In the eyes of the public, he was really crazy.

Qianlong contends for hegemony, so that Jiang Zizi completely disrupts!

Prince Yong looked gloomy and looked at the temple of sacrifice and said, "God servant, can you discipline your disciples?"

As soon as he finished his words, Jiang Zizi started directly. He had already killed people. He was so bold!

He said so much, and the fifteen people heard it clearly. They were all equal. Suddenly, Jiang Zi despised him. How could they be happy?

They also thought that Jiang Zi Zi was just bragging, and they all wanted Prince Yong's permission to let them go. But they didn't expect Jiang Zizi to do something to them?

Jiang Zizi said that if he loses, he will be directly out of the game, which will not affect their next battle. If he is directly out of the game, the sacrificial temple may be ranked fourth or fifth.

Seeing that Jiang Zizi actually started, the three sons of the world first reacted. Jiang Zizi had just formed a deep feud with them. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The three looked at each other and understood each other's meaning.

"Kill him!"

Only by abandoning him, maybe the princess will completely cut off contact with him. Otherwise, they are too passive now.

No one can see the hero's temperament in Jiang Zizi's body. At this time, he only sees the reckless and stupid.

"Get out of the way!"

The three princes and sons of the family drank a lot, and the others rushed to leave the battlefield to them.

These three princes and sons are the fourth level of xuanmai realm. They are all the people in the holy dragon palace! The future is also destined to be a dragon king. They have been trained as little as Princess Shenxiao.

The son of the West King has the "four winged dragon totem". One dragon has two pairs of wings, flying in the sky. Now the two pairs of burning wings are burning behind the king's son, burning a flame of three feet.

The son of the northern king had the "ice horn and dragon totem", which was a double attribute. On his forehead, a pair of sharp ice horns grew up, and the ice converged. But on his body, the flames were raging and the water and fire were fighting each other, which made him more powerful.

As for the son of the king of the East, he has the "purple dragon dragon totem", which is called "Purple Lin battle armor". After the totem was revealed, his body was covered with purple dragon scales and surrounded his whole body, which made him very resistant to attack and had terrible defense. It had the same characteristics as Lu Dingxing.

Even the princess Shenxiao had to retreat when the three sons joined hands. When Jiang Zizi started to fight, they joined hands to suppress it. The two sides even started fighting before their elders allowed them to.

Prince Yong saw that these people didn't pay attention to the rules, and even fought privately. As the host, he had to deal with it, but longfu stopped him suddenly and said, "no, I think it's really interesting. Let him have a try. I'm very curious. Where does he have the courage?"

Let the prince say a word to stop, in fact, the following has been killed, hundreds of thousands of audience to see, the good play directly staged, at this time, if someone stopped, they would feel it a pity. As a result, Jiang Zizi has a chance to pick 15!

"Don't be idle, let's go together!" Jiang Zizi swivels the dragon sword and rushes to the core position of the three people with a whoosh and rushes together with them.

They are the fourth level of xuanmai state, but Jiang Zizi's true Qi level is two levels higher than them!

No matter the body method or the sword skill, surpasses them!

"Don't come up!" The three sons are also worried that others will take credit, and even they will compete with each other.

In a flash, three attacks were directed at Jiang Zizi!

Lightning storm!

The three sons were shocked. Their fists, palms and fingerings were all hit in the air. Jiang Zizi turned into a flash of lightning and disappeared directly. Then, he whirled around them and could not see his figure at all.

"What the hell!" Xiwang Shizi stirred up his wings and formed a sea of fire around him, which was much hotter than Beishan ashes.


Jiang Zizi appeared in front of him.

"Shake the light!"

Big Dipper sword technique!

The dragon sword in his hand is shining with stars. Among the shadows of the sword, it seems that there is a star hanging on Jiang Zizi's dragon sword.

That black star, sending out the breath of terror, Jiang Zizi's body is like thunder, stabbing at the king's son!


Xiwang Shizi gathered his true spirit and launched a "Cang Long Zhang". Suddenly, there were fierce waves and raging anger. A fire dragon rushed out and collided with Jiang Zizi's swift and violent black meteor.


Sword point, through fire dragon, through palm!


The prince of the West suddenly sent out a scream, and there was a hole in his palm.


In the scream at the same time, there are more blood holes in the legs, which also exploded.

The prince of the West immediately knelt in front of Jiang Zizi.

Jiang Zizi laughed and said, "I know I'm better than you, but you don't have to do this."A collision shocked the audience.

Before people react, Jiang Zizi immediately entangles the other two, who are attacking his back.

One flashed away, the storm disappeared and reappeared. The dragon sword had been entangled with the son of the northern king.


It's also the technique of Beidou imperial sword, but this sword is different. It's sweeping. Between sweeping, the black star sword shadow is born again, which is stuck on Jiang Zizi's dragon sword.


The northern King's son couldn't dodge. The ice horn revealed by the totem on his head was cut off directly. The northern King's son cried out in pain. The collapse of his power system made him unable to stop Jiang Zizi's next sword. In the blink of an eye, he also knelt on the ground, crying bitterly.

It's too strong for him to stop!

The rest of the East King's son did not react at all, and Jiang Zizi's sword had been wound up.

"Shake the light!"

It's still a stab, but this time, it didn't pierce his skin.

"It's rough skin and thick meat!" After all, the opponent has purple scale armor, which is very durable to fight. Seeing that Jiang Zizi couldn't pierce him, the son of Dongwang was determined to fight with him. A riot fist technique roared in his heart. All the fist shadows were the purple flame leader!

"Kill him!" The two princes screamed with pain, and when they saw that they had a little hope, they cried out in a hurry.

But the next moment, they saw that the sword in Jiang Zizi's hand changed from a light long sword to a black Epee, thick and long!

"Heaven power!"

With this move, he rose to the sky and was unrivalled. A black superstar fell down. The black light stabbed Dongwang Shizi's eyes.

The power of Epee is terrifying. It's the most effective way to deal with Dongwang Shizi. If Jiang Zizi doesn't stop with the sword, he can directly cut off his two arms.

Even so, the overbearing force smashed down, also let the East King son directly kneel on the ground, even the bluestone floor of huangwumen square cracked.


Dongwang Shizi fell to the ground, unconscious. Under the power of Epee, his head was shaken.

During the whole fighting process, in less than five rest time, the three fourth generation sons of xuanmai state joined hands. Now all of them fell to the ground, either in a coma or in pain. They did not dare to see Jiang Zizi, because he had become a nightmare in their eyes.

Until now, everyone can't calm down.

Jiang Zizi explained everything directly with his own strength.

He stabbed his Epee on the ground, his face was flat, and pointed to people, including Princess Shenxiao. He said one word at a time: "there are twelve more. Let's go together. If they are separated and defeated by me one by one, my challenge today will be meaningless."


It's crazy.

However, arrogance supported by ability is not called madness.

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