Jiang Zizi doesn't know how bold he is when he brings people into the ZuLong tower without permission.

It would be a felony to let people know, but he was almost sure that it would not be so easy for others to know.

When she came to the tenth level of ZuLong tower, Yan'er also began to drift with the tide. She looked around curiously, but found that there was almost the same thing in all directions. There was nothing in it but endless spirit. Then there was a special atmosphere of cultivation. In such a wonderful world, it seemed that her heart became much clearer.

"Brother Zizi." She still has some inexplicable fear around her, so she follows Jiang Zizi closely.

"Don't worry. Just relax and practice at will. No one bothers me this time. I'm going to stay in seclusion for a long time. Maybe I can get close to the God King directly and ignore all the bad things outside." Jiang Zizi Dao.

In the last month, he broke through a new realm, which made him understand that he could make a spurt on the whole realm of God and monarch. After getting the spirit of God and the heart of reincarnation dragon, he felt that the cultivation of the way of God and monarch was not difficult at all.

Because of this, he brought Yan'er in. After all, with the company of beauties, she was not so lonely, and it was good for her.

As for Lu Dingxing and Su Qianyu, after all, they are not dragon totems, which may not be suitable for ZuLong tower. Moreover, three big men stare at each other for a long time, which is embarrassing.

Where there is now Yan'er, it is interesting to follow his own drift.

"Calm down and turn into a totem beast for cultivation." When he was not familiar with weapons and practicing war secrets, Jiang Zi basically practiced in the state of totem beast. He turned into the black and cold dragon and wandered in the ZuLong tower to absorb the spirit and continue to gather the totem spirit.

"Good." The Dragon turned into a bloody dragon, which was the nine times of death purgatory dragon. Her body was surrounded by nine gray circles, as if nine worlds were connected to her. When she was human, she was ignorant and lovely, but after turning into a dragon, she was gloomy and dark, like a girl of death.

Such contrast in a person, good and evil combination, sometimes also make people confused. It's just that Jiang Zizi knows which one is the real one.

Just as Jiang Zizi and her two divine dragons roamed side by side and began to practice, the nine death purgatory dragon suddenly opened her blood eyes. Her expression slightly vibrated and gazed at the front. She was not sure at first, but soon, she slightly exclaimed, "brother Zizi, there seems to be something in front of her."

"Well?" Jiang Zizi is curious. He seems to have never seen anything else in this ZuLong pagoda, except for the illusory dragon that appeared at the beginning. For him, he must feel that there is nothing in it.

He followed Longyan's eyes and saw a burst of blood mist in front of him. When the blood mist approached them, it suddenly turned into a pure blood dragon. The blood dragon seemed to have no characteristics, but it was very murderous. It was the purest death and killing that Jiang Zizi had ever seen. It was the killing dragon that killed everything. It was endless bloody and ferocious The former illusory dragon was not a type at all. The latter is mysterious and illusory, naturally not so uncomfortable.

"This is..." Just before they could react to it, the bloody dragon's shadow shrank and came towards Longyan's eyebrows. This process made Jiang freely stay in place, because it was the same process when the illusory dragon created the spirit of God for him!

He saw this bloody and illusory dragon shadow on the fourth floor of ZuLong tower. It was the relief on the gate. He didn't know why it appeared in the tenth layer. Even if it existed, it should be on the fourth layer. This only shows that the inner part of the ZuLong tower may be common. Jiang Zi can't go to other levels, but the mystery of it can walk freely, It's all over the place.

"I have long felt that Yan'er, because of her special blood problems, can also get some of the creation I got in the ZuLong Academy. I didn't expect that it was so. The bloody and illusory dragon is likely to create the spirit of God for her too!"

Of course, this is a great good thing. Seeing Yan'er has capital and progress, he is naturally happy. In fact, what Jiang Zi Zi likes more is that she gets more capital, because then she may have enough capital to fight against the reincarnation robbery. If no one can help her then, she may be able to rely on her own ability if she wants to survive.

If we can condense the spirit of heaven and spirit today, we will have a lot more assurance in the future.

Jiang Zizi is waiting quietly for her to protect her Dharma. Now Yan'er closes her eyes, as if she is sleeping. Her light is still shining. Jiang Zizi can obviously feel her change, and a kind of spirit of God is being born!

Until a certain moment, she suddenly opened her eyes quietly. Jiang Zizi obviously felt that although she couldn't see it outside, she was totally different. Especially in terms of temperament, she was really more beautiful and mysterious, which really made people want to explore.

But she suddenly exclaimed, covered her eyes, angry and ashamed: "free brother, why don't you wear clothes?"Jiang Zizi couldn't laugh or cry. He was dressed well. Through this sentence, he had completely judged that she had already accomplished the spirit of heaven just like herself.

When I just had the spirit of heaven, I felt greatly improved at the beginning, but I couldn't control it for a while. I watched a lot of beauties bathing and dressing

So Jiang Zizi couldn't help laughing and made her face redder. She said in a hurry, "put on your clothes."

"Yan'er, you will see what you think in your heart. You are exposed. It seems that you have no intention to me." Jiang Zizi said with a smile.

"What do you mean? You are the rascal. " She said in a very low voice.

Jiang Zizi has a headache, so she can only bear to tell her that she has definitely accomplished the spirit of heaven.

"Is it? It seems that the spirit has indeed become an entity and appears in the totem sea. It looks like the bloody dragon just now. " After hearing this, she confirmed again and again that Jiang Zizi had finally put on her clothes. She probably knew what was going on, so her face was even more red.

As soon as Jiang Zizi had the spirit of heaven and God, she made it. It seemed easy. But in fact, Jiang Zi knew that no one in the world, except Yan'er, could get the same creation as himself.

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