Here are more than 1000 flowers and plants, forest towering trees, plus 2000 dragon!

These giant animals and forests, that is, the existence of the sun, incomparably huge body even in the void are huge, rather than a small fight between the jungle.

Time beast, hidden in time, haunted.

Void beast, control space, everywhere.

In addition, we can't see the entity and don't know where it is.

Jiang Zizi's spirit of the gods at the moment, in a flash, swept through the 6000 beings. They have come to the peak of the holy Dragon Mountain, standing in front of the peak of the holy Dragon Guard array. Their faces are grim and cruel. This kind of picture inevitably reminds the peak dragon people of the humiliating war!

Many gods survived at that time, but many of their relatives and friends died on the spot. Nearly 3000 gods lost their lives in that war!

These are blood feuds! All of them can remember the death feud of thousands of years. Now, when I see them again, they are already angry to the point of scarlet eyes.

This is not only the war of the strongest, but also the war of all the gods, but also the war of survival of all living beings!

At this time, the three top figures, the makers of the murder case, appeared one after another. A total of three people, three people are men, only fantasy dream Lord for women.

In fact, among these three people, they are not compatible with each other. Only when facing the peak dragon clan, they once stood together. To tell the truth, the subsequent competition for the flowers of destruction will inevitably lead to a battle between life and death, and it is not certain who will win.

Why do they have to work together to deal with the peak dragon clan? Of course, it was the glory of the supreme people that scared them all.

The three Tai Yi heavenly realms, including the former living soul master, the time Beast Master and the void Beast Master, appeared before 6000 people and gazed at the peak dragon clan.

He was a young man with black hair. He looked so ordinary that he couldn't find anything special about him. It seemed that he was thrown into the crowd and no one would notice his existence.

At that time, the animal owner was pale in color, and the whole person was very sick. His body was thin, and he swayed between the heaven and the earth. His eyes were pure white, and he could not see a bit of brilliance.

The owner of the void beast, on the other hand, is massive and powerful, full of vitality, and appears rigid and terrifying. His smooth head looks like a mirror, which hides endless world and space, which makes people feel dizzy.

Jiang Junjian looked at these three enemies with different eyes. Jiang Zizi also saw them in the divinity talisman. What kind of disaster did they bring to the peak dragon clan.

Those dragon, dead everywhere, between heaven and earth, are full of their blood and broken arms. In order to get the flower of destruction and vent their jealousy to the Supreme People, they have no mercy at all. Their wronged souls seem to be still here, standing with Jiang Zizi.

"The flower of destruction." Xiang shenghun opened his mouth. His trembling voice looked at Jiang Zizi's body. He controlled the way of the soul. His eyes were like endless whirlpool. When he spoke, he was the most strange person between heaven and earth. He was really much more difficult to deal with than fantasy.

"Yes, it is the flower of destruction, which has changed into a man, or merged with him. This man is the second son of Jiang Yunting. Over the years, he's cultivated something to avenge us. " The empty beast said without expression.

"Master of the living beings, since you have made a choice, the living yuan clan and the peak dragon clan will inevitably die out in the heaven and earth with heavy losses. You should also lose your life. This is your choice. You can't blame anyone. In the future, heaven and earth will reshuffle, and you will have nothing to do with you. The place of origin is always the same when it comes to a new weather. It's not interesting. " Time beast dominates.

Six thousand gods, in their eyes, with strange and cold, with contempt and arrogant smile, after all, they are the attackers, this time should feel fear, should be Jiang Zizi them.

"Everyone, there is no need to say so much nonsense. It is meaningless. Today you sent your door to commemorate the brothers who died in the war here with your souls and flesh. You despicable cowards, besides being good at mobbing, are basically incompetent softies. We, the peak dragon clan, will always be the first people in this place of origin, because we are decent And it's time for you shameless devils to pay the price. " Jiang Junjian's voice was gloomy, but reverberated between heaven and earth.

He can't help it!

"All the peak dragon clan listen to the order, the enemy is in front, and there is no fear of life and death! We have lost too much, have been victimized by adulterers, suffered too much pain and hardship, but one day we will stand up proud, because we are the peak dragon! We are full of pride and supreme blood! All the lost things, today we will take back with our own hands! The blood we once shed will be drunk from them today

"This time, we are not alone, we have the help of all the gods of the yuan family! We still have all our compatriots, we all stand together, we live and die together! Since ancient times, our peak dragon clan has never admitted defeat. Those who once committed crimes now have to pay the price. What should we do? " Jiang Zizi asked Cang Sheng."Kill them!"

Jiang Zizi really doesn't want to talk to each other more. He has a deep hatred. He can't speak clearly. If he meets, he can do it directly and kill him directly. He talks too much and wastes time! The enemy doesn't want to live for a moment!

At this time, kill them these four words, earth shaking, when all living beings are roaring, when everyone's eyes are red, murderous, their power into the peak of the holy Dragon Mountain, and then crazy urge the peak of the holy Dragon Guard array, for a time, the power of the totem array, can be said to be unprecedented, compared with the last time Jiang Yunhai control powerful Three times less!

This is the power of revenge! Jiang Zizi's brothers have given them enough faith. All sentient beings are lovely people. They have also given their brothers enough strength. At this moment, some of these forces have established the protection area of the peak holy Dragon Guard array, limiting the opponents with the scope of the field, and the other part has been instilled in Jiang Junjian's On you!

At that moment, Jiang Junjian's body was shining with hundreds of millions of light. His body was extremely shining and earth shaking. A white dragon rose from the sky. Among the snow-white dragon scales, hundreds of millions of living beings were shown. On each dragon scale, there were thousands of divine dragons. They contributed their own power of revenge and hope, bringing Jiang Junjian more growth than Jiang Yunhai did Too much!

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