The two princesses and the three princesses, the strongest team in the grand gathering of six prefectures, won with crushing posture when they met any team.

If people meet them, they can't hide.

As long as you have the dragon ball in your hand, you can't throw it away.

Even if a team of more than a dozen people meet them, they will all hand over the Dragon beads.

One xuanmai state is the fifth and the fourth is the fourth. It is too strong.

Such a team, when they saw that there was a person with more dragon beads than they put together, they were totally unbelievable.

The three princes and sons, without saying a word, have been chasing Jiang Zizi.

Shenxiao princess also saw naturally, she hesitated for a moment, followed behind.

Behind her, there is the veiled Princess lingxuan. It is said that she seldom shows up and hardly fights with others. In fact, she has not fought much since the battle of maze battlefield started.

"Jiang Zizi, hand over the dragon ball!" The king of the West yelled.

Jiang Zizi thought about it for a moment. He entangled himself with five of them alone. It was not easy to get their dragon beads, and it was easy to affect the rhythm and speed. Therefore, he chose to stay away from the edge.

The lightning storm swept, the thunder and lightning, Jiang Zizi disappeared in front of the five of them!

"How can he be so fast that even if there is a speedup, it won't be so fast!" The son of Dongwang was livid.

"It's gone." In this labyrinth battlefield, once lost, it is difficult to find it again.

"Princess." The three sons turned back and quickly returned to the side of Shenxiao princess.

"Jiang Zizi has more than 30 dragon beads in his body. It is a great threat to our holy dragon palace to win the first place in the team war. We must find him and do our best." The prince of the West warned.

He felt that just now the princess didn't pursue with all her strength, otherwise it would be OK to stick to Jiang Zizi.

"With you?" Shenxiao princess looked at him coldly and then turned around.

"Don't chase Jiang Ziyi?"

"If you can catch up, you can catch up."

Getting such a response from Princess Shenxiao, Xiwang's son was very depressed. Just now they were in a good mood. Jiang Zizi's appearance made them all nervous.

"This time the advantage is so great, we must be the first in the holy dragon palace. Jiang has no desire and Jiang is free. These troublemakers must restrict them to death."

What's more, let them have a chance to defeat Shenxiao princess.

Three sons, obviously feel the pressure.

In fact, they are still in the dark. It is hundreds of thousands of people outside who can really see the overall situation.

Most of their eyes are now staring at Jiang Zizi. They are looking at this dark shadow, advancing efficiently in the labyrinth battlefield.

When you encounter a weak team, one sword at a time. Often the opponent has not seen the figure, and the dragon ball in his hand is gone.

Even if he meets a strong team, he is often easily divided by Jiang Zizi. More and more dragon balls appear on his body like snowballs, which leads to more and more greedy people.

The time of a stick of incense is rapidly disappearing.

"Is Jiang free to create a miracle?"

"With the body method of this lightning storm, he has kept the total number of dragon beads in the temple of sacrifice the first and far ahead in a fantastic way."

Not only hundreds of thousands of people, but also the powerful people of the six prefectures, are now stunned.

Even in the temple of sacrifice, the talkative Feng Qingxuan just now had to shut up and hide behind the crowd, so as not to let the nine immortals taunt her again.

"Feng Qingxuan, do you have something to say now?" Did not expect that nine immortals did not pay attention to her, there are still many priests, smiling at him.

"It's not over yet, and then, the fighting in the back can't be so ingenious."

"I don't think I'm very satisfied with the first place of our sacrificial temple at present?"

"Stop talking nonsense. I'm just worried

In fact, her heart is very clear to everyone, just don't say it. In the face of such a person, we can only smile.

Jiang Zizi, the leader of the other five prefectures, was worried by the lightning storm. He was a troublemaker and completely destroyed the rhythm of the labyrinth battlefield.

Prince Yong, junbajian, lanfeiyu, xiangliuzheng, and Jiang dark frowned. They were not satisfied with their disciples' performance, and their achievements were all lower because of Jiang Zizi's disturbance.

Time is coming to an end, and Jiang Zizi has more and more dragon balls in his hand.

Obviously, it is close to the degree that others can't catch up with!

At this last moment, there was another highlight. Jiang Zizi, with more than 40 dragon beads, met a team of Huguo government with more than 20 dragon beads!

Xiangliuying and gongsunlie just met him.

There are also three children of important officials of the imperial court. Their realm is the third level of xuanmai realm. Their team, in the whole maze, can make it to the top three."Dragon ball!" The five of them were shocked to see the dragon ball on Jiang Zi Zi's body and stood still.

If the team of the Dragon Palace has so many dragon beads, they can accept it, but it is clearly Jiang Zizi!

"Take away his dragon ball, our national guard house can be the first in an instant!" Xiangliuying and gongsunlie and others quickly flashed this idea in their minds.


Jiang Zizi ran away when he met them. The temptation of more than 40 dragon balls was too great. These people also began to follow the old road of "Jiang Wuyu". In order to catch up with Jiang Zizi, they did not care about anything.

Xiangliuying and gongsunlie cling tightly to Jiang Zizi. The remaining three are gradually separated from each other and can only be hung in the back.

Gongsunlie's Totem is cheetah, the king of speed here. He almost held down Jiang Zizi several times.

Xiangliuying's Totem is a book, which is very strange. It seems that their families are all "Tianshu totem", which is rare in the world.

However, even the book of heaven couldn't hold Jiang Zizi down. When the distance was opened, they would hold down Jiang Zizi. Unexpectedly, Jiang Zizi flashed past them like lightning, and lost two deceleration signs and stuck to them.

"What the hell!" As soon as the deceleration sign came up, Gongsun lie's biggest speed advantage was suppressed.

He can only watch Jiang Zizi kill a spear. The dragon sword in his hand points to the son of the three important officials in the third place of xuanmai state!

"The old technique is repeated and successful again!"

In fact, when people see that xiangliuying and gongsunlie are chasing Jiang Zizi, they know that the same plot will be staged.

As a result, as expected, Jiang Zizi suddenly turned around, and a black lightning tore the air and shot into the eyes of the three.

Brush, brush!

For several swords in a row, they did not even see the human shadow clearly, so they fell at Jiang Zizi's feet. There were seven dragon beads on the three of them, all in Jiang Zizi's hands.

Xiangliuying and gongsunlie have twelve dragon balls, but Jiang Zi is no longer interested in them.

Because the number of dragon beads on his body has reached 51.

With only 90 dragon beads in total, he got 51 of them, which means that the others add up to only 39. Most of them are still in the hands of the people in the holy dragon palace.

By the end of this, it is impossible for others to catch up with the shrine.

"I won. Goodbye." Jiang Zizi smiles.

"You are despicable Xiang Liuying's face turned red.

"There is a kind of open and aboveboard fight!" Gongsun lie growled.

"I don't know if I have seed. Do you have a beautiful sister to let me have a try?" Jiang Zizi laughs and turns into a lightning storm and disappears in front of them.

He put away the crazy pursuit of the two people, he put away the dragon sword, in his arms, leaning against the corner of the wall, motionless, quietly waiting for the passage of time.

Labyrinth battlefield, only six mansion grand party is appetizer, the real good play is about to start, he has to save some energy for himself.

"Fifty one dragon beads!"

When the time of the incense sticks was over, Jiang Zi was not found by anyone.

This means that the "team war" memorial temple is worthy of the first.

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