Since I came to Taigu, the whole world is full of weird.

The bronze key appeared, and the secret under the city of Dajiang was the same as before. The crystal coffin still existed, but the corpse disappeared. Instead, a jade bottle was filled with some liquid.

Is this still archaic?

Jiang Zizi held the jade bottle in his hand and fell into a bitter smile.

"There are too many things that I can't think of, and there's no meaning in dreaming about things without answers. In this case, it's better not to think about what you can do to make yourself strong and strive for the first place in five years. This is the most fundamental and important thing."

Jiang Zizi has completely figured it out.

So he almost did not hesitate to open the jade bottle in his hand. At the moment of opening, a burst of dragon like mist flew out of the jade bottle, making bursts of dragon chanting sound, which was particularly solemn.

It is accompanied by a strong fragrance, which is really refreshing. After taking a little breath, you can feel comfortable. It seems that all the particles on your body are beating because of this. You have a strong desire for the liquid in the jade bottle.

"You mean, let me drink it?"

what is it? Jiang doesn't know. It may be some kind of top medicine or the other essence between heaven and earth.

All of these are not sure. His only certainty is that after smelling the smell, his body has an instinctive reaction and a strong desire for the liquid. It is like a mortal who has been hungry for several days and has seen the food that can fill his stomach.

In fact, Jiang Zizi didn't want to resist. His principle was that he had to be bold when he came to the ancient world. Especially in this case, it was a journey of struggle and gamble. There was nothing that would have thought that he could come to the end, and he did not have the strength. After all, he was almost the youngest of the entrants. Therefore, the conventional promotion method would be very difficult, and he had to Take risks.

Of course, he has faith in his ability to bear.

At this time, he was ready to sit on the platform. Of the nine giant clocks of the chaos God clock in Kowloon, only the chaotic wooden clock was used to protect the internal body. Jiang Zizi offered the chaotic wooden clock out and integrated it into his body to keep himself alive. After all these preparations, he basically did not hesitate to pick up the jade bottle and turned to his mouth Fall in.

Yes, he wants to see what changes the liquid left in the empty coffin will have on himself. He has been psychologically prepared, so he can bear the good and the bad.

Just after one mouthful, Jiang Zizi regretted.

What he regretted was not drinking it, but the fact that he didn't drink it bit by bit and let himself have reaction time.

The liquid seemed cool and pleasant, but it was very hot after it was imported. Just after it came in, it was like an explosion. In an instant, it overflowed all over his body, and then it melted into it. At that moment, his body was completely burned, and it seemed that every particle was burning. This kind of suffering was similar to the experience when he had passed through the divine robbery.

The Jiuji Tianshen robbery at that time also made Jiang Zizi die and die, but the advantage is that after the end, it completely gave Jiang Zizi a huge creation and directly created a god body with the potential of God.

In fact, that day is not long from now, and now Jiang Zizi is already in the realm of the king of God.

This is what he suddenly thought. He is now the ninth God King. It's time to sprint to the realm of God King.

The biggest difference between the God King and the God King is that the flesh and blood merge with the totem spirit, and turn into a totem beast completely. Their own flesh and blood and totem giant animals are already one. Human form and totem giant beast belong to one person, which is two state changes of one person. Totem giant beast will be more powerful, especially in the aspect of blood and flesh.

Avatar totem combat, this is really a huge transformation.

This is how the king of the gods came. When he became the king of God, even in the small God realm, he could be the real king and dominate the heaven and earth.

Even after becoming the king of gods, there will be official titles, such as the title of "Heavenly Dragon King".

Generally speaking, titles are given by the God who belongs to him. For example, the Heavenly Dragon King is given by the Guangming dragon Zun.

As for the realm of God King, Jiang Zizi has already thought about it a lot. Now his totem is close to the state of complete solidity and entity. The next threshold is the complete integration of totem and body.

This is a process of pondering, and even everyone is different. Therefore, how to become a God King can only refer to other people's experience, but it can not be completely copied.

Jiang Zizi wants to think about it now, but he can't think so much at all, because the burning and pain of his body is too exaggerated. He can clearly see that he is almost burst, and every particle in his body is almost torn. Fortunately, there are chaotic wooden clocks in the process of repairing, otherwise, he may not be able to support the explosion and die!

He didn't know how long he would hold on!

Fortunately, his heavenly spirit is also strong enough to keep calm at such a time. In fact, it is also because in the process of such tearing and destruction, the liquid is actually fusing with his body bit by bit. As a result, after his rebirth, every part of his body is still strengthening on the basis of the holy dragon celestial body. Jiang Zizi feels that time has passed It was a long time to go, but at this time, the liquid that didn't seem to be much was actually blended into 1% of the total!He may have to stick to it a hundred times longer!

After realizing this, Jiang Zizi completely let go. Anyway, he would be numb in the end. He might as well turn his attention to other places, such as observing the life totem with the spirit of God. When the spirit and will are in the totem sea, Jiang Zizi looks at the chaotic swallowing dragon in front of him. In fact, this is self?

But that piece of black petal, certainly can't be ego.

In fact, he can also change into a totem beast now, but this is not permanent, it is short-lived, and the totem deity and the noumenon are not really integrated together.

The way of cultivation of the God King will be later. The key now is, what kind of integration is the real integration?

He went back to the body. In this ordeal, he called out the totem God. The huge chaos swallowing dragon in front of him was almost an entity. Jiang Zizi and it looked at each other face to face. The totem God was familiar and strange. For a time, Jiang Zi could see himself, and even forgot his own suffering.


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