Outside the chaos.

Once again, there are still many ways to deal with the Dragon God. They may not be able to find the Dragon God.

"I said how to now have no success, is you not willing to start, Aoki?" The devil dragon asked in a deep voice.

"That's not true. I've already done it, but there have been changes. This time, I really want to tell you a shocking news." Qingmu Longzun's voice and color are serious.

"Or is it related to Jiang Zizi? Don't tell us that you can't do anything to the child with your hand Shenlong Tiandi road.

Qingmu Longzun laughed and said, "well, I'll show you the process directly."

He was also prepared to record it with the image symbol, and then directly sent it here to let them confirm that they had done it, so they didn't have to come here in person.

The content of the image symbol is exactly the whole process after he called Jiang Zizi out. The gods can see clearly that there is absolutely no omission.

This is much more detailed than what he said in person. When Jiang Zizi talked about his experience in the ZuLong tower, he made it very clear that he and the illusory dragon fused. At this time, it was obvious that the eyes of each god were enlarged a little, and there was a very shocking spirit in it. They looked at each other and could hardly speak until Qingmu Longzun put the image back Fu, they are also low head, complexion complex.

In the end, the Dragon God sighed and said, "the so-called illusory dragon should be the tenth" God "of ZuLong tower. This spirit directly integrates and transforms his spirit into a heavenly spirit. This is the greatest recognition of ZuLong pagoda, even the recognition of his origin. He is the favored person of ZuLong Academy, from the forbidden Dragon God to the chaos God clock in Jiulong When the reincarnation and the ZuLong pagoda "gods" ascend to the sky step by step, we will go against the will of ZuLong tower and ZuLong academy, even the will of the place of origin. By the way, it is said that the origin of his totem evolution comes from the origin of the Dragon Cave, right? "

Many people nodded in response to the Dragon Emperor's question, but also to his words of recognition. Judging from Jiang Zizi's Lotus growing step by step, it is his ancestors and origins who made him.

"In this way, as long as someone cultivates him, he may become a pillar among the gods, and even his ultimate achievement may reach the level of the immortal. I think that we can adjust our way to treat such a young man. He has received too much attention, especially the" God "of ZuLong tower. This time, I also vaguely feel the action It's not a good thing that ZuLong tower warned me. After all, you all know how many secrets there are in ZuLong tower... " Qingmu Longzun road.

The gods were silent again.

Finally, the Magic Dragon Emperor said: "to be honest, we should evaluate the young man's attitude towards immortal Zun, so we can control him a little bit. Naturally, we can't control him from the inside, and we don't want to waste such a genius. Then, when he is young, we can guide him to have a sense of belonging to us, and have a sense of disgust or even hatred towards the immortal and the devil kingdom I remember when xianzun appeared, he didn't pay much attention to him, and even transferred the reincarnation robbery to his other confidant, right? That's easy. When his confidant died of reincarnation robbery, we'll stir up the flames, and his hatred of xianzun can be pulled up a little bit, in fact. "

They did not expect that such a group of people would come to discuss how to deal with a Jiang Zi Zi.

After the divine dragon emperor and the magic dragon emperor made concessions, there would be no more problems in Jiang Zizi's future.

Qingmu Longzun said: "it's true. After all, he is too young and his realm is not high. I can let him grow up and have a look. Next, I am responsible for making him have a sense of belonging to the supreme dragon clan, so that the disciples of ZuLong academy can not exclude him. He can guide him slowly for at least 1000 years. Maybe he is a creative material. If he becomes the king of gods and approaches the gods However, he still found that he was inclined to xianzun and hated us. Even if ZuLong pagoda was protecting him, there would be no way. He could not grow up any more

"As you said, you are fully responsible for the affairs of ZuLong academy, and Jiang Zizi's affairs are also given to you. We hope to see that the best situation is that you can cultivate a peerless genius who hates xianzun, and even become our weapon to deal with xianzun in the future. Therefore, we must firmly control his thoughts and thinking. In addition, his confidant, even if he is a confidant of beauty, will become a weapon for us to deal with xianzun in the future If there is a way to save it, it can't. We must let her die in xianzun's hands. " Magic dragon heaven emperor road.

"Naturally, I understand that." Green wood dragon Zun said with a smile.

They basically reached a consensus, so they would not care about this matter. After all, for them, Jiang Zizi's talent and nature can be crushed to death for the time being. If there is something wrong with him, he can kill him at that time. It's not worth wasting his heart and effort. Although the god dragon emperor lost his son, his real revenge is on the side of xianzun, to a child He is too lazy to pester too much, otherwise it will be a joke.

"Next, you can be as good as you can with Jiang. I have a gift for him by the way." The Magic Dragon Emperor took out a long black box and threw it to Qingmu Longzun. After taking it, Qingmu Longzun looked at it and said with a smile: "no problem, it will be delivered.""I also have one, but it can be used with the Magic Dragon Emperor's" emperor magic sword wheel. " The demon dragon emperor also took out an ancient book.

Shenlong and Xianlong Tiandi didn't give anything. After all, if the gifts were too dense, it would be too deliberate. There will be more opportunities for gifts in the future. At present, there are still many things to deal with. After confirming this matter, Qingmu Longzun left again and left the gods. He couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"I have to say, this child's life is really hard." Shenlong Tiandi road.

"It is said that he also won the first place in the supreme list and defeated your little son." The demon Dragon Emperor laughs.

"Yutian? He needs the challenge of a stronger one, otherwise he will become a God, and he will not be able to get rid of the common fate. At most, he will follow the old way of his elder brother. " The Dragon Emperor said in a deep voice.


The king of heaven Dragon God is very relaxed, but Jiang Zizi can't get up easily because of the matter of stabbing the soul and magic needle.

When the pressure is high, you can only use the strong spirit of the gods to peep at the beauties of ZuLong academy, such as those on the beauty list.

Besides Yan'er

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