back, let alone break Qin Yutian's picture of imprisoned dragon."

"This challenge is destined to be just a joke."

"That's not true. To tell you the truth, apart from Jiang Zizi's identity and the stupid things he has done, he does have some skills in other aspects. If he can support Qin Yutian for such a long time, he can probably boast about it for half a year."

"Almost. He's in a bit of a mess."

"Once suppressed by Qin Yutian, there is no hope. Many of them are higher than Qin Yutian. Some Shenjun's level is seventh, which is not his opponent. At least, if Shenjun's level is lower than the seventh level, it's impossible to open the prison dragon scroll."

Just as they said, Jiang Zizi was really tired of resistance and struggle, and was oppressed to a certain extent. As expected, there were still mountains higher than others. He was indeed the first of the supreme dragon clan. He was indeed the favored son of heaven. Moreover, there was no loophole in his mood, as if he had no joy or worry. It seems that the smile is all over the face, but actually the heart is meticulous and the mood is stable.

Jiang Zizi didn't admit defeat. As long as he could resist, he was thinking of a way to win. This was his first game today, not a crushing victory, but for him, it was obviously more meaningful!

It's not terrible to lose the war. Maybe he didn't enjoy himself. Now he is in the state of hot blood. In this state, the more he kills, the more fierce he is. Maybe he can't do anything about Qin Yutian, but it's not so easy for Qin Yutian to do anything to him!

This will obviously be a stalemate battle, and everyone knows that Jiang Zi is fighting in the fierce wind and rain of the other side, looking for opportunities to fight back!

However, if he didn't recognize the fierce fight between Emperor Qin and Yufeng, many people, including the emperor, would have been shocked If Jiang Zizi chooses to challenge him, he will lose!

Such a tense and explosive battle is still going on fiercely. Although people despise it, they still enjoy it and forget their disgust for Jiang Zizi.

At this time, a dragon sacrifice master suddenly rushed in, and he said with dismay: "palace master, something big happened. It's not good!"

"Speak slowly." Qingmu Longzun's face changed. He waved to the dragon master and said, "what's the matter? I'm so scared."About half of them watched, while the other half were still watching the battle between Jiang Zizi and Qin Yutian.

"That bitch retaliated on us! She came out of the chaos and killed three dragon zuns again. She also warned us that if one of them died, three of us would die! The Dragon emperors failed to catch her, and she went back

After hearing this, the people of Qingmu dragon clan were shaking. The most afraid thing appeared, and the immortal Zun broke down one by one.

The supreme dragon clan is afraid of her. After all, barefoot is not afraid to wear shoes.

"Which three..." Qingmu Longzun asked in a trembling voice.

At this time, even Qin Yutian stopped. He stood in his place. All the other people were like this, staring at the Dragon sacrifice master.

The Dragon sacrifice master's voice trembled and said, "the three dragon zuns sacrificed are the burial dragon zuns of the magic dragon heaven family..."

This name, let a lot of young girls of the magic dragon sky clan directly tearful, angry gush.

"And Emperor Tianlong of Shenlong Tianzu..."

This name makes Qin Yutian's face pale: "big brother..."

"There is another one who is the bright Dragon Statue of the saint Longtian clan..."

Since then, the three immortals have been announced.

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