Jiang Zizi and Jiang Junjian take a look at each other. In order to avoid a long night's dream, in fact, their words are meaningless. They just start to kill!

Jiang Junjian's five elements of heaven and the five life principles of life Yuan Zhu almost attacked again at the same time. The two of them could have suppressed him. Now, with Jiang Zizi, they are obviously too strong. Especially now, Jiang Zizi is stronger than they thought. He killed too many Tiandao today, and his destructive power has been moistened too much!

From the unknown ZuLong tower, where Longyan sits, the creation power of the ten dragon statues is driven by the power of destruction. Any sword is a terrorist force to kill everything.

At this time, Jiang Zizi suddenly rises, rushes to the former soul master, and cooperates with the other two Taiyi heavenly realms to crush the opponent!

He knew what the living soul master had.

His five heavenly principles are all about spirits. In fact, his control power is terrible, but he has weaknesses just like Jiang Zi, who once defeated the God of life and death from the God of life and death. The weakness is that they are all extreme beings.

The five heavenly principles of the soul master are the way of killing people. The soul penetrates and sends people to death, but the fundamental way of heaven of their family.

This is the ultimate ability and fundamental power of the Dementor mirror. The former soul master controls all the souls between heaven and earth. Even just now, Jiang Junjian let him control for a period of time, but Jiang Junjian finally supported him.

The way of dividing soul can separate countless soul bodies, walk in heaven and earth, and never die. Therefore, it is very difficult for the former soul master to kill, because every soul can become his new self.

The way of life and soul. This is even more wonderful. It can create souls, which is almost equal to creating life. He and the master of living beings can create life, but they have not tried.

In the end, he melts the spirit of heaven. It is said that all souls can be integrated. It is said that the rise of the reincarnated soul master is based on the heaven way of soul melting, killing one opponent after another and fusing their souls. The present deceased soul master is the aggregation of millions of souls and the most terrible ghost beast.

The top race is really easy to deal with. If not for Jiang Zizi's destructive power, I don't know how long it will take him to reach this level. Everyone here needs endless thinking about the harvest of every heavenly way.

But the flower of destruction is like this. It was born to balance the way of heaven and truly implement the way of heaven!

At this time, the three of them gathered together and directly erupted. Their heavenly power and Jiang Zizi's destructive power killed and left at the same time, surrounded the dead soul beast in the middle. In front of Jiang Zi Zi, all the heaven's ways of the former living soul Lord were vain. His current destructive power was even stronger than that of the former living soul Lord!

When the strength is stronger than each other, the five heavenly ways in front of Jiang Zizi are useless! No matter whether it is soul capture or death, whether it is soul splitting or creation, it will be broken in front of the destructive power, which will not pose any threat to Jiang Zizi's spirit. However, Jiang Zizi's sword of creation easily penetrated his body with the help of Jiang Junjian and the master of life!


ZuLong sword passed down in the past, and then destroyed his way of heaven, his flesh and blood, his soul and everything!

The former soul master changed back to the human form, and Jiang Zizi also returned to the human form. The ZuLong sword was inserted into his heart and uploaded the past. The endless destructive power broke out at this time!

Xiang shenghun held out his hand and held the ZuLong sword dully. He seemed to give up the resistance, but his face was still defeated. He stroked the lines of the ZuLong sword, suddenly raised his head and said with a strange smile, "Jiang Zizi, this is not the weapon of our world. Do you know where it comes from? You know what that means? It means that this world is not the only one. Maybe there are countless worlds like us in this endless void? "

"So what? I can't stop you from dying." Jiang Zizi's destructive power is extremely turbulent, which has spread all over his body. He compresses his five heavenly ways in one place, compresses them near the heavenly spirit, and immediately tears them together with the spirit of heaven.

At this time, he laughed again. He narrowed his eyes to feel, and suddenly made a comfortable voice. He said, "thank you, I know that only by this kind of oppression can I die and become a posterity. Jiang Yunting is so great. Without him, no one knows, the end of practice and this step."

"What do you mean?" Jiang Zizi froze for a moment, and then he was shocked to find that under the oppression of his destructive way of heaven, the shivering five heavenly ways gathered beside his heavenly spirits. At the moment when they were pressed to the extreme and were about to be torn, the five heavenly ways actually began to merge!

The five heavenly principles are integrated into one!

The reason why Jiang Yunting can surpass history and create a prosperous age is that he has broken through the limit and found the way after the Taiyi heavenly realm, that is, to integrate the five heavenly principles into one and reach the state of the half ancestor. From then on, the world is invincible. The integration of the five heavenly ways is indeed a new realm. After the integration, the heavenly way may not even be the heavenly way, but may be higher Power, this point of Jiang Zizi is not particularly clear, only Jiang Yunting himself knows, what kind of power it is!He knew that the other side was merging, so he quickly killed him. However, he was surprised to find that when his five heavenly ways were fused together, he was unprecedentedly powerful and had a certain resistance to his own destructive power.

This guy is really terrible. He knows clearly how he can take the last step. He may have tried countless times. Only the destructive power can make him fear, and he can be killed and survived in the extreme dangerous moment!

Now it seems that he is obviously successful!

However, even if he reached the state of the half ancestor, now his flesh and blood have almost been torn to pieces. At the moment when he can't help but merge with the heaven, Jiang Zi's destructive power has already broken all his things, and he is left with the spirit of heaven and the fusion of heaven. Next, Jiang Zizi will destroy the integrated heaven!

"You can't kill me." His laughter came out again, and his flesh and blood were gone, but he even laughed out. The next moment, the fusion of heaven and the way of heaven merged into his spirit of heaven. The fusion of heaven must have something to do with the soul. This is the integration of the five spirits and the heaven. What will he become now? Jiang Zizi doesn't know. He knows that Jiang Yunting is also the fusion of the five elements of heaven.

But, still want to kill!

He aimed at his spirit, and the sword of ZuLong directly pierced away.

He doesn't believe it. This is the half ancestor of the spirit of heaven. He can't kill him?

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