It feels great.

Jiang Zizi felt like a dream, and his hands were reluctant to let go.


He was pushed out and bumped into the tree behind him. He snorted and his bones were about to fall apart.

Nine immortals face red, staring at him, several times to raise the palm, and put down.

She didn't expect that he would do such a thing secretly at such a sensational time. It's hard to laugh or cry.

"Sister Jiuxian, what's the matter?" If Xiao Yue is a little confused, how to hold it and suddenly push it away.

"No, it's nothing. It's very annoying to be angry with him." Nine immortals can not tell the truth, she can only ferociously stare at Jiang Zizi.

Jiang Zizi also recalled that in the perfect feeling, he giggled at her.

"Dare to play rogue on me and see how I deal with you at night." When he was proud of her mouth, it was still creepy to see her mouth.

However, Jiang Zizi is not afraid of it, and she will be sensational again.

He quickly turned away his eyes, opened his arms, and said to Lu Dingxing, "surprise, your eldest Jedi is reborn, and the king is back, unharmed."

Lu Dingxing and they came up, knocked and beat, and said, "it's really nothing. That monster has not eaten you."

"I can see with my own eyes that you are eaten." Thousands of ways.

"It's a long story. How long has it been since I disappeared?"

If there are tears in his eyes, she said: "four days, you don't know how we spent these days, you still have the heart to smile so happy! Yesterday, the Lord of God took all the people away, leaving us to look for you again. We are all in despair, brother

She said, tears still falling down.

"Xiao Yue, I'm sorry." Jiang Zizi hugged her and said, "this is really an accident. I can't control it. I won't let you feel sad in the future."

"Brother, I know that I'm happy enough to see you all right now. It doesn't matter how much worry and sadness I had before."

After all, she is still young, and panic is enough for such a thing.

"Fortunately, sister Jiuxian comforted me and promised me that she would help me find you." She looked at nine immortals, her eyes are completely as "sister-in-law.".

Nine immortals smile, suddenly, she hurried way: "we hurry to go back to Yanlong ruins, they have set out for a day, these days jiannanqiu and fengqingxuan these two bitches, have been in front of the Shenshi mouth, plus the Shenshi three days did not find you, also almost gave up, if we do not hurry back, your Tai Chi will be cheap to others."

"Damn it!"

If it's really cheap for others, it's useless to try so much.

"Follow me."

Indeed, it is urgent to return to the shrine.

"The sacrificial vessel has gone. How can we go back?" On the way, he asked Jiuxian in a hurry.

"There are nine spare" little sacrificial vessels "in the sacrificial vessel. One can hold about ten people. The God servant has reserved one for us." Lu Dingxing road.

Jiang Zizi is relieved.

Nine immortals said: "I control with true Qi, the speed is faster than the God worship, strive to arrive before they go back."

They immediately boarded the small sacrifice ship outside the fog island. This is the reduced sacrifice ship. There are three or four rooms in the cabin. Nine immortals are in the cab. If Xiaoyue is a girl, he has a room alone. Then Jiang Zizi and Lu Dingxing, beishanjin and thousands of others.

They boarded the xiaojishen and began to sail through the wind and waves. Only then did they gather in Jiuxian's cab.

The nine immortals controlled the xiaojishen at full speed with genuine Qi.

With her long legs on her legs, she pressed the energy core of the xiaojishen with one hand, and then looked at Jiang Zizi with a smile.

Only Jiang Zizi dares to look at her. The other teenagers are all lowering their heads. If you are not polite, do not look at her

"Tell me, what happened?"

Here are all the people Jiang Zizi trusted, so he told the truth.

"Space jade pendant?" Jiuxian almost jumped out of the chair.

"What is that?" Thousands and Beishan embers, even Lu Dingxing did not know.

Jiang Zizi explained it again. They had no idea that there was such a magical thing in the world.

"Life and death Fu Zong?" Nine immortals fell into meditation, then shook his head and said, "I have been in the Yanlong Dynasty for so many years, and I have never heard of it. Listening to your description, it may be a long time ago, and even go back to the time before the emperor Yanlong."

Even she didn't know, it was really not easy to know.

"In any case, you've got a kind of fortune that takes the talisman as the sect. However, if it is passed on, it will bring disaster to you. Therefore, no one can say anything about the life and death Fu sect, including old master Xiao, do you know?" Nine immortals told me.

"Respect for teachers can't say?"

The nine immortals nodded and said, "I can't say for the time being that he's a master of Fuwen. You're too tempting to him, and there's bound to be trouble."Jiang Zizi nods. After all, he doesn't get along with Xiao Youshan.

"The boss trusts us, and we will never say more." Beishan ember and thousands of roads.

In fact, Jiang Zizi's help and arrangement during this trip to Wudao made them all get what they wanted, which was dignity.

Now, they are already brothers.

"Let me see that mysterious talisman." The nine immortals let the sacrificial deity move forward freely. She stood up and walked to Jiang Zizi's eyes. Naturally, she opened Jiang Zizi's clothes.

"If you are not polite, do not look at me." Beishan ember and they quickly covered their eyes and did not dare to see more.

"I'll go. Don't exaggerate." Jiang Zizi couldn't laugh or cry. He just looked at his chest. They all covered their eyes.

"Boss, we feel that it affects you a little bit here, ha ha..." North Mountain ember embarrassed smile way.

"Don't talk nonsense." The nine immortals were concentrating on the gray talisman. Jiang Zizi looked down and found that the green part of the rune had been added.

Jiuxian's eyes changed. She looked up at Jiang Zizi and asked, "listen to you, you were very tired and weak at that time, but after this talisman was put into the body, it recovered instantly? And then it darkens? "

Jiang Zizi nodded and asked, "do you know what the talisman is?"

Nine immortals crooked his head and said, "this description is similar to a kind of talisman I have heard of."

"What?" People with their heads askew are looking forward to it.

"It is said that in ancient times, the ancient gods created six talismans themselves. It is said that each of them has the ability to frighten the world and cry the ghosts and gods. It has caused countless bloody rains and the collapse of the imperial dynasty. Until recently, the talisman, known as the" six magic symbols ", disappeared."

"The six talismans, which are all the talismans that the totem master can't draw at all, are the gifts of ancient gods. It's the most terrifying treasure in myths and legends. "

Jiang Zizi curled his lips, but he did not think that the talisman on his chest would be the six magic symbols of this level.

However, the nine immortals looked at the gray talisman seriously and said: "I just know that one of the six talismans is called" undead Rune ". It is said that the owner of the undead Rune will not die at all. Even if he is on the verge of death, the undead Rune can instantly restore it to a perfect state and regain its full combat effectiveness. Of course, it is said that it can only be used once every once in a while. Do you think this is the "immortal Rune" among the six talismans

Jiang Zizi widens his eyes. He believed it. It sounds very similar. Although he was not on the verge of death at that time, he recovered completely in an instant. That's true!

The others were suffocating.

"Ha ha!" The nine immortals suddenly laughed.

"It's funny. Just the broken talisman and the six magic charms. You still believe it, ha ha..." Nine immortals stare at a face depressed Jiang Ziyi, in the heart cola.

She knew that Jiang Zizi believed it. She was so happy that she poured cold water on her.

That touch of revenge, at last!

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