"Come in alone, or will I not kill you?" She gazed at the Immortal Dragon Emperor, as if she didn't see Jiang Zizi.

"I'm just the guide, not the protagonist. Tell him." The Immortal Dragon Emperor's face was cold. In the face of the enemy, what she was thinking now was how to let the immortal Zun die.

She finally took a look at Jiang Zizi. Maybe at this moment, her eyes collided.

"It's incredible that such a small man, I have handed you the knife, even let him live till now. Do you want to deal with me by his and me's boring human feelings Xianzun's expression was a little surprised, and she did not hide it at all.

These words, in fact, will not hurt Jiang Zizi. If she does not have all the nine immortals, then everything she says is normal and doesn't need to mind.

He asked, "bell, are you ok?"

He thought about it a lot, but he said a thousand words. Now there is only one sentence left in his mouth.

But after saying that, her face had cooled down and said, "it is a shame for my daughter to have such an ordinary father as you. I didn't personally solve you for the sake of your rebirth, but I only need you to ask the same question again. If you have no self-knowledge, I can bury you in this place and rot with other corpses

What she said was more cruel than Jiang had expected. No wonder they say that she is just a poisonous woman who yearns for blood debt.

The same appearance, different people, like a change of soul, this is sad.

Jiang's words did not make any sense for him to take out his breath. He did not know that it was meaningful for him to take out his breath.

So if we talk about the past things, or even the things in her last life, all these feelings are meaningless.

At this time, it's better to be sober and not so naive.

Want to wake her up, want to see if there is a shadow of nine immortals in her heart, dream?

The heavenly gods of the supreme dragon clan know about the present xianzun. The Xianlong emperor brought Jiang Zizi in to sober him up and make him despair of xianzun. Their goal has been achieved at this moment.

Since then, Jiang Ziyu will never have any more delusions before he does not match their strength. Those are ridiculous cowards.

No one knows how much influence on Jiang Zizi's mood today.

For Xianlong Tiandi, the more ruthless xianzun was, the more happy she was. She knew that this often made Jiang self rebellious and made him pledge his loyalty to the supreme dragon clan and even deal with xianzun.

But she did not know that, even so, Jiang Zizi's mind was clear. He took a deep breath, then suddenly laughed and said, "it's OK. You can clear both sides. I ask you, I help you reincarnate, how can I also have a little gratitude, you help me today, after that, we will be cleared, you can kill me at will in the future, you don't need to have any psychological burden, how about? "

Xianzun laughed, and she said, "you are brave enough to discuss terms with me, but I'm curious. What do you want me to help you? Can you pay the price of your life?"

Jiang Zizi gazed into her eyes. He did not have the slightest fear. He said, "it doesn't matter if you rob Yan'er of reincarnation. It doesn't matter if you kill me in the future, as long as..."

He wanted to say that as long as the bell was good, but xianzun did not allow him to say so, so he closed his mouth and just the first half sentence.

He thought, reincarnation gratitude, can always change a Yan'er's life?

As a result, she directly refused and said, "no way, she must die."

"Why?" Jiang Zizi really can't think about it. What does she have to contend with Longyan? It's not a person of one level at all.

"The reason is, I don't want to kill you, but I don't want you to have a good life." After that, she said, "don't laugh at the devil again, or she will die."

She's not joking.

In her hands, there is a killing opportunity.

So the Immortal Dragon Emperor didn't seem to have any hesitation. Anyway, the effect she wanted had already been achieved. So she almost put Jiang Zizi into her sleeve after the other party had finished, and then she left directly.

"Jiang Zizi, I really can't help this time. Xianzun is so cruel and vicious. I can't let you say more. It's an instant thing to kill a God King with her strength at such a close distance. I can't protect it completely, so I can only protect you first." After bringing Jiang Zizi in, Xianlong Tiandi explained to him.

"All right, let's go." Jiang Zizi Dao.

The other party really did not give the opportunity to go on, so far for today.

Such a situation is much worse than he imagined. She is too strong to give any chance. Even if Jiang Zizi's gratitude is reborn by reincarnation, she ignores it. The reason is that she doesn't want Jiang Zizi to live well. As long as Yan'er dies because of this, Jiang Zizi may have a bad life.Lingdang is impossible to see again, but always can trust xianzun, at least not too bad to her. Finally, his self-esteem doesn't matter at all. He is just a little desperate, because he feels sorry for the girl who still wants to comfort himself. She gently walks over and hugs Jiang Zizi for the first time, and says in a soft voice, "brother Zizi, don't you have a headache, Yan'er Fear of death. "

At the moment, Jiang Zizi really has a headache, even anger.

He hugged Yan'er in his arms.

"Why are you so poor that everyone wants you to die, she wants you to die, and the supreme Dragon King also wants you to die!" Jiang Zizi, gnashing his teeth, said in her ear.

He was not stupid. He could see that in order to make himself more resentful of xianzun, the gods of the supreme dragon clan would hate Longyan's death in the reincarnation robbery.

She is just a tiny figure in the dragon worship area. Why should she bear it?

"That means Yan'er is doomed to die, so don't struggle. Life is over. In fact, I'm satisfied. At least you have worked hard for me and grieved for me. There are not many people like this except my parents and sisters. " She suddenly said in a choked voice.

Jiang Zizi's brain tingles and his scalp numbs.

He suddenly took a deep breath. He hugged the girl tightly. From this moment on, he could not lose her any more.

Therefore, he looked ferocious: "Yan'er, I can't let them do what they want, absolutely can't let them succeed, absolutely can't let you die! If I can't, if you die in the reincarnation robbery, then I will die with you. Anyway, lingdang is taken care of by her. I don't want you to walk alone. You've been too lonely in your life. I can't let you go by yourself, absolutely not! "

"Brother Zizi..." Her eyes were confused, her head was resting on Jiang Zizi's shoulder, and her hands were clutching Jiang Zizi's clothes behind her.

People in my arms are so hot.

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