The only way that he thinks about playing the game is that all the people who want to play the game are afraid.

"What are the two boundary symbols?" Jiang Zizi's insight is not high. He only knows that this is a talisman.

At this time, Jiang Zizi had already seen that something fell down from the sky and passed away in a flash. Suddenly, two pieces of talisman appeared in front of him, one black and one white, pure black and pure white, completely blank. There was nothing on it, more like two small pieces of paper.

"The power of space." Jiang Zizi has the evolutionary source of time and space. He can clearly feel the spatial fluctuation of these two talismans. In fact, it should not be two amulets, but two parts of a rune. They are collectively called two boundary symbols.

"What's the effect?"

As he left here, he studied the two boundary symbols. The forty ninth sacrifice had five years, but he was not very worried.

Finally, after several attempts, he finally found a way to use it.

There are two kinds of talismans, i.e. the black Rune and the black rune, which can move into the dark world and move freely.

Jiang Zizi happens to have the spirit of God and can control every plant and tree within ten miles. Therefore, it is very convenient for him to control the black Rune to move around. Basically, the black Rune doesn't need to stay around, just let it walk around.

As for Baifu, he should always stay with him.

How to use two bounds?

Actually, it's very mysterious.

The white talisman is actually a void. When Jiang Zizi's finger presses on the white rune, he can directly pass through the white rune, and the palm of his hand will enter another space. In the next moment, his palm will pierce out of the black Rune within ten miles.

That is to say, his hand can enter from the white symbol and come out of the black symbol at any position.

"Does that mean I can steal other people's things from a distance with two amulets, or steal a beauty?" Jiang Zizi smiles. It's really a magical thing. It doesn't seem to be of any use, but it seems to be very useful in this ancient place.

With these two amulets, he could get a leaf near the black Rune eight miles away, or anything, by inserting a white Rune into his palm.

Even if you hold a knife, you can stab the creatures near the black rune.

Moreover, the black and white runes can be enlarged. The maximum length of the black and white runes can be about one foot long. Almost everything can be dragged over.

However, there is a huge taboo of the two realms. Once touched, they will be completely invalid. That is, the life above the ancient gods cannot be passed directly from the two realms. This is the upper limit of the totem pattern. Once this is done, the two boundary runes will be destroyed directly. Because the passage of objects and the shuttling of hands are a kind of level, and the shuttle of life is another space means. The power of the two boundary runes is enough to support, so it is impossible for Jiang Zizi to escape by the two boundary runes.

Once the whole person enters from the white Rune and the black Rune comes out, the two boundary charms will be invalid directly.

Jiang Zizi tried it. He thought about the space power for a long time. When he almost completely went out from the black rune, he obviously felt that the two boundary runes were collapsing, which scared him back to the white one.

"It's not a miracle of stealing?" Jiang Zizi was dumbfounded, but he didn't expect that the first murderer would be rewarded with this kind of thing. And then, other people may want to kill themselves, but fortunately, most people don't know themselves.

"It seems that I want to change my name. Don't call myself Jiang Zizi when I see people."

In the past, all the people who came in were the king of gods. They may have heard of his reputation occasionally, but they have basically never heard of him.

After all, the totem giant beast is too eye-catching. In the archaic realm, everyone wants to hide himself, and no one can see it.

In fact, Jiang Zizi doesn't dare to make a high profile at present. Firstly, he doesn't know what the rules are. Secondly, there are too many powerful people here. Most of the gods who come in are after the sixth level of the God King. Thirdly, he is wanted in his own appearance.

His heavenly spirit is strong enough, which is the basis of his life. During his half month's journey to the west, he met seven or eight gods, of whom only one was a young man with the third level of divine king. The others were unfathomable, and they may have practiced for thousands of years.

It's very difficult to cultivate the realm of the divine king. Even if it's an extraordinary genius, it may take decades to improve. In the second half of the divine king, a realm can be upgraded for thousands of years, or even tens of thousands of years, and it may be stuck in a realm forever, and it will be difficult to advance inch by inch.

At present, Jiang Zizi does not have the cultivation skills of the divine king, so during this period, he is actively communicating with his life totem to see if he can get a higher level part of the original holy dragon Sutra. Otherwise, he will make great progress. Other skills are not absent, but he does not trust him.

With the spirit of God, basically he does not want to meet people, basically can not meet."If only I could meet the Dragon King." Jiang shuttles through the forest, and his spirit is in control of his surroundings at any time.

When he was on his way, suddenly the earth and the earth shook. It seemed that there was something moving. He jumped directly onto the tree crown and stood on it. He saw the sea of archaic black fire in the sky in the west direction. Suddenly, a huge pillar of fire fell on the earth. In Jiang Zi Zi's position, you could see that the pillar of fire was still on a mountain peak!

The black pillar of fire is like a flag. It's burning like a flag. It's obviously the archaic black fire that burns the spirits. Although the number is not large, it comes from the sky after all. Normally speaking, people dare not get close to it.


"In this archaic realm, there are obvious signs from the sky. When people see it, they will go there to have a look. Once there are more people gathered, something lively will surely happen. Maybe this is the opportunity."

Jiang Zizi watched the pillar of fire still burning. It was like a guiding light that attracted people nearby. He also went there, but he was not in a hurry. It was better to move forward in hiding, which was safer.

"Is there anything in this pillar of fire?" Jiang Zizi only saw the burning column of fire. After all, it was completely dark, so it was difficult to see clearly in the distance. But he knew that to keep the flame in the shape of a pillar, there should be something inside, such as a flammable stick.

In the process of going there, he found that there were indeed many gods who were going there. Two or three of them were directly within the scope of his heavenly spirit. Jiang Zizi kept a distance from them and approached them together.

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