If Jiang Yunxiao didn't have face, and their husband and wife had been together for too long, they would have kicked Jiang Yunxiao.

The disgust of this man is amazing. He is really good at hiding. At first, he hid his ambition, but now he is hiding his adultery.

After Jiang Yunkai died in the war, he enjoyed the incomparable power of all living beings. At this time, he was as strong as an explosion!

Such a strong, let him have infinite faith and confidence, he squinted, suddenly sneered: "so you think, kill them, let me have no help, you will succeed, right? Are you still so naive to this day? "

"What about you, but by the power of all living beings?" Jiang Junjian gave a cold smile. He knew that the gods were all over the world.

"Jiang Yunhai, a shameless man and a demagogue, is not worthy of the power of all living beings." Jiang Zizi stood in front of him and said word by word.

"Little boy, you are only a few years old, you dare to teach me a lesson. You go to one side first. You are not qualified to speak here. Or do you want to die first? " In his eyes, his real opponent is Jiang Junjian. Other people can crush things directly even if they are against the weather. Tigers and lions fight each other, and there are several rabbits nearby, which can not affect the overall situation at all!

The gods are in place.

Jiang Junjian took a deep breath. He and the others looked at each other. The four of them suddenly walked back to avoid Jiang Yunhai, which was expanding to the extreme at the moment.

"Dragon compatriots! At this moment, I, Jiang Junjian, on behalf of my father, apologize to you! Once, in order to pursue the supreme cultivator, he searched for the flower of destruction. He was cursed by the flower of destruction and fell into difficulties. His difficulties have led to the tragic defeat of our peak dragon clan. It is our responsibility to fail to protect all of us. Therefore, we are indeed wrong! "

This time, he really needs to say something to everyone.

"However, the reason why we were really defeated was that Jiang Yunhai sent the news of the curse of destruction to the enemy, which attracted the enemy to fight for the flower of destruction. While we were resisting foreign enemies, he started at my father in the back. At that time, my father was driving out the Curse of the flower of destruction. If it was not for the sudden attack of the traitor, my father might not have been able to suppress the destruction Curse, because of his shamelessness, caused my father to be destroyed, cursed heavily, lost most of his fighting power, and also led us to be attacked by the four top races, with heavy casualties! We are indeed wrong, but Jiang Yunhai is the real sinner! "

"Everything I said, all the gods present, can testify. In fact, there are many people who know the truth. Most of the people who survived from that era know who is a shameless traitor and who really killed their compatriots and relatives, leading to the decline of our supreme people!"

There are indeed people who can testify to what Jiang Junjian said, because now the gods have been all over the place and they have been ready for it. Originally, they wanted to prepare what they said, but now Jiang Junjian has opened his mouth, and they only need to testify. At this time, all the gods who know the truth stand up one by one, when all the gods testify for Jiang Junjian Some people seem to have gone!

"Don't listen to him! It's a complete fabrication. It's their own arrogance that led to destruction. Now they're blaming me. It's absolutely ridiculous! " Jiang Yunhai was flustered because Jiang Junjian moved to his root.

"What I'm talking about? Are the gods of the whole peak dragon clan talking nonsense? We are all people left behind from that era. We have innumerable image symbols of your evil deeds. They are all at the level of divine talisman. Everyone can watch your shameless behavior at that time. What is the function of your sophistry now? " Jiang Junjian's voice is like Hong Zhong. At the moment, he is justifiable, but Jiang Yunhai always thinks that he can control everything and all living beings.

"Without enough character support, you also want to use the power of all living beings to turn the tables. You are really ridiculous. Jiang Yunhai, the evil doer, has no foundation at all. Why do you cheat yourself?" Jiang Zizi's laughter spread all over the world.

Many gods have the original image symbols. The image symbols at the level of celestial symbols can cover the whole battlefield at that time. Many sentient beings can directly see how Jiang Yunhai used to do things to his own people and betray the common people.

"You must remember that it is my father Jiang Yunting's power that drives the prosperity of the whole peak dragon clan. Because of his suppression, when we are brilliant, we are the highest one with one enemy and five! Instead of Jiang Yunhai, he is just a stab in the back. He has no such ability at all. Under the command of Jiang Yunhai these years, do we have the dignity of the highest dragon people? We now, anyone can bully! Once upon a time, how could we be so inspired as we are today? Look at the face of other top races? " Jiang Zi Zi continued.

He just felt unfair for his father, so he said so much.

"But now, we are back. One day, my father will come back. When the time comes, we will be able to return to the most glorious moment. We can still have the face and dignity to live in this place of origin. Only in this way can we take back everything that belongs to us and let the people who harm our compatriots pay the price, instead of harming our compatriots and betraying their relatives like Jiang Yunhai Here, be an incompetent shrinking turtle Jiang Zizi's words are straightforward, but they are also easy to understand.He can show all living beings their hope.

"Brothers and sisters, our peak dragon clan, since ancient times, has been based on the upright backbone of heaven and earth. Being upright and upright is our pursuit and quality. From the beginning of the birth of heaven and earth, our ancestors are all proud of sacrificing their lives for righteousness. The reason why Jiang Yunhai can betray is that we don't care about betrayal. We are the most noble people who stand up to heaven and earth, are not Rats who betray their relatives! Today, we are coming back to rebuild the dignity of our supreme people. Would you like to contribute to this incompetent rat generation? "

This is what Jiang Junjian said. He is worthy of being an emperor. The power of inspiring people is much clearer than Jiang Zizi.

When such words, such as surging lava rushing between heaven and earth, the contents of the talisman of that day are displayed between heaven and earth. When all the gods are speaking for Jiang Junjian, the eyes of all living beings are bright. They have heard some wind, but now it really proves all this. Maybe there will not be a person for Jiang Yun between heaven and earth The sea has contributed!

In a flash, the whole peak holy Dragon Guard array disappeared.

In fact, the most inspiring thing is the hope brought by their brothers.

One stands up to the sky.

One never ends.

This is the backbone of the peak dragon clan.

Instead of betraying your brother and playing with your women.

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